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Night Shift - Apply Dark Theme for Chrome. Black Mode for every site
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Description from store
Night Shift automaticky posunie farby obsahu vášho prehliadača po zotmení na teplejší koniec farebného spektra.
⚡ Musíte obnoviť všetky karty, ktoré boli otvorené PRED inštaláciou Night Shift. Môžete tiež reštartovať Chrome a obnoviť všetky karty naraz. V opačnom prípade bude Night Shift fungovať iba s novootvorenými kartami.
⚡V súlade s pravidlami prehliadača Chrome je nočná zmena obmedzená na fungovanie v Internetovom obchode Chrome a na domovskej stránke. Po nainštalovaní tohto rozšírenia otvorte akúkoľvek inú webovú stránku (napríklad YouTube) a skontrolujte rozšírenie v akcii.
Nočná smena sa zabezpečuje podľa plánu, môžete si vybrať z 3 možností:
1. Sunset to Sunrise (Chrome farby budú automaticky tieňované každý deň pri západe slnka).
2. Vypnuté (ručne povoľte nočný posun, aby ste zatienili obrazovku)
3. Vlastné (nastavte si vlastný plán spustenia a dokončenia úprav farieb displeja)
Starajte sa o svoje oči. Zmeňte jas obrazovky na špeciálne farby na ochranu očí zo zoznamu alebo na farbu, ktorú uprednostňujete.
Nočná zmena mení farby obrazovky na teplé a oči chrániace odtiene. Môžete nastaviť automatickú zmenu režimu obrazovky podľa plánu alebo vybrať farebnú tému pre určitú webovú stránku.
Práca na počítači v noci môže ovplyvniť vaše oči. Režim nočného posunu je dobrou príležitosťou na zníženie jasu obrazovky, aby ste sa postarali o svoje oči. Tmavý režim nie je vhodný pre všetky webové stránky, takže použitie teplých farieb na všetky webové stránky bude najlepšou alternatívou pre tónovanie obrazovky.
Režim Screen Shader je potešením pre vaše oči!
Latest reviews
- (2024-01-17) Hana Lemon: 选择More Colors然后在“Select and add your favorite colors”那里竟然不能直接填写颜色编码,蚌埠住了,我还特地先去取了一个色。
- (2023-11-06) Alfonso Gutierrez: Night Shift is not working well with the latest version of MS Edge browser. It flashes white or some random color. Sometimes when I'm a web page, it'll flash my desktop as though it was an x-ray. Edge is unusable unless I disable Night Shift.
- (2023-11-04) Sanjar Afaq: Can you add an optional textbox for hex/rgb input. I'm unable to use so many cool colors from online palettes.
- (2023-10-08) Eric Ketzer: every time you change page or click on a link, the page flashes white..
- (2023-09-21) Gianluca Castaldi: Ottimo prodotto
- (2023-09-18) Rodolf: Among us sus imposta amogoose
- (2023-08-26) Tuhin Roy: Brilliant. I just love it.
- (2023-08-23) Fred Lee: Hope you can Add RGB to choose more colors.
- (2023-07-31) Eriko Nanase: 好用,和网页适配得很好
- (2023-07-18) Utku Garip: Çıldırmalık! Zerre değişiklik yok!
- (2023-07-16) haima Mar: great!
- (2023-06-30) Eugenio Segovia: si funciona
- (2023-05-26) 莫乾洲: 不错
- (2023-05-16) Pavel “パっちゃん” Sh: Супер!
- (2023-03-18) bhwolf: my favorite one, other "dark modes" just do everything black and text extra brightly white whish is not nice at all but this one instead adds a layer on the whole website making it less bright while not changing the colors
- (2023-03-01) Эдуард Мухаметзянов: Работает. широкие возможности
- (2023-01-02) RMA: Perfect! The best out there
- (2022-12-13) Salahov: super
- (2022-11-30) Shayan Ahmed: Amazing !!!
- (2022-11-28) Risal Fajar Amiyardi: One thing missing from this extension is 'Exclude this site' button. So that we can't exclude a site easily without going to Settings and copy-paste the site's url.
- (2022-10-29) ramdan pp: 牛逼,但是很多扩展功能需要手动调比较麻烦
- (2022-10-27) Dima Tisnek: Hi Nightshift team. I like this ext, moved from the older non-redux version; The main case when I turn it off is for video conferencing. It would be awesome to have a whitelist... a lightlist (?) of websites that are exempt from the extension, like Thank you :)
- (2022-09-29) Mobile: i liked this extension, but some online reports show that this extension had been reportedly infected with malware codes. Are we safe?
- (2022-09-19) boltzmann: best extension, it saved my eye
- (2022-09-13) Nocturnal Owl Digitalist: Can you provide us option to reduce or increase the blackness of dark mode like dark reader does because it is too black, I like somewhere between greyish and a little black not pitch black. Plus allow dark theme for webpages only on certain sites not all webpages open. Plus Can you allow us to increase opacity even more? Using it in chrome, brave, edge, vivaldi and kiwi browser. I hope you bring this addon for firefox browsers. Liked and loved it before but something is not right with this addon. I mean I sometimes dont want to dark mode to darken websites but blue or color filter and increase and decrease opacity accordingly but despite using lowest, it is still highest. I want dev to add more option to decrease opacity. Working 3 in the morning with bright white light isnt helpful so please consider us. I use it and will revise my ratings after finding option to decrease brightness even more from current standards. Thanks.
- (2022-09-09) Letian Wang: Dark Mode cannot be used without turning on Night Shift. It was not like this before.
- (2022-09-08) MECCNR: Really good
- (2022-08-24) Robert M: It was okay for a long time...until Dark Mode stopped working today. I've reinstalled on Chrome on several PCs, restarted Chrome of course, no luck. Fix it & you'll get your 5/5 stars back again...
- (2022-08-17) Sergey: Шикарное расширение
- (2022-07-09) Sheamus A: Thanks. I can choose my desired tone colours
- (2022-07-02) hasibul islam: this is really awesome's make my computer comfortable thank's for it .
- (2022-06-29) Cyril Jr. III: dark mode stopped working on youtube
- (2022-04-23) Matthew Howell: Maybe I'm missing something? When I enable the sunset to sunrise mode, this extension does not work at all. When I disabled the sunset to sunrise mode, it works just fine. I have double checked the time zone entries, on my laptop, and they are set correctly. I am using Chrome Version 100.0.4896.127 (Official Build) (64-bit) on Windows 11 Home 21H2.
- (2022-03-07) Clark Kent Moreno: Dark Mode Wont Work in chrome Web store (Please Fix It Cause it hurts my eyes)
- (2022-03-01) Bryan Kuria (Kuriab): It was awesome! Night Shifts are cool
- (2022-02-14) Dawan Taylor: It works and I like hoe it turns everything evil.
- (2022-01-28) 廖予然: 虽然挺好用但是这玩意儿咋关啊,,,?
- (2022-01-27) Henrique Saquetini: Depois de testar vários, este é sem dúvida o melhor da categoria.
- (2022-01-25) Andre Messado: This extension will not only do a fairly decent job of turning websites to "dark mode" but the feature I like the most is the ability to simply dim the websites, preventing you from needing to adjust brightness. So if you'd like something easier to look at without going into "dark mode" try out the "night shift" option this extension has.
- (2021-12-15) invi Y: Will be nice If it has a shortcut-key enable filter or on/off
- (2021-10-28) Av Avm: Excellent Protect my eyes Thanks
- (2021-10-24) Taylor Foerster: Doesn't work with Google Docs :(
- (2021-10-16) Chaos Devil: it can turn websites black without covering the contents, or simply reduce the brightness of the sites by applying a colored filter, it works perfectly and it's exactly what i was looking for!
- (2021-10-08) Matthias Perkins: Tienes opciones diferentes y por eso lo hace esta extensión muy útil. ¡5 Estrellas!
- (2021-09-26) Antonella Goñi: Es muy buena para poder pasar tiempo adelante del monitor sin dañar la vista, como protector de luz azul
- (2021-09-24) Noushin Tarannum: I like Night Shift Shade. But This Dark mood is too dark in insta. Please provide an option where we can reduce the black color to ash color. And The brightness of picture is high. Please try to fix it.
- (2021-09-24) Feng Chang: good job
- (2021-09-24) Jessie Giles: I think this is so lovely and it is already helping so much!!! Only complaint so far is that using google docs in dark mode makes my cursor disappear and that has been surprisingly unsettling. Otherwise great job, thank you. (and if you're having trouble getting it to "work" after installation, close out your browser and reopen it, should be on now!)
- (2021-09-23) da marv: rly nice extention but dont works on some sites i added it for. like on google sheets for example
- (2021-09-21) bella: Works on many more sites than others I've tried - very helpful!