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Integrirajte OpenAI ChatGPT v svoj iskalnik! Dostopajte do ChatGPT na kateri koli spletni strani z uporabo pomožne funkcije Chat…
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ChatGPT Friend, najboljša razširitev brskalnika za tiste, ki iščejo hitre in natančne informacije. Namenjen je OpenAI-jevemu najsodobnejšemu jezikovnemu modelu in vam omogoča dostop do napredne tehnologije AI neposredno s prsti.
Z ChatGPT Friendom nikoli več ne boste izgubljali časa z brskanjem po neskončnih rezultatih iskanja. Namesto tega boste videli odgovor ChatGPT običajnih rezultatov iskanja, kar vam bo omogočilo hitro in enostavno najti potrebne informacije.
ChatGPT Friend integrira gumb pomočnika Chat GPT na katerokoli spletno mesto in vam zagotavlja takojšnje, koristne odgovore na vsa vprašanja. Lahko se pogovarjate neposredno z AI modelom, kar vam omogoča postavljanje vprašanj in dobivanje odgovorov na naravni, človeški način. In z podporo vsem priljubljenim iskalnikom, vključno z Googlom, Bingom in DuckDuckGo, lahko dostopate do ChatGPT Frienda ne glede na to, kateri iskalnik uporabljate.
Med drugimi funkcijami so možnost povratne informacije za izboljšanje ChatGPT Frienda, način prilagodljivega sprožila in možnost kopiranja odgovorov v odložišče. In z napredno tehnologijo ChatGPT lahko biti prepričani, da ste vedno dobili najbolj natančne in ažurne informacije.
Da se začnete, preprosto namestite ChatGPT Friend kot razširitev brskalnika in se prijavite na portal Od tam lahko takoj začnete postavljati vprašanja in dobivati odgovore. In če kdaj srečate kakršnokoli težavo, je naša podporna ekipa vedno tu, da vam pomaga.
Prosimo upoštevajte, da ChatGPT Friend ne podpira ali ne podpira uporabe drugih razširitev ChatGPT hkrati. Da bi zagotovili najboljšo izkušnjo, pred nameščanjem ChatGPT Friend odstranite vsa druga razširitve ChatGPT.Chatgpt Friend je vrhunski podaljšek brskalnika za vse, ki iščejo hitre in natančne informacije. Chatgpt Friend, ki ga poganja vrhunski jezikovni model OpenAI, prinaša napredno tehnologijo AI neposredno na dosegu roke.
S prijateljem Chatgpt vam nikoli več ne bo treba zapravljati časa, da bi se pomikali po neskončnih rezultatih iskalnikov. Namesto tega boste poleg običajnih rezultatov iskalnika videli odziv Chatgpt Friend, kar vam omogoča hitro in enostavno iskanje potrebnih informacij. , koristni odzivi na kakršne koli poizvedbe. Klepetajte neposredno z modelom AI, kar vam omogoča, da postavljate vprašanja in dobite odgovore na naraven, človeški podobni način. In s podporo za vse priljubljene iskalnike, vključno z Googlom, Bingom, Duckduckgo in še več, boste lahko dostopali do prijatelja Chatgpta, ne glede na to, kateri iskalnik imate najraje.
Druge funkcije vključujejo možnost zagotavljanja povratnih informacij Izboljšajte prijatelj chatgpt, način sprožilca po meri za generacijo povzetka iz YouTube videoposnetkov ali drugih besedil in možnost kopiranja odgovorov na odložišče. In z napredno tehnologijo Chatgpt Friend, ki jo poganja OpenAI-jev model GPT AI, ste lahko prepričani, da vedno dobivate najbolj natančne in najnovejše razpoložljive informacije.
Če želite začeti, preprosto namestite Chatgpt Friend kot a razširitev brskalnika in se prijavite na portal Od tam lahko začnete postavljati vprašanja in takoj pridobiti odgovore. In če kdaj naletite na kakršne koli težave, je naša podporna skupina vedno tu, da pomaga.
Upoštevajte, da prijatelj Chatgpt ne podpira in ne podpira uporabe drugih razširitev Chatgpt vzporedno. Če želite zagotoviti najboljšo možno izkušnjo, prosimo, da pred namestitvijo Chatgpt prijatelja odstranite vse druge razširitve chatgpt. Predstavljate prijatelj Chatgpt - vrhunski podaljšek brskalnika, ki vam na dosegu roke zagotavlja hitre in natančne informacije. Z napredno tehnologijo AI, ki jo poganja najsodobnejši jezikovni model OpenAI, je Chatgpt Friend odlično orodje za vse, ki iščejo hitre odgovore na svoje poizvedbe. Omogoča takojšnje odzive poleg običajnih rezultatov iskalnikov. To pomeni, da lahko preprosto najdete informacije, ki jih potrebujete, ne da bi zapravili dragoceni čas. pot. Plus, s podporo za vse priljubljene iskalnike, kot so Google, Bing in DuckDuckGo Njegova zmogljivost, način sprožilca po meri in možnost kopiranja odzivov na odložišče. In z napredno tehnologijo prijatelja Chatgpt-a ste lahko prepričani, da vedno dobivate najbolj natančne in najnovejše razpoložljive informacije.
Če želite začeti s prijateljem Chatgpt, jih preprosto namestite kot brskalnik razširitev in se prijavite na portal Od tam lahko takoj začnete postavljati vprašanja in prejemati odgovore. In če kdaj naletite na kakršne koli težave, je za pomoč vedno na voljo naša podporna skupina. Če želite zagotoviti najboljšo možno izkušnjo, prosimo, da odstranite vse druge razširitve Chatgpt, preden namestite prijateljev chatgpt. Poleg tega bodite pozorni na prihajajoče posodobitve, kot sta GPT-4 in Chatgpt Plus za še bolj vznemirljive funkcije, kot sta YouTube Summer in GPT AI. Iščete hiter in natančen način iskanja informacij na spletu? Ne glejte dlje kot prijatelj Chatgpt, vrhunski podaljšek brskalnika, ki ga poganja OpenAI-jev najsodobnejši jezikovni model. S prijateljico Chatgpt vam nikoli več ne bo treba zapravljati časa, da bi se pomikali po neštetih rezultatih iskalnikov. Zahvaljujoč napredni tehnologiji lahko z modelom AI neposredno klepetate z modelom AI na naraven način. Poleg tega podpira vse priljubljene iskalnike, kot so Google, Bing in DuckDuckgo.
Ena najboljših lastnosti prijatelja Chatgpt je, da vam nudi odzive poleg običajnih rezultatov iskalnikov. To pomeni, da lahko hitro in enostavno najdete informacije, ki jih potrebujete, ne da bi morali preklopiti med zavihki ali oken. odzivi na odložišče. In če kdaj naletite na kakršne koli težave, je naša podporna ekipa vedno tu, da pomaga.
Chatgpt Friend je kot nalašč tudi za povzetek videoposnetkov na YouTubu! Vse, kar morate storiti, je kopirati in prilepiti URL videoposnetka v okno za klepet in pustiti, da je Chatgpt prijatelju ostalo. Nenehno delamo na novih načinih za izboljšanje prijatelja Chatgpt in ga naredimo še bolj uporaben za naše uporabnike. Spremljajte posodobitve!
Upoštevajte, da prijatelj Chatgpt ne podpira in ne podpira uporabe drugih razširitev Chatgpt vzporedno. Če želite zagotoviti najboljšo možno izkušnjo, prosimo, da pred namestitvijo Chatgpt prijatelja odstranite vse druge razširitve chatgpt. Preizkusite Chatgpt Plus danes in doživite prihodnost brskanja z AI! Chatgpt, gpt, chatbot, iskanje gpt, chat gpt, openai, gpt-4, chatgpt plus, povzetek, povzetek YouTube, gpt ai Chatgpt, gpt, chatbot, iskanje gpt, chat gpt, openai, gpt-4, chatgpt plus, povzetek, povzetek YouTube, gpt ai Chatgpt, gpt, chatbot, iskanje gpt, chat gpt, openai, gpt-4, chatgpt plus, povzetek, povzetek YouTube, gpt ai Chatgpt, gpt, chatbot, iskanje gpt, chat gpt, openai, gpt-4, chatgpt plus, povzetek, povzetek YouTube, gpt ai Chatgpt, gpt, chatbot, iskanje gpt, chat gpt, openai, gpt-4, chatgpt plus, povzetek, povzetek YouTube, gpt ai Chatgpt, gpt, chatbot, iskanje gpt, chat gpt, openai, gpt-4, chatgpt plus, povzetek, povzetek YouTube, gpt ai Chatgpt, gpt, chatbot, iskanje gpt, chat gpt, openai, gpt-4, chatgpt plus, povzetek, povzetek YouTube, gpt ai Chatgpt, gpt, chatbot, iskanje gpt, chat gpt, openai, gpt-4, chatgpt plus, povzetek, povzetek YouTube, gpt ai Chatgpt, gpt, chatbot, iskanje gpt, chat gpt, openai, gpt-4, chatgpt plus, povzetek, povzetek YouTube, gpt ai ChatGPT Friend, the ultimate browser extension for anyone seeking fast and accurate information. Powered by OpenAI's state-of-the-art language model, ChatGPT Friend brings advanced AI technology directly to your fingertips.
With ChatGPT Friend, you'll never have to waste time scrolling through countless search engine results again. Instead, you'll see ChatGPT's response right alongside your regular search engine results, allowing you to quickly and easily find the information you need.
ChatGPT Friend integrates Chat GPT helper button onto any website and provides you with instant, helpful responses to any inquiries. Chat directly with the AI model, allowing you to ask questions and get answers in a natural, human-like way. And with support for all popular search engines, including Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo, you'll be able to access ChatGPT Friend no matter which search engine you prefer.
Other features include the ability to provide feedback to improve ChatGPT Friend, custom trigger mode, and the ability to copy responses to your clipboard. And with ChatGPT advanced technology, you can be sure you're always getting the most accurate and up-to-date information available.
To get started, simply install ChatGPT Friend as a browser extension and log in to the portal. From there, you can start asking questions and getting answers right away. And if you ever encounter any issues, our support team is always here to help.
Please note that ChatGPT Friend does not support or endorse the use of other ChatGPT extensions in parallel. To ensure the best experience, please uninstall any other ChatGPT extensions before installing ChatGPT Friend. ChatGPT Friend is the ultimate browser extension for anyone looking for fast and accurate information. Powered by OpenAI's cutting-edge language model, GPT-4, ChatGPT Friend brings advanced AI technology directly to your fingertips.
With ChatGPT Friend, you'll never have to waste time scrolling through endless search engine results again. Instead, you'll see ChatGPT Friend's response right alongside your regular search engine results, allowing you to quickly and easily find the information you need.
ChatGPT Friend integrates a chatbot helper button onto any website and provides you with instant, helpful responses to any inquiries. Chat directly with the AI model, allowing you to ask questions and get answers in a natural, human-like way. And with support for all popular search engines, including Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo and more, you'll be able to access ChatGPT Friend no matter which search engine you prefer.
Other features include the ability to provide feedback to improve ChatGPT Friend, custom trigger mode for summary generation from Youtube videos or other texts, and the ability to copy responses to your clipboard. And with ChatGPT Friend's advanced technology powered by OpenAI's GPT AI model , you can be sure you're always getting the most accurate and up-to-date information available.
To get started, simply install ChatGPT Friend as a browser extension and log in to the portal. From there, you can start asking questions and getting answers right away. And if you ever encounter any issues, our support team is always here to help.
Please note that ChatGPT Friend does not support or endorse the use of other ChatGPT extensions in parallel. To ensure the best experience possible, please uninstall any other ChatGPT extensions before installing ChatGPT Friend.Introducing ChatGPT Friend - the ultimate browser extension that provides you with fast and accurate information at your fingertips. With advanced AI technology powered by OpenAI's state-of-the-art language model, ChatGPT Friend is the perfect tool for anyone seeking quick answers to their queries.
Say goodbye to endless scrolling through search engine results - ChatGPT Friend provides instant responses right alongside your regular search engine results. This means that you can easily find the information you need without wasting precious time.
ChatGPT Friend also integrates a chatbot helper button onto any website, allowing you to ask questions and receive helpful responses in a natural, human-like way. Plus, with support for all popular search engines like Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo, you can access ChatGPT Friend no matter which search engine you prefer.
Other exciting features of ChatGPT Friend include the ability to provide feedback to improve its performance, custom trigger mode, and the option to copy responses to your clipboard. And with the advanced technology of ChatGPT Friend, you can be sure that you're always getting the most accurate and up-to-date information available.
To get started with ChatGPT Friend, simply install it as a browser extension and log in to the portal. From there, you can start asking questions and receiving answers right away. And if you ever encounter any issues, our support team is always available to help.
It's important to note that ChatGPT Friend does not support or endorse the use of other ChatGPT extensions in parallel. To ensure the best experience possible, please uninstall any other ChatGPT extensions before installing ChatGPT Friend.
Upgrade your browsing experience with ChatGPT Friend and enjoy fast and accurate information at your fingertips! Plus, keep an eye out for upcoming updates such as GPT-4 and ChatGPT Plus for even more exciting features like Youtube summary and GPT AI.Looking for a fast and accurate way to find information online? Look no further than ChatGPT Friend, the ultimate browser extension powered by OpenAI's state-of-the-art language model. With ChatGPT Friend, you'll never have to waste time scrolling through countless search engine results again.
ChatGPT Friend integrates a Chat GPT helper button onto any website, providing you with instant, helpful responses to any inquiries. You can chat directly with the AI model in a natural, human-like way, thanks to its advanced technology. Plus, it supports all popular search engines like Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo.
One of the best features of ChatGPT Friend is that it provides you with responses right alongside your regular search engine results. This means you can quickly and easily find the information you need without having to switch between tabs or windows.
Other great features include the ability to provide feedback to improve ChatGPT Friend, custom trigger mode, and the ability to copy responses to your clipboard. And if you ever encounter any issues, our support team is always here to help.
ChatGPT Friend is also perfect for summarizing YouTube videos! All you need to do is copy and paste the video's URL into the chat window and let ChatGPT Friend do the rest.
Looking ahead, we're excited about what's in store for GPT-4 and beyond. We're constantly working on new ways to improve ChatGPT Friend and make it even more useful for our users. Stay tuned for updates!
Please note that ChatGPT Friend does not support or endorse the use of other ChatGPT extensions in parallel. To ensure the best experience possible, please uninstall any other ChatGPT extensions before installing ChatGPT Friend. Try out ChatGPT Plus today and experience the future of AI-powered browsing!
Latest reviews
- (2023-11-20) Markus: All it says is: please log in. Does not matter if I log in, the message is still there? Chome os.
- (2023-10-08) Anwar Phillips: i asked a question and it just repeats the question back at me
- (2023-10-07) Devon Pace: Doesn't really answer questions unless I go to the website which is perfect. Now, all of a sudden, it randomly pops up in the middle of the browser while watching a video I click directly from google and can't minimize it or exit it out.
- (2023-06-22) Renato Aguanta (Renzo): Very helpful
- (2023-06-08) Újfalvi Lajos: WOW effect !
- (2023-05-31) John Armstrong: worked for a bit until it said You've reached our limit of messages per hour. Please try again later. Please disable other applications that work with GPT pls remove the limit ty!
- (2023-05-20) João Vitor Simões: Bona extensió per resumir qualsevol tema.
- (2023-05-17) Vinícius Paiva: Great work!!! This is amazing!
- (2023-05-15) Park ChanHee: So helpful for those oddly specific questions you run into, although I recommend setting the plugin to only offer ChatGPT responses when requested otherwise you will quickly chew through your hourly free responses from OpenAI.
- (2023-05-12) Felix Angel Blanco: Very good! This makes Chrome on level with Bing again, so I still wont be switching!
- (2023-05-12) Darren Phelan: Very Good extension. its make smooth way to search.
- (2023-05-11) LM: I would love to do my job with this feature. nAbsolutely brilliant.
- (2023-05-10) Alexandro Ruiz: Always ask for login in ChatGPT,even after login in?nwhy and how to solve it
- (2023-05-09) Tuncay Dülgar: with the API login it's much better.
- (2023-05-09) Wilson Pedroso: Can you please change the font to be more readable? The current English font is difficult to read
- (2023-05-09) Matheus Magalhães: very good extension and very nice idea
- (2023-05-07) DeepThoughtsWithDeep: So far its brilliant, always provides access to chatgpt results and much needed extension if you want to augment your work with AI. Results are slowish, but that is ChatGPT and not the extensions fault.
- (2023-05-07) Manoel Felicio: Great. Thanks for making this.
- (2023-05-06) Waldo Schurter: Great Idea Great ExtensionnShows solution instead of links to many sitesnEven I found direct solution to use phone as webcam using droidcam but it was not working and ChatGPT said it sometimes does not work on a browser so try another browser so I tried firefox and it worked
- (2023-05-06) rocio garre carbone: 1st time it worked perfectly. But unable to search. Message said log in. I did log in. but still showing same message.
- (2023-05-06) OTO TERZİ EVİ ototerzievi: Awesome tool to get the answers you need without having to click through a whole bunch of useless search results and websites!!
- (2023-05-05) STILLMACXWELL: This extension is amazing, it should be installed by default
- (2023-05-04) Rmassola Diversao: auto logout again and again
- (2023-05-02) Sergio: Responses to questions were very well written, but somewhat generalized. Will continue to analyze my results as I continue to use the extension.
- (2023-05-01) Viniwz: Good, but crashes on some queries.
- (2023-05-01) Watilas: This is phenomenal... To say the least. This search AI is an early peek into the exciting future of user-centric computing.
- (2023-04-30) PAULO AFONSO CdO: no need to go on that website anymore
- (2023-04-29) João Santana: Easy to install/use, free, and is very useful. I see no reason why you would not want to install it.
- (2023-04-28) kanati studio: Great app hope to make chatgpt smarter thanks! Make more ai things.
- (2023-04-28) Washington Pêpe - Advocacia Criminal: Lovely extension. A recommendation if I may, is it possible to have a customizable width of the card showing the results, in most screens there is a large horizontal space than can used to enlarge the card so reading the content can be more natural. Thank you :)
- (2023-04-27) Ana Clara Speziali: can you add more language ? like indonesia
- (2023-04-27) Karen Paola Arriaga: It works seamlessly like I'd imagine Bing's search companion should work
- (2023-04-24) igor oliveira: Great extension, good job, I only wish it was connected to the internet... u003d)nMaybe when plugins become public for ChatGPT?
- (2023-04-24) Jhonatan Crespo: Super useful and fast. Thanks
- (2023-04-23) LUCIANA NATHANIEL QUISPE BRUNO: Easy to use and also provide any answer to your question.....
- (2023-04-21) DUAL ALPHA: very helpful and useful this is the best extension on the webstore thanks for making this you are awesome
- (2023-04-19) Isaias Abner Lima Saraiva: Great! Exactly as it should be. Using it in latest Chrome. Really fun to use.
- (2023-04-19) Mario Jorge: very helpful and enriched search activity
- (2023-04-19) Prof. Italo Batista: i installed from github and here twice, but with different output, the extensions from here remains a black background for some reasons, pls solve it
- (2023-04-18) nico meil: Absolutely brilliant. Works perfectly. Many thanks to the developer of this extension.
- (2023-04-17) Ana Paula Tiene Machado: So far one of the best extension to Chrome
4.6023 (171 votes)
Last update / version
2024-05-21 / 1.0.3
Listing languages