Iščite v ChatGPT za spletno iskanje, oglejte si oba Googlova rezultata in v 2 sekundah ugotovite, kaj vam bo ChatGPT povedal o tem.
Search in ChatGPT for Web Search, see both Google results and find out in 2 seconds what ChatGPT will tell you about it.
ChatGPT for Web Search - uses the search engine at www.google.com and is designed as an innovative chrome extension that integrates with ChatGPT
By using this application, you will benefit from both the search results and what ChatGPT has written about your search, which will maximize your search experience.
After installing the application, you can search in 6 different categories (Web, images, video, news, torrents, subtitle) at the same time from the application screen, and you can view the search results with the 5websearch.com site using Google infrastructure.
Functionality of the application is shown in the pictures.
If you run into any problems, email [email protected]
Use the power of ChatGPT with this new application to maximize the quality of your calls by combining the power of Google and ChatGPT.
Latest reviews
- (2023-07-19) Frank Flores: Very helpful and saves time.