extension ExtPose

Tabs Counter - Število odprtih zavihkov v brskalniku

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Description from extension meta

Preštejte število odprtih zavihkov v trenutnem oknu spletnega brskalnika. Prikaže število zavihkov na ikoni razširitve/dodatka v…

Image from store Tabs Counter - Število odprtih zavihkov v brskalniku
Description from store 📖📖📖 Razširitev/dodatek Tabs Counter je namenjen takojšnjemu izračunu števila odprtih zavihkov v spletnem brskalniku prek čistega in intuitivnega vmesnika. Tabs Counter je lahko koristen za programske inženirje, vodje izdelkov, marketinške ekipe, ki veliko raziskujejo. Prav tako je zelo uporabno orodje za vsakogar, ki ima običajno odprtih na desetine zavihkov hkrati. Tabs Counter je preprosta in uporabna razširitev/dodatek, združljiva s spletnimi brskalniki, ki vam omogoča, da v realnem času dobite število odprtih zavihkov v vašem spletnem brskalniku. 🎨🎨🎨 Števec zavihkov, različica 0.1.0 - Funkcije razširitve spletnega brskalnika/dodatka: ✅ Prikaže število odprtih zavihkov v trenutno aktivnem odprtem oknu spletnega brskalnika ✅ Niso potrebna nobena dovoljenja ali zahteve ✅ Če želite omogočiti način brez beleženja zgodovine, v nastavitvah spletnega brskalnika vklopite »Dovoli v načinu brez beleženja zgodovine«. 🎨🎨🎨 Funkcije naslednje različice števca zavihkov: ✅ Prikaže število odprtih zavihkov v trenutnem aktivnem oknu ali v vseh odprtih oknih brskalnika ✅ Prikazuje število odprtih oken brskalnika ✅ Možnost spreminjanja barve ozadja ikone ✅ Možnost dodajanja številske predpone pred naslovom zavihka (npr. "2. YouTube") ✅ Zaznaj podvojene zavihke v trenutnem aktivnem oknu ali v vseh odprtih oknih brskalnika 📖📖📖 Podvojeni zavihki so zavihki z istim URL-jem 📖📖📖 Doda posebno ikono pred podvojeno ime zavihka 📖📖📖 Zaprite vse podvojene primerke zavihkov in obdržite enega z enim samim klikom ✅ Zazna zastarele zavihke, ki so bili odprti X dni. Samodejno zapiranje zastalih zavihkov glede na vašo konfiguracijo v nastavitvah 📝📝📝 Vam je všeč ali všeč? Pustite nam oceno ℹ️ℹ️ℹ️ E-pošta za podporo: [email protected] ✅ Vsi prevodi so narejeni s prevajalcem. Za napačen prevod se obrnite na nas ✅ Za morebitne najdene napake ali zahteve po funkcijah nam ne oklevajte in nam pošljite e-pošto

Latest reviews

  • (2023-08-09) Михаил Русаков: расширение показывает только вкладки в оперативке, у меня только в одном окне 150 вкладок, окон у меня 6. там точно не 23 вкладки всего. А вот 23 активные вкладки вполне может быть
  • (2023-07-28) Romas Bukauskas: Regrettably the complaints stated in previous reviews are mostly correct, and it really seems that creators of this extension haven't tested it with more that minimal browser load, i.e. just a few windows and also low count of tabs in them (what for should a user need tab count feature in such an obvious situation?). But as number of windows and tabs increases, this extension clearly corrupts browser start, and I can confirm this after my personal testing several times with this extension on and off which I have done after the behavior of this extension appeared more & more disturbing while window and tab count gradually went up. Finally, when I had 8 Chrome browser windows with over 500 tabs in them overall, I lost my patience and completed this exact testing with the following result: when this extension is off, the browser starts in about 5 seconds (until I can see the content in all windows and can do something there - scroll, click on links, etc.), also for about half a minute after browser start the CPU load remains increased until it falls to stable low level. However with this extension on, all I can see after the same 5 seconds (after the same browser start on then same PC) - are just empty/blank windows (placed at their own positions as they were when browser was closed), CPU load after browser start is similarly high (>50%) for about half a minute but then it still remains relatively high (40-50% overall, 30% used only by Chrome) for about 5 minutes causing PC fans to turn fast because of CPU overheat >80^C - all this time browser windows remain blank and I can't do anything in there, then after this lasts for aforementioned 5 minutes or so, the content of browser windows suddenly appears and browser functionality is restored but just gradually because for about half a minute more after this, CPU load again gets higher in between 50-100% until things go to normal state at last - and as I have already mentioned, I've tested this several times with this extension on and off and respective browser behavior dependency has confirmed completely without any exception. Besides, I have two more extensions with similar functionality installed in my Chrome browser at the same time (entitled "Tab Count" and "Chrome Tab Counter"), and neither of them causes anything alike this extension while both them complete their task properly (when this extension is off and browser with 8 windows and ~500 tabs starts in ~5 seconds, I do already see the whole and exact number of >500 opened tabs in both alternative extensions that I do have installed in my Chrome browser at the moment).
  • (2023-07-16) ぴーえい: Please be careful. This Chrome extension does nothing but count tabs, but it also corrupts your Chrome environment and prevents it from launching properly.
  • (2023-03-02) Gat Play: Зловредное расширение которое вешает гугл хром при запуске. Может сначала все будет нормально. Но потом, для запуска понадобится минуты две-три.


4,000 history
3.125 (8 votes)
Last update / version
2022-08-06 / 0.1.0
Listing languages
