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Extracción gratuita con un solo clic de imágenes de páginas web, videos y texto escaneado en PDF, fácil de resolver el problema de…
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Description from store
Use intelligent OCR technology to circle the images, videos or PDF scanned files in the web page, and extract the text of the circle content for free, so as to easily break the ban on the web page.
At the same time, it provides the image transfer OCR text extraction function:
1.Support OCR identification of pictures in any software at any location of the computer;
2. Support OCR identification by copying and pasting;
3. Support screenshot pasting OCR identification;
4.Support dragging image OCR recognition;
5.Support batch uploading pictures, OCR identification, batch proofreading, and one click copy of identification results;
6.Support extracting more than 200 pages of PDF scanned text.
7.Support viewing OCR recognition history: You can proofread the recent recognition results for the second time, and copy them to your notes with one click after selection.
Latest reviews
- (2024-01-26) Mind Deep: 已经买了会员,请问账号是根据什么判断的?谷歌账号吗?我要如何在其他电脑使用?
- (2023-08-25) Hulu Liu: 这个插件竟然侵入了网页样式,网页样式因为这个插件受到了影响。已卸载。
- (2023-07-17) Eason Chan: 请问一下是必须付费使用吗?
- (2023-06-07) peace: fast & efficient & capture perfectly. worth to buy
- (2023-05-11) Артëм: Almost perfect
- (2023-04-30) Parinita Srivastava: love and best
- (2023-04-04) Alonso Osvaldo: Hi, I have another question, I am already a vip member but after using the ocr, I keep getting that message every time to make a donation, I usually edit the text extracted by the ocr in that same box but it is quite tedious to be blocked every time with that message to make a donation. should not get that message to the vip members who already paid for the membership, one of the reasons why I made the payment to be a vip member was to avoid that annoying message.
- (2023-04-03) 魏先生: 辨識度快又佳,操作也方便,唯付費成為會員只能用微信支付稍覺不便
- (2023-03-27) Pedro Lorenzo: Hi, I made the payment to be vip forever and my account is still the same, do I need to do something else or does this service not work anymore?
- (2023-03-15) guoyu li: 有的网页使用不了,比如这个评论页面,另外网页视频全屏播放的时候也用不了。再请教下,能否网页最小化后在其他界面使用该插件
- (2023-03-10) 谢振: 很好用的工具!!!
- (2023-03-01) Andrew: Almost perfect, but sadly it has accuracy errors. In a lot of cases when I try to copy text that has o and O or 0 next to each other it mistakes one for the other. for example robO00Lem0n is copied as robO0OLemon. I use this extension to copy time sensitive strings with random characters so a lot of the time o and O will be next to each other. Sadly it is not good enough yet.
- (2023-02-25) Ray Ray: 很不錯的~ 我在測試很多不同的OCR插件, 這個真的很驚喜, 當韓文跟英文同時出現都完全沒有問題, 而且那個速度很快~ 暫時來說, 非常好! 請繼續更新優化~ 加油! 我看到有其他人留下意見, 就是"盡量保留原有樣式" 我想我也希望可以改善這個。 例如我掃瞄網頁上的: Free(95-110): 56.5 67 25.5 58 78 81 << 是橫一行的, 可是出來結果卻是直行, 我copy之後需要自己再按delete來把直行縮回原有樣式的橫行。 因為我本來在用"Docsumo Free OCR Software" << 他們是可以做到的~ 希望你們可以改善這個, 那暫時對我來說, 算是很不錯了~ Thank you!
- (2023-02-22) Bowen Zhao: 挺好用的
- (2023-02-11) line e: 识别率一般,但使用了几个插件,基本都一样的垃圾,特别是识别一推数字字母时。 建议:截图的时候没边框,只是稍微的变色,黑色背景的网页看不到,建议加个彩色截图边框。二是提高识别率,向微信中的提取文字看齐。三是尽可能保留原来的样式,该换行的换行,另外发现 } 这个符合容易识别漏掉
- (2023-02-05) 江湖隐士: 挺不错的,识别率很高,感谢作者!
- (2023-01-28) chengliang shi: 淘宝网无法使用,不知道怎么回事
- (2023-01-04) 李司马: 非常的好用。感谢插件开发商。
- (2022-12-17) zt ghj: 插件很好用,谢谢
- (2022-12-04) MagicalBear: 为什么网页有的无法识别什么鬼啊
- (2022-11-21) Joshua Siren: 滿好用的,唯一的問題是,網站使用alt+s截圖掃描之後,文字只能剪切,複製之後沒法粘貼
- (2022-11-15) jinling xi: 挺方便挺实用的。不错不错!
- (2022-11-10) 伊一: 好用