Description from extension meta
Choose from over 4 million books on Google Play and take your favorites with you for reading offline.
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Description from store
It’s time to set your reading free. With Google Play Books for Chrome, you can use just about any device you own to read any book, anywhere.
Great Reading Experience
- Make your books available for reading even when you are not connected to the Internet
- Change font and layout, search within the book
- Highlight text, add margin notes and select words to find definition, to translate, or to search online
Discover Millions of Titles
- Over 4 million books in every imaginable category, from the New York Times ® bestsellers to favorite classics
- Millions of free books available instantly
- Free preview pages
- Unlimited storage of books in the digital cloud
Syncs With Your Google Play books library
- Find books at and add them to 'MY BOOKS' to sync
- Access all your books wirelessly from the digital cloud; no dedicated ereading device required
- Automatic page position syncing across devices -- pick up reading where you left off
Learn more about Google Play Books app and download our reading apps for other devices at