Description from extension meta
A Star Is Born New Tab Extension brings a new look to your Chrome browser.
Image from store
Description from store
We can see that you are admirer of A Star Is Born how we know that ? It was so easy because you ended up at this A Star Is Born extension page. We gathered as handsome as A Star Is Born wallpapers for you and add to our A Star Is Born extension. We are also planing to add a feature that users can add their A Star Is Born or any other pictures to our extensions.
Most of us hate when our default search engine is changed. Ok, don't worry for that our A Star Is Born new tab extension does not change your current search engine!!! May be we can add it in the future, who knows ? OK, we don't have a plan for that but in the future we are planning to add search engine options in our A Star Is Born extension and any other extensions that we have.
Another important stuff is how to uninstall A Star Is Born new tab extension. It's soo easy, to uninstall just right click the icon of A Star Is Born than choose "Remove from Chrome..."
We didn't forget the beneficiaries of A Star Is Born . If you think any of A Star Is Born images belongs to you, please, let us know by sending email to [email protected]. Please, do not forget to attach the picture that you own, we cannot know which one is yours because we gathered all A Star Is Born images from the web.
Paddle your paper is done for A Star Is Born new tab extension.
Let's discuss about features of A Star Is Born new tab extension. These are listed on the down side of this text.
* Your current new tab page will have a new look with A Star Is Born new tab extension. There will be A Star Is Born wallpapers on the background of Chrome.
* Search box in the middle of A Star Is Born new tab screen. It currently uses google, if you would like to you can make your searches on the box.
* Entrenched links on the left pane of the A Star Is Born 's new tab screen.
* Date and time feature, yes, we know it's stereo but it's one of necessarily.
* Sticky A Star Is Born wallpapers, it was not designed as a feature but when you select a A Star Is Born wallpaper it will be sticky. Currently, if you select one it will not change to another when you open a new tab. So, you should manually change your A Star Is Born wallpaper next time.
* Changing wallpapers every time you open a new tab.
* Wouldn't it be nice to play games while enjoying A Star Is Born new tab extension ? There is a link "Popular Games" you will redirected to our gaming website when you click it.
* Didn't end, we would like to expand the features to make a useful extensions. Please, let us know if you have a useful or any feature that you would like to have in A Star Is Born new tab extension. To contact with us just send an email to [email protected]
That's all for now. Thank you for reading.