Description from extension meta
在Chrome浏览器中以IE Tab模式运行Internet Explorer (IE),支持旧版网站、Java、ActiveX、Flash和企业系统。
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Description from store
IEability无缝集成Internet Explorer (IE浏览器)的渲染引擎到Chrome中,使用户能够轻松在IE Tab模式下打开网页,就像使用标准的Chrome标签页一样。
通过IE Tab模式,直接在Chrome标签页中访问过时的网站、Silverlight、ActiveX、SharePoint、Flash 和Java应用程序!
终极的Internet Explorer集成扩展程序,使您能够在单一浏览器环境中浏览所有网站。
### 主要功能:
1. 增强的IETab模式:
- 使用原生IETab渲染引擎轻松打开过时的网站。
- 完全兼容IE版本(IE7 - IE11)。
- 非常适合银行、企业门户和过时的Web应用程序。
2. 智能自动化:
- 根据自定义URL规则自动切换到IE Tab模式。
- 在Chrome和IE之间无缝同步Cookie。
- 单点登录支持,避免重复登录。
3. 企业级功能:
- 完全支持ActiveX控件。
- 兼容Flash、Java、SharePoint和Silverlight。
- 内置IE开发者工具,简化调试流程。
4. 用户友好的体验:
- 操作就像普通的Chrome标签页。
- 在Chrome和IE模式之间快速平滑过渡。
- 界面直观熟悉,使用毫不费力。
### 重要说明:
- 功能需要一个Windows兼容的辅助应用程序(ieability.exe)。
- 安装路径:`C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Local\ieability\ieability.exe`
### 常见问题:
1. 为什么需要ieability.exe?
2. 安全吗?
### 许可证信息:
- 基础版: 永久免费。
- 高级版: 解锁高级功能,适用于专业用途。
Latest reviews
- (2023-10-25) AlexyBsb: A ganância é tão grande pra vender a versão pro, que nem um teste sequer eu fiz pra ver se funciona no site que eu preciso, ou seja, pra eles você tem que comprar, funcionando ou não. Não recomendo. E tem mais... Descobri que você pode configurar o Edge para abrir uma página específica no modo Internet Explorer, nem precisa de extensão.
- (2023-10-16) Kaj Jensen: Useless extension, Consistently forced a reload of the page and never functioned properly.
- (2023-10-09) Gee: Terrible. Consistently forced a reload of the page and never functioned properly.
- (2023-08-18) hao li: 购买了怎么激活?为什么购买了还是限制网页个数
- (2023-08-01) Ladia Zhang: 付费了 ,但是不知道为什么切换ie后没有同步cookie 显示你的登录信息已失效请重新登录 chrome我是关闭浏览器带cookie直接就不用重登录的
- (2023-07-31) 凌锋峻: 便宜点更好了
- (2023-07-12) Jinyuan Lin: 大部分都很好远,但window.open会无限闪烁,有两个窗口轮流替换
- (2023-06-19) Byung.h “물가 비싸서 친중”: After switching to IE mode, the contents of the web page do not show anything The entire web page is blank
- (2023-06-15) Damian Ferrari: Espectacular. Un salvavidas para trabajar con equipos viejos o webs desactualizadas. A veces es necesario.
- (2023-05-25) RNE Mantenimiento: Funciona bien.
- (2023-05-25) kang liu: 很好用!!感谢
- (2023-05-21) Panlong Chen: 请问何时上架edge商店?另外,ability的右键菜单能不能增加一个开关选项?
- (2023-05-13) Zongyin Hon: 希望可以做一个自动输入密码的功能
- (2023-04-04) Никита Чаадаев - Ломакин: не работает. совсем. и полностью. по крайней мере в яндекс-браузере
- (2023-03-22) hub ext: It's very useful. I can open old IE pages in Chrome.
- (2023-03-18) Harry Xu: 公司OA之前用IEtab可以提交附件,用这个插件附件提交按钮是X号,无法提交附件。
- (2023-03-17) 工藤冬樹: 完全無法正常工作
- (2023-02-11) Zainal Abidin: I recently removed this extension, but I am still unable to access the website without being constantly prompted to purchase a premium account. To make matters worse, I am also unable to remove the 'ieabiity.exe' file that was required to be installed when using the extension. All I get is a page that says "Sorry, you are trying to access a Malacca Securities Sdn Bhd member/client only page. Please register with us today to enjoy all the premium benefits." This is completely unacceptable and has resulted in a frustrating and time-wasting experience for me. I am extremely angry and disappointed with this product and would not recommend it to anyone.
- (2022-11-25) Lkg Mr.: Terbaik dan paling terbaik disemua aplikasi semacam ini, Gratisss lagi ga pake iklan2 berbayar.
- (2022-02-25) Carlos Wise Diaz de la Vega: Excelente producto de verdad me soluciono el problema. Graciasssss!!!!!!!!
- (2022-02-14) Teverp ay: 请隐藏提示
- (2022-02-10) Brandy Esterline: It is like Internet Explorer Mode but it is in Google Chrome.
- (2022-01-19) Building Operator: It REALLY works really really GREAT!!! :)
- (2021-12-26) Obed Asante: Is there any way i can open a website using localhost ?
- (2021-12-17) Marcos V: De todos que já testei esse superou as expectativas.
- (2021-11-11) Gogi Gugu: Оно чудестное!!!
- (2021-11-09) J. Jesús R. Peña: Es la mejor app!!! Bajenla!
- (2021-10-07) yk Liu (LiuykDev): 很不错,完美解决了
- (2021-10-06) Cardinalies: Удивительно, но РАБОТАЕТ! Первое расширение,которое дало возможность пользоваться штатно через гугл хром системой видеонаблюдения
- (2021-10-05) Marcel Oliveira: Ótimo!!
- (2021-09-20) Pankaj Chaudhary: I got irritate with ms edge finally solve my problem with thi sextension. Thankss to developer . 5 STAR from myside
- (2021-09-06) kav dba: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
- (2021-08-29) zhicheng wei: 很好,终于能够摆脱ie tab那个扩展了,这个作为竞品显然更优秀。个人的一点建议想法,对于页面蓝色的提醒栏可否取消,对于当前页面使用IE内核的提醒可否使用扩展本身在浏览器上的图标显示,比如正常chrome内核的时候,图标为灰色,切换IE内核后改为橙色,这样显然比页面内显示更友好
- (2021-08-23) SienTar Zhang (SienTar): Windows 11用户表示很赞
- (2021-08-08) Tim Sammartino: Does not work on windows 11 Pro
- (2021-08-02) 柯利军: 1、顶部那个提示能取消就好了,地址栏或标签页已经有图标显示了,可能这个取消这个需要收费吧。 2、free版本有时间限制吗? 3、付费版本需要多少钱?
- (2021-07-09) 四季之冬: 很方便的插件,要是能隐藏那行提示就好了
- (2021-07-07) have good: perfect!!!
- (2021-07-02) jone jack: It is ok
- (2021-07-01) hap keen: wonderful work!
- (2021-06-20) 2019 mcreate: It runs perfectly on my Windows 10, I only need to open the chrome browser to complete all the work, goodbye to IE
- (2021-06-19) Lahud Gibran: This extension is AMAZING, I am in complete love with it This extension has made my life MUCH easier. Definitely a 5/5 score.
- (2021-06-18) Кирилл Попов: excelente herramienta......
- (2021-06-17) Christie: It was good as it also worked
- (2021-06-16) August: Such an amazing tools
- (2021-06-12) ieability official: If you need help, please feel free to contact us [email protected]
- (2021-06-11) Arundel: honestly saved me a lot of time. Thankyou
- (2021-06-08) 知黑守白: A nice plug-in!
- (2021-06-08) KA XU: 没有ietab兼容性好,我们的系统ietab可以完美使用,用这个加载部出来内容,但是扩展确实很棒,加油,我会一直用
- (2021-06-07) andy: Very interesting