extension ExtPose

Prolific Assistant

CRX id


Description from extension meta

This is an extension designed to monitor https://www.prolific.co/ for new studies and alert you when it finds them. Features -…

Image from store Prolific Assistant
Description from store This is an extension designed to monitor https://www.prolific.co/ for new studies and alert you when it finds them. Features - Desktop notification for every new study found. - Displays how many studies are available on the extension icon. - Shows the last time studies were checked for. Settings - Check Interval: How often to check for studies in seconds (60+). - Alert Sound: The type of sound you want when a new study is found (none, voice, choice of 5 different sounds). - Alert Volume: The volume level for the alert sound (0-100). Permissions - Read and change your data on all prolific.co sites (needed to be able to check for studies) - Read your browser history (needed to open a prolific tab) - Display notifications (needed to display notifications) Note: If you see ! displayed, visit/sign in to Prolific and wait for the check interval for it to clear.

Latest reviews

  • (2024-05-02) B G: Used to work really well, but now it just... doesn't work. It stops checking. I went over to the studies page and noticed a study there, but no notification... because it had stopped checking at 8 AM, over 12 hours ago. 5/2/24 - It hasn't worked in weeks and it doesn't look like they're going to fix it anytime soon.
  • (2023-11-20) jenn howe: This only sends me studies that are full. It sends me the info on high paying studies but then I NEVER can do them. It is not a good extension
  • (2023-11-11) Claudia: It always gives you notifications AFTER all the spots have filled up for a task. I think it's only been ontime 1-2 times in the past 20 odd tasks. It doesn't make it a very useful notification. I also find it's not of any use to give you notifications of tasks that have already passed. Sometimes I get notifications of lots of tasks popping up, but then it was sent a few hours ago as per my mailbox notifications. e.g i get an email notification saying there's a new task at 3am, but at 1pm the next day i'll get a notification for that exact task that has already expired/completed. Also the payment is not per the notification. Some tasks will be a $x - $xx range, and it gives you the top $xx range as the notification, but you are likely to only be paid the lower $x amount.
  • (2023-10-24) Raquel Francés: Funciona fatal, cuando avisa de un nuevo estudio nunca hay plazas libres. Deberían revisar el tiempo de actualización
  • (2023-10-18) Brett Skaife: the "Reward - ____" section is very misleading. most of the time it's using the pay/hour instead of the actual reward.
  • (2023-10-06) Bianca Strete: The idea is good but the notifications are late MOST of the time.
  • (2023-10-02) Sebastian W.: this plugin is just very useful. it helps not having to refresh the site all the time. also i like that it's actively being maintained and issues are fixed in a timely manner. (updated review after it was shortly broken when the prolific URL changed)
  • (2023-09-28) Jerry Connor: Very helpful if you are waiting for studies.
  • (2023-09-27) Success Ekuku: This extension has been really great. It is worth noting that prolific domain has changed hence an update will be greatly appreciated.
  • (2023-09-27) J: Was working until the website changed it URL, now the extension is bugged until they fix it. But normally, its a great extension.
  • (2023-09-27) Mandy Fleetwood (Headndacloudz78): I use this extension daily and love it!
  • (2023-09-27) Zach Scott: Can't login
  • (2023-09-27) Luigi: L'estensione non funziona più in seguito al cambio di dominio del sito
  • (2023-09-27) Kevin E: Works as described. Studies are hit and miss even on the Prolific website so downvoting the add-on for missed studies makes no sense.
  • (2023-09-27) Jernej Logar: I always get notified when there is only 1 space left in the study and always miss it. Also after the domain switch it's not working so I hope there is a fix within the next few days.
  • (2023-09-27) Draco Cross: It’s great, but after Prolific changed to .com we need an update, because logging in now doesn’t work. Please update quickly!
  • (2023-09-27) Pier Paolo Soriente: L'estensione va aggiornata dato che a seguito del cambio di dominio di Prolific (da .co a .com) non funziona più. Per il resto l'ho sempre trovata utile.
  • (2023-09-27) Middle Child: always get notified when there's 1 space remaining but my friends from other countries get the same study when it drops all the time why? i barely do studies i get like 2 studies a week,
  • (2023-09-27) Carl Lennon: no longer working due to prolific changing their domain to .com
  • (2023-09-25) Stavros Tsakiridis: Prolific changed it's domain and moved to prolific.com (instead of .co). Please update the extension!
  • (2023-09-24) Darryl Wong: Does not update in. real time! NEEDS BETTER REFRESH RATE!!!
  • (2023-08-23) Mark: Waste of time. By the time you get the notification all the bots have taken up all the places.
  • (2023-07-31) Dayllin Moodley: Missed 4 studies in a row and got no notification at all for any of them
  • (2023-07-21) Konstantinos Tzortziou: Its an ok extension but possibly needs improvements on refresh rate but in real time.
  • (2023-07-15) Jason Rodgers: As others have stated the refresh interval is often too slow and they need to update the LOGO
  • (2023-06-26) Sherry Cook: The firefox add on called Prolific Sound Notification is much better.
  • (2023-06-01) Jesse Gardner: It's decent but its not that good. Prolific Sound Extension works much better.
  • (2023-05-17) Lesego_ Malatsi: The Prolific assist extension is not competent with the studies made available on my dashboard, which then makes it extremely hard to find studies with any places remaining. Highly unimpressed.
  • (2023-04-12) Danny Larouche: I would like to be able to pause the notifications. When working or presenting or having team meetings online, it's very distracting. Having the possibility to pause for 30min, an hour 3 hours, in a few clicks would be great.
  • (2023-03-17) Christian Hughes: Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Many times surveys will be full when I get notified.
  • (2023-03-03) Louis Parr: Works great, have used this notifier and it has been so helpful. Sometimes can display an error but a quick restart fixes it (:
  • (2023-02-22) MC 14192: It does give me notifications but they interrupt what I'm doing and distract me; one came through while I was doing a study and I had to mute my speaker volume so I wouldn't hear any more. That means of course that I have to remember to unmute when I'm between studies if I want to hear any notifications. But there doesn't seem to be much point in that because it's finding studies I can't do, for example ones that are restricted to mobile. I have restrictions set on the main page so I won't see those but the extension is apparently not using them. If the extension had settings I could change to match the restrictions that would help but it doesn't; all I can change are the notification type and its volume. I can't even tell it how often to check (and I have no idea how often it *is* checking). This extension was suggested to me by someone at Prolific as an alternative to just keeping a tab open, because of a glitch on the main page that's showing a number on the tab when there are really no studies available. I think I'm better off putting up with that than an extension that's misleading and that I have to mute sometimes so it won't distract me. I'll be removing it as soon as I finish with this review.
  • (2023-01-17) Jonathan Briggs: Rarely actually makes the trigger noise. I find more studies by clicking on the prolific tab than I get from waiting for the notifications. And when it does notify it's always too late, usually only a handful of places left and those are shown as taken as soon as I try to join. In other words, it's useless, and very annoying.
  • (2023-01-06) Maja Majewska: Does not sound a notification most of the time. If it does its too late by then as one place has been taken or its already gone before you even click it. This needs to be fixed its just so so poor.
  • (2022-12-01) Snacktime Productions: Needs a button to turn it on/off
  • (2022-11-10) Oliver OliverW: It's far too slow with its notifications; almost all are already full.
  • (2022-10-24) Dan Rhodes: Pretty useless extension, it notifies you far too late so by the time it tells you a study is available it's already full
  • (2022-09-10) Wayne Shepherd: I love this extension, however recently it has been ignoring the fact that I have the Alert set to "none" and the volume to "0" and have desktop notifications turned off. I still get the "voice" at a fairly loud level telling me about available surveys. I have reinstalled the extension and it didn't solve the problem. Since I am at work at my business when I take surveys it can be distracting when I am in the middle of work and I get the notification. (I can't turn volume down because I have other work related tasks that require audio)
  • (2022-08-02) Oz Ramos: I think folks aren't realizing that 70K people have installed this extension, so of course it'll appear like you might not get them "fast enough" 😅 I think the extension is great! However, I would like the ability to quickly toggle the extension completely on/off. I only use Prolific for an hour or two a day and it's kind of annoying to have to fiddle with the settings to turn it off
  • (2022-07-26) Gary: Refresh interval is rediculous
  • (2022-07-23) Jan Baranowski: It's not as good as it used to be... It used to refresh every minute or so, now it takes much longer. But it gets the job done I guess, you get notified when it catches a study
  • (2022-07-14) Felicity Chevalier: Works fine. You need to update it fairly often manually, which is fine since it saves browser resources. A tip for others: even if it fills up, there's a chance someone will drop, so you can still watch for it for a few minutes. The people saying they are too late simply did not update their available surveys and didn't care to look.
  • (2022-07-11) Shafiul Islam-Mehdi: Alerts you too late
  • (2022-07-05) NOMCEBO MBELE: Look, it's a good thing to have, but pointless when it tells you that there are studies available and barely a second later, the study is full. I have only managed to catch 2 studies of many.
  • (2022-03-24) tip tb: Where has the interval option gone? My assistant seems to have stopped checking for surveys and the interval option has disappeared from settings. Gave it 3 starts because it used to be good.... but the past few days it's been useless tbf :(
  • (2022-02-01) Damon Fredrick: i dont think it works anymore. The more they update it, the worse it gets. Doesnt even notify hardly anymore, and when it does, study is always full... they took away the interval option. I wouldnt be surprised it they turned off the instant cashout option. Does nothing but show ERR all the time. They probably are gonna get rid of it soon. Like they did the prolific reserver extension.
  • (2022-01-26) ryjoku: Not working
  • (2022-01-25) Michał Pyra: Doesn't work after last update
  • (2022-01-25) G. Ramos: Funcionaba bien, a veces te avisa con tiempo del estudio y otras cuando está lleno. Ahora no te avisa nada, se desconecta de prolific y tengo que estar iniciando sesión a cada rato además de que tengo que mantener la ventana de prolific abierta para que no se desconecte pero si la mantengo abierta, no me avisa de los estudios mientras estoy en otra ventana o pantalla. Mal.
  • (2022-01-24) Gorgoth476 zip: After last update it is useless and broken


80,000 history
2.65 (420 votes)
Last update / version
2025-02-04 / 5.14.0
Listing languages
