extension ExtPose

Auto Highlight

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Description from extension meta

Auto Highlight 将自动突出显示指定页面上的指定字词

Image from store Auto Highlight
Description from store 🟨 Auto Highlight将自动突出显示定义页面上的定义单词。 为什么? 有时页面刚刚设计得很好,您正在寻找的信息不够可见。 常见用例: - 突出显示元数据,如: 1080p, HDR, 4K, x265, HEVC, 5.1 - 突出显示“免费送货”:) - 你在寻找网上特定的东西吗? 使用“时间突出显示”来帮助您在所有页面上找到它。 关闭浏览器时,会自动删除时间亮点。 - 您甚至可以通过将字体大小设置为零或使它们透明隐藏单词。 支持独立开发人员! Juraj Mäsiar - https://Blog.Mozilla.org/Addons/2020/06/15/Friend-Of-Add-ons-Juraj-Masiar/ 自2016年以来我是Addon开发人员。我的目标是为您的网络浏览器构建强大的扩展,以使您更富有成效。 如果你认为我做得很好,请捐赠:) - Ko-Fi.com: https://ko-fi.com/fastaddons - PayPal.Me: https://paypal.me/fastaddons/8.88 - Liberapay: https://liberapay.com/juraj.masiar/ - Patreon.com: https://www.patreon.com/fastaddons - BuyMeACoffee.com: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/fastaddons - 使用IBAN转帐:: SK6283300000002701131205, BIC/SWIFT: FIOZSKBAXXX 你的捐款是我唯一的收入! 谢谢你支持我的工作! 隐私政策: https://github.com/fastaddons/AutoHighlight/blob/master/PRIVACY_POLICY.md 最近添加的功能: https://addons.mozilla.org/addon/auto_highlight/versions/

Latest reviews

  • (2023-12-13) YONGSIK LIM: This PG is really awesome and really really appreciated for your brient think. I really Love that. Thank you so much and will contact you soon if I need further request of that
  • (2023-12-09) 孙龙龙: 好用
  • (2023-09-26) Mahmod Ashraf: unique extension that should be in every browser in the world
  • (2023-09-04) Samraj: Very good tools.
  • (2023-09-04) Fred Curry: I have never reviewed a Chrome extension before, but this one has every feature I could think of and more. I was so frustrated before with highlighters that couldn't handle phrases instead of individual words. This one does that, but also allows me to specify highlighting over particular domains, and allows me to adjust colors and text style. A truly superb extension.
  • (2023-08-23) Samuel Waugh: This extension is extremely useful. Kudos to the developer of this extension you have improved my ability to work.
  • (2023-08-03) 罗观华: 非常好用,有个建议,不知道能不能收到,我想调用里面的输入框。就是用变量传递到输入框。这样每次不需要手工去填写关键词。这个能做到不?关键字可能是动态变化的。
  • (2023-07-16) Maverick: Great extension! But is there a limit to the number of words users can add? I tried to add a long list of many words but failed.
  • (2023-06-30) nusek nusek: the best
  • (2023-05-17) Type One: loaded blank/orange page on one of our pcs - rest was fine... tried clearing cache/reinstalling/rebooting etc still no luck any suggestions?
  • (2023-05-11) Imran: love it! I would recommend it for everyone. It has been really helpful for productivity, I'm sure it will do the same for students.
  • (2023-04-13) Marc Mallari: Helped me so much
  • (2023-03-24) Bjørn Kåre Myskja: This is a fantastic extension. Should have an option to disable on text editors like in discussion forums though, because it automatically inserts formatting code into the editor..
  • (2023-03-21) Wills Liu: great extension with many customization options and rules, yet the biggest issue is that the extension only highlights texts (((after))) a page is fully loaded, for slow pages the wait time was so long that I could just press control + F and type the keywords.
  • (2023-03-16) Melissa Ross: This is absolutely amazing, I love how you can customize, keep it up developers!!!!!
  • (2023-02-14) zhao peng: While it is possible to set each domain name but lacks the exclude function for example I want to take effect on all pages but only exclude https://www.google.com/ can't do it now Missing blacklist functionality Now there is only whitelist Blacklist is also necessary
  • (2023-01-22) Bharath R: It is seamless. Does what it says and damn, you can create 500 rules per id. How cool is that. Let's you style your highlights. End to to end customization. Solves my problem i.e. A full mix of timetable including elective subjects for all. It was hard to remember the code and map them manually.
  • (2023-01-12) ЕвГЕЙНИЙ Zуzлин: Я рад.
  • (2023-01-08) Lukáš “Deathrage” Procházka: I am so glad to see that the technology advanced far enough to have a highlighter that fulfills my needs. + find and highlight multiple words and apply different styles to them + all matches are displayed by the scrollbar + does not require reloading the page to apply new settings + supports regexes
  • (2022-12-15) Arpad Orfi: This is the best highlighter extension by far, besides Highlight This: finds and marks words https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/highlight-this-finds-and/fgmbnmjmbjenlhbefngfibmjkpbcljaj and if you want something that is simpler yet powerful: Multi Highlight https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/multi-highlight/ghinpogonpmlphfkmnjfapdaoaainejn
  • (2022-12-04) Pat MySecret: A very nice tool for highlighting.. And it can double as a bookmarker because it lasts. If you want a powerful Highlighting tool that will follow you through different sessions, this is the one for you! If you want a simple multi-color highlighter for one-time/occasional use, you might try Multiple Search and Highlight.
  • (2022-11-12) Sunday: Top!
  • (2022-11-07) MY GMAIL: Works but not for a huge lists of words that need to be all highlighted in certain colors. For recruiter it's necessary to have such folders/groups of words, as we need to see keywords. Putting words one by one then when you have over 8k phrases is a no-no. Currently using for that purpose HighlightThis!
  • (2022-09-05) Simone Denaro: Fantastico, semplice e funzionale. Serve per cercare la presenza di varie parole in tutta la pagina. Diversamente da "F3" che se devi cercare più parole non funziona a meno che non siano nell' esatto identico modo, questa invece trova TUTTO. Bisogna solo ricordarsi di disabilitare il filtro una volta finito.
  • (2022-08-23) Виктор Климин: Умеет выделять нужные слова на определенных сайтах (можно задавать список сайтов где использовать выделение). Есть возможность настройки стилей для выделения (цвет текста и фона), выделять фразы по регулярке (отдельный плюс). Также есть резервное копирование. Резюмируя - пока наилучшее приложение для этой цели, которое есть в магазине. Есть более "популярные" приложения с большим кол-во отзывов, но все оказались "слабы" по функционалу. Juraj Mäsiar - спасибо вам за приложение, которое полезно и дома и на работе!
  • (2022-08-20) Peyman Ghaffari: this app is best for every word you need to find it on a net surfing A punch of thanks for you
  • (2022-05-21) At h: 挺好的。
  • (2022-04-29) Blog Blogger: Since the 4.0 the context menu disappeared! I was about to revert to 3.2 but I realized that the context menu wasn't that useful in the first place. 1. It lacked the ability to add a word from a webpage to a specific group, like some other highlight extensions have. So when you are in a page with already highlighted words, you cannot easily add another word from the context menu. 2. You cannot add a site to a specific group from the context menu (also available in some other extensions). 3. The above should be able to do them silently, without opening the rather big interface. Also the 4.0 sometimes fail to highlight a page and you need to refresh the page.
  • (2022-03-13) Vovi: This is a best highlight extension.
  • (2022-02-18) Gee Ates: Top notch app! this is exactly what I needed. It keeps me away from distraction by highlighting only the things that I need and removing text that contains specific characters. RegExp is very very useful. It would have been even more cool to see some future updates like: Exclude from highlight some specific page on a Domain or Be able to remove and highlight elements, not only text (especially useful for ads) Nonetheless, Highly highly recommended!!!!!
  • (2021-10-19) kidea luo: 力推,可自定义功能很强大,比其他同类软件实用得多 It's perfect, and the customizable function is very powerful, much more practical than other similar software
  • (2021-05-21) Head Gr.: Does exactly what needed. Easy and flexible setup. Highly recommended!


20,000 history
4.6714 (70 votes)
Last update / version
2024-04-01 / 5.3
Listing languages
sk zh-CN fr sv de en
