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Clear browser history, cache, cookies, download history in a couple of clicks
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Izmantojot tīrāku pārlūku Chrome, atlasītā laika posmā ar vienu klikšķi tiks noņemti nevajadzīgi atkritumi.
Pārlūku pārlūkam Chrome ir ļoti viegli lietot. Viens no labākajiem vēstures tīrīšanas un kešatmiņas saglabāšanas rīkiem.
Varat manuāli notīrīt vēsturi un visus datus, taču tas ir nogurdinošs darbs, bet kāpēc tas jums ir nepieciešams, ja ir pieejams tīrāks pārlūkam Chrome, kurš jūsu vietā veiks šo netīro darbu!
Programmas Cleaner for Chrome funkcijas:
- Nekavējoties noņemiet nevajadzīgus failus noteiktā laika posmā ar vienu klikšķi
-Nodzēst Chrome vēsturi
-Nodzēst lejupielādes vēsturi
- Notīriet saglabātās paroles, kešatmiņu, sīkfailus
Un tas viss, pateicoties vienam paplašinājumam tīrākam pārlūkam Chrome!
Paplašinājums Cleaner for Chrome ļauj tūlītēji notīrīt nevēlamos failus ar vienu klikšķi uz tīrītāja ikonas pārlūka rīkjoslā.
Vēl nekad nav bijis tik viegli un ātri iztīrīt kešatmiņu, sīkfailus un citus nevēlamos failus.
Notīriet kešatmiņu, sīkfailus, lejupielādes, vietņu glabāšanu un paroles, izmantojot programmu Cleaner for Chrome jūs varat selektīvi vai visus vienlaikus.
Pateicoties paplašinājumam Cleaner for Chrome, jūsu pārlūkprogramma nekad nedarbosies lēnām, jo dažreiz pārlūks ir jātīra no atkritumiem, un tīrāks pārlūkam Chrome to var viegli izpildīt.
Arī tīrāks pārlūkam Chrome slēpj visas jūsu tiešsaistes tiešsaistes darbības pēdas, lai neviens nevarētu uzzināt, kuras vietnes apmeklējat.
★ Atsauksmes - tīrāks līdzeklis Chrome lietotājiem (mēs lepojamies)
tsDarkHUD ★★★★★
Neticami, ka vecāki nekad vairs neredzēs manu meklēšanas vēsturi, pateicoties programmai Cleaner for Chrome :)
Laurent Fass ★★★★★
Ļoti vienkārši, ļoti praktiski, iesaku visiem tīrāku pārlūkam Chrome!
Džeiks Romero ★★★★★
Ērti lietojams tīrīšanas līdzeklis. Man tas patīk!
Gēns Van Ackerens ★★★★★
Tīrāks pārlūkam Chrome ir lielisks turpinājums. Viegli izmantot!
Valters Ģibis ★★★★★
Brīnišķīgi pagarinot, apsveicu vietnes Cleaner for Chrome izstrādātājus
1Dark1 ★★★★★
Man patīk šis tīrīšanas līdzeklis, es varu izdzēst nevajadzīgu vēsturi, uz kuras es negribēju noklikšķināt, tīrāks pārlūkam Chrome visu dara pats.
Calin Marius Valentin ★★★★★
Viegli lietojams un efektīvs, man ļoti patīk strādāt ar programmu Cleaner for Chrome!
Bivu- pilnvarojiet Odisha ★★★★★
Apkopēja pārlūkam Chrome veica savu darbu, vienmērīgi izstrādājot paplašinājumu, lielisks darbs! Mans vērtējums ir 5 no 5!
Chrome tīrītāju saraksts (galvenās izmaiņas):
3.5 - nelieli funkcionāli labojumi pārlūkam Chrome.
3.1. - Cleaner for Chrome darbā ir veiktas izmaiņas ar iespēju izvēlēties laika periodu atkritumu tīrīšanai.
2.6. Neliels lietotāja saskarnes materiāla labojums pārlūkam Chrome.
2.1 - mainīja programmas Cleaner for Chrome funkcionalitāti ērtākai lietošanai ar vienu klikšķi!
1.4 - tīrīšanas līdzeklis pārlūka Chrome izmaiņām labākai tīrīšanai
P.S .: Cleaner for Chrome ir uzņēmuma Google Inc. preču zīme. Šīs preču zīmes lietošana ir nepieciešama ar Google atļauju.
Google Inc. nav izveidojis, sasaistījis vai atbalstījis tīrāku pārlūku Chrome.
Cleaner for Chrome will remove unnecessary garbage in a selected period of time in just one click.
Cleaner for Chrome is very easy to use. One of the best history cleaning and caching tools.
You can clear the history and all data manually, but this is a tedious job, but why do you need it if there is Cleaner for Chrome that will do this dirty work for you!
Features of Cleaner for Chrome:
- Instant removal of unnecessary files with one click in a certain period of time
-Clear Chrome history
-Clear download history
-Clear saved passwords, cache, cookies
And all this thanks to one extension Cleaner for Chrome!
The Cleaner for Chrome extension allows you to instantly clean junk files with one click on the Cleaner icon in the browser toolbar.
It has never been so easy to clean cache, cookies, and other junk files so quickly and easily efficiently.
Clear cache, cookies, downloads, website storage and passwords, with Cleaner for Chrome you can selectively or all at once.
Thanks to the Cleaner for Chrome extension, your browser will never run slowly since the browser sometimes needs to be cleaned of garbage, and Cleaner for Chrome can handle this easily.
Also, Cleaner for Chrome hides all your traces of online online activity, so that no one can find out what sites you visit.
★ Reviews - Cleaner for Chrome users (we are proud)
tsDarkHUD ★★★★★
Incredibly, my parents will never see my search history again thanks to Cleaner for Chrome :)
Laurent Fass ★★★★★
Very simple, very practical, I advise everyone to Cleaner for Chrome!
Jake Romero ★★★★★
Easy to use Cleaner. I like it!
Gene Van Ackeren ★★★★★
Cleaner for Chrome is a great sequel. Easy to use!
Valter Gibis ★★★★★
Wonderful extension my congratulations to the developers of Cleaner for Chrome
1Dark1 ★★★★★
I like this Cleaner, I can delete unnecessary history that I didn’t want to click on, Cleaner for Chrome does everything on its own.
Calin Marius Valentin ★★★★★
Easy to use and efficient, I really enjoy working with Cleaner for Chrome!
Bivu- Empower Odisha ★★★★★
Cleaner for Chrome did its job smoothly developed extension, great job! My rating is 5 out of 5!
List of Cleaner for Chrome changes (major changes):
3.5 - Minor functional fixes Cleaner for Chrome.
3.1 - A change has been made to the work of Cleaner for Chrome with the option to select a time period for cleaning garbage.
2.6 - Minor UI material fix for Cleaner for Chrome!
2.1 - Changed the functionality of Cleaner for Chrome for more convenient use in one click!
1.4 - Cleaner for Chrome changes for better cleaning
P.S .: Cleaner for Chrome is a trademark of Google Inc. Use of this trademark is subject to Google’s permission.
Cleaner for Chrome has not been created, linked, or supported by Google Inc.
Latest reviews
- (2020-03-13) beyblade productions: its really good so far just need a virus protector like the android version
- (2020-03-10) pir tabib: Loved
- (2020-02-23) Skt Jt: pk
- (2020-01-30) Angela Snead: good app
- (2020-01-25) James: Simple but extremely efficient management tool. Well Done.
- (2020-01-24) Ava Ficklin: Simple interface and great work
- (2020-01-23) Adam Smith: Great sequel! I use it regularly
- (2020-01-23) David Humphreys: Out of all the similar extensions that I have tried, this one is by far the best. This is a great product!!!
- (2020-01-23) Lloyd Martin: I like it so that I can delete unnecessary history, such as things that I did not want to click on.
- (2020-01-22) Trey WallsEva: Outstanding extension
- (2020-01-22) Harley Angel: Extremely useful for my browser. I would like to rate 100 stars!
- (2020-01-05) Reeves Homan Lau: good
- (2019-12-31) Julio Marin Torres: CAREFUL THIS EXTENSION IS VERY DANGEROUS! Please be careful, do not download it. This extension asks for all these permissions just to clear the cache and other data. seriously? Permissions for this extension (manifest.json) "permissions": ["tabs", "alarms", "webRequest", "webRequestBlocking", "storage", "browsingData", "\ u003Call_urls>"], This extension has access to read all my browsing history. No thanks. 2,857,290 users and only 5 ratings? Something really smells really bad here. It is clear that this developer cheats and Google does not see everything, will punish him for that. BE VERY CAREFUL! DO NOT DOWNLOAD IT, THEY ARE NOTICEED.
- (2019-12-25) Piet Bels: VERY VERY Practical and useful, it shows how elaborate extensions can be compiled and written
- (2019-12-18) Nabriz Hasheem: Great sequel. Easy to use!
- (2019-12-18) Rachel Phillips: Great extension. Best one so far! Easy to use!
- (2019-12-18) Nixan Playz: Great at cleaning
- (2019-12-18) Ultra Rager: It does a great job cleaning your browser from junk