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Hangouts brings conversations to life with photos, emoji, and even group video calls for free.
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Hangouts 可讓您分享相片、使用表情符號並進行視訊通話,讓一對一和多人對話更加生動有趣,而且完全免費。透過電腦、Android 以及 Apple 裝置皆可使用 Hangouts。
-- 與多人聊天比以往更精彩有趣了。您隨時可以傳送相片或表情符號、在使用者加入 Hangouts 時收到通知,還能隨時發訊息給好友 (即使他們目前未連線至 Hangouts)。
-- 視訊通話讓 Hangouts 更好玩有趣。您可以將任何對話升級為視訊通話,最多可以讓 10 位好友面對面暢談。
-- 您的每個朋友都可以使用 Hangouts。Hangouts 適用於電腦、Android 以及 Apple 裝置,方便您與任何人交流互動。
還有許多超棒的 Hangouts 功能:
-- 在 Chrome 的各分頁間切換瀏覽時也能使用 Hangouts,您甚至可以不必開啟 Chrome 視窗。
-- 聊天過程中可以在不同裝置間輕鬆切換。
-- 當您收到並查看某則通知後,其他裝置上的同一則通知就會自動移除,不必重複瀏覽。
-- 只要設定延遲通知,就能稍後再回覆通知。
-- 可以查看過去的談話內容,包括曾經分享的相片與視訊通話紀錄。
-- 如果關閉 Hangouts 的記錄功能,Hangouts 的聊天內容就只會短暫保留。
-- 瀏覽在每一場 Hangouts 中分享的所有相片集。
-- 提供超過 850 種表情符號,讓您盡情表達當下的心情與想法。
-- 與 Google 即時通訊擴充功能不同,Hangouts 不支援「隱形」狀態。
-- 行動通訊業者與網路服務供應商可能會向您收費。
-- Google 即時通訊擴充功能現已改為 Hangouts。升級後就能體驗更生動有趣的對話方式,而且完全免費。
Latest reviews
- (2022-03-17) Draco Malfoy: muq bazı yenilikler lazım
- (2022-03-01) Marilynne Khor (Meetohsch): Haha, I'm a student and I love this app, it's really convenient because I can chat with my classmates and teachers. Don't really get notifications for my desktop though... I will only get them when I am on this account... Can't delete messages too but not really a problem.
- (2022-02-25) Dimes: Still works for me and so I still use it. But since they are replacing hangouts, they really need a chat extension that works like this one. The current way to use the chat app is to go to the google chat URL, then 'install' the app for chat. But it doesn't work like this extension. It's a weird pop-out thing you need to open all the time and you have to go to the URL and pop it out every single time you log in. With this extension, as long as you're logged in to google, you can get hangouts messages. There is no need to go to the URL and open the app every time. Why they can't just do a google chat extension in the vein of the hangouts extension is beyond me. It says there's a 'Google Chat Standalone App' but nothing about it is a standalone app, you need the chrome browser to be open because its actually a progressive web application only. My point is, if they were going to limit the new 'app' so hard, they may as well just have made it an extension like this one. Boo to the new google chat.
- (2022-02-18) Chirag Parekh: Some photos are shown but when we see it it is too different. and if is very bad
- (2022-02-03) Zbyněk Hovorka: Terror app. OMG so bad! It even cannot be uninstalled!
- (2022-01-27) Cheng Zack: No longer works since late January 2022. and there is no Google Chat extension for replacement.
- (2022-01-03) Vinay Shah: New Hangout is pathetic. We need desktop hangout.
- (2021-12-27) Hristo Kolev: Absolute joke, barely usable. And no dark mode?! In year 2022 where everything has a dark mode?! Ridiculous.
- (2021-12-26) Razan Akhlad: I Love It
- (2021-12-12) Carrie Schneider: sucjks, cant remove it
- (2021-12-08) AngryMongol: Too bad Google has decided to retire this extension without any replacements. It was probably one of my most used feature by Google, if not the most used. It was such a simple and convenient feature that was easily accessible without having to go look for. It has been over a year since it stopped working and is now time for me to uninstall it from chrome. Wish they had given us a way to download or transfer all the messages in there over to something else. Google has become not so different from Microsoft nowadays though
- (2021-12-08) banana _niku: まったくアクセスできません。ずっとぐるぐるしてるだけ。入れる必要はないと思う
- (2021-11-05) Tomáš Wünsch: Google Hangouts is going to be closed down by Google very soon, hence this Addon will be obsolete too... :-(
- (2021-11-03) James Nguyen: i love it
- (2021-10-23) 01_Nguyễn Thị Lan Anh: tôi rất thích tiện ích này , rất phù hợp với nhu cầu của bản thân tôi . I LOVE GOOGLE HANGOUTS
- (2021-10-21) Jeff Axelrod: Stopped working for me today without warning. Asking me to "Sign in to Chrome to get started." When I click the "sign in" button, a new blank window pops up at the following URL. gmail address.) Refreshing the blank window has no effect. Rebooting has no effect. Removing and reinstalling the extension has no effect.
- (2021-10-20) zuvtube: vary eopoc
- (2021-10-15) Epic Epic: Doesn't Allow Me To Log In And Even When I Log In It Still Asks Me To Log In
- (2021-10-15) dame tu comida: Personalmente me ha gustado, pero, algo que CASTRA es que no se pueda poner en oscuro, eso sería bueno, tiene muy pocas configuraciones y que el tema cambiara a uno oscuro para no lastimar tanto los ojos, en la interfaz pongan mas personalizacion, por favor
- (2021-10-07) Manoel Leal Cristofolini: é muito bommmm
- (2021-10-03) Kim Kam: super
- (2021-09-30) Mackenzie Bonig: Was such a perfectly simple app with a cute floating bubble, now bulky and not user friendly. I've been using this app for YEARS, always loved it. Will be finding something else. Why have something tied to a browser tab when it used to be independent?! So disappointing.
- (2021-09-30) Blue_DragonVN: #VIETNAM Viet Nam use this for covid-19 ---5stars---
- (2021-09-30) K P: epic
- (2021-09-29) Robert Kliethermes: The extension works well enough, but they got rid of the 'transparent mode' were instead of a big dumb ugly box that you conversations show up in you had just a small series of bubbles. It was nice being able to just have the conversations show up in these bubbles that you can drag to the corner of your screen out of the way, but staying on top of all other apps. It was great for seeing when someone just messaged you, as it showed up a number of messages that have not been viewed yet and not being intrusive. Now if I get a message that I want to read/respond to I have to pull up this dedicated window. The bubbles were also far nicer to look at than this big ugly box, other than that it works okay. I'm not mad Google,... just disappointed.
- (2021-09-28) Jinx La'rue: gmail+hangouts is so clunky. whats the point of going to your email just to check a hangout message? going to find a alternative
- (2021-09-27) iniciación y soporte: Se quedan enviando los mensajes y se envian como a los 10 min
- (2021-09-26) Bob Dylan: This extension has been in my tech ecosystem, in almost every single one of its iterations for a good portion, if not my entire adult life. It has been integral to everything I do, be it business, education, or leisure. Such a sadness to see Google closing the hatch on the current state of things. I'm just happy this existed at all, and maybe legacy users like myself will be grandfathered into the eventual software as a service model. It's weird looking back and seeing what technology defined an entire generation of people. I would consider this a ubiquitous and essential aspect of my own.
- (2021-09-25) Soulayman Sidi: i like hangout alot
- (2021-09-05) 白毛強: 新軟體新增安裝了,但電腦版完全打不開.............................
- (2021-08-27) Eskarleth Rodriguez: No tenía para enviar audio no se puede adjuntar archivos o realizar una búsqueda en todo el historial sino movía el cursor para ir encontrando resultados, no podía mover los grupos de stickers a un lugar de busqueda y uso más accesible
- (2021-08-24) Leon McKisic: Was a good idea but not that Google had forced people to Google Chat rather than Hangouts, this extenison should have already changed. As usual it appears Google has not thought out their move from one service to a slightly modified one and not considered the users or functionality of the product. This extension should have been updated or or had a replacement before the change was forced on users.
- (2021-08-23) Ivan Dan: i cant believe you remove this simple app, and force to use the the garbage what properly
- (2021-08-23) f perween: Best
- (2021-08-22) Ilona Zierold: Die alte Version war besser.
- (2021-08-20) Renee Holden: The 2021 version has just ruined hangouts. Please go back to the pre August 2021 version!
- (2021-08-20) Martin Novotný: Přestalo fungovat, přesměruje na google chat
- (2021-08-18) Elizabeth Snow: This worked great until now is appears to be deprecated in favor of Chat, but you can still download it and get an error without clarity if there is a new add-on/extension. Maybe has to be accessed via Or (and?) the tiny left-hand side navigation in the Gmail pane, where it is still called Hangouts and not chat. This change is a serious downgrade and is very confusing.
- (2021-08-18) Suzanne Fink: This was a great tool, having a desktop icon that can sit in the toolbar was super useful, as was the ability to simply click on that when there are new messages. The replacement is a serious downgrade and also results in having duplicate notifications appear on my phone. Having to open a browser, then having to select chat and THEN only being able to interact with my colleagues is just far too clunky. I also preferred it when group chats (now "Rooms") were not a separate thing but simply figured in the list of recent chats. It seems to me that Google has pushed out a product that revolves around how Google works internally without considering that the outside world has a different view. Please bring back the extension and desktop icon functionality of Hangouts in the new Chat tool. We are missing important messages now because someone happened to close the browser with the chat in it.
- (2021-08-18) Juan Lopez: ablor
- (2021-08-14) Krzysztof Borowiak: Usługa Hangouts jest zamykana a konwersacje przenoszone do Google Chat, które nie ma swojego niezależnego rozszerzenia, czyli trzeba je trzymać w osobnej karcie; pozostaje więc pytanie - kiedy należy się spodziewać rozszerzenia dla nowej usługi?
- (2021-08-14) Mark Christopher Bergeron: Wat he hell ? i dont want to downgrade my service with the " Upgrade "! I new there was something fishy going on ! Google hates us wow ! lol !
- (2021-08-12) Sef McCullough: O.M.G. I am so sick of this popup alert that when I open hangouts, because I can't even find the magical new chat, it says "switch over to the chrome extension". When I click on that, it shows the chrome extension installed. I have uninstalled, reinstalled, this has been going on for *ages*. Can you guys please figure this ish out?!
- (2021-08-07) Daniel G: Its amazing. been using it for 3 years.
- (2021-08-03) Yvon: What kind of company forces its users to use another completely different product with the intent to replace its functionalities but in real does not even try? Where is my chat app? Where is my extension button that displays how many new messages right there? This is an abuse.
- (2021-07-30) Don H: Where is the Google Chat extension?
- (2021-07-27) Mike G: Make this Pinnable to the taskbar in windows please, Not a pin that takes you to your extensions page. Why do I need to have a chrome tab open now just to activate this when the old version was a standalone extension.
- (2021-07-22) Артем Георгиевич: Как в анекдоте "хочешь я расскажу тебе сказку?"... Приложение пишет переходите на гугел чат, а переходить некуда, приложение (расширение) для гугел чата никто не написал.
- (2021-07-16) Ravi Yadav: There should be option of calling a person without video calling.
3.4 (33,886 votes)
Last update / version
2022-01-24 / 2022.118.1135.1
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