A tool to help users read text more easily by highlighting key parts of speech
Readsy parses text on webpages to determine each text item's part-of-speech and then adds user directed background highlighting or font color shading around each word based on its classification type. The aim is to allow users to skim through material faster than normal by emphasizing parts-of-speech such as nouns, verbs, and adjectives, while de-emphasizing parts-of-speech such as prepositions and conjuctions.
Users can change which parts-of-speech are highlighted, change the color of the highlights, and save their own color templates.
Readsy does not run automatically. Instead, a floating button is added to the browser window in the top left corner which a user can click on to execute the part-of-speech parsing. This takes all the text on the page and sends it to an API which parses through all of the text and sends back a data-object containing each word and its classification. Readsy then takes this data-object, parses through the page HTML and encapsulates each text-item with the appropriate classification.
Latest reviews
- (2023-01-25) David Fronval: Too much blue it is tedious for the eyes. I don't see how it can help.
- (2023-01-20) M Umar Khan: This is exactly what I've been looking for... Thanks a lot for developing this.