Description from extension meta
重新启用Google Chrome™的右键
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Description from store
是否曾经为您禁用过网站上的右键单击按钮?通过安装此软件扩展,您始终可以确保右键单击鼠标按钮可用于任何网站。此软件扩展程序适用于Google Chrome浏览器。
免责声明:请注意,此扩展程序不是由Google而是由独立的开发团队开发的。所有版权属于其各自所有者。 Google不认可或赞助此Chrome扩展程序。为Google Chrome™启用右键单击不属于Google Inc.,也不属于Google Inc.的子公司。
Latest reviews
- (2023-12-29) Топпер Харли: Заработало. По факту там всего две строчки кода, можно добавить их себе в tampermonkey и не бояться что позже в расширение добавят какую-нибудь дичь. Я так и сделал. window.addEventListener("contextmenu", function(e) { e.stopPropagation() }, true); document.addEventListener('contextmenu', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }, true);
- (2023-11-10) Rosemarie Fortin: Brooo I used to love this but they changed something and did an update and now it doesn't work anymore
- (2023-10-16) Abody Bc: Worked for zoom. Thank you for creating this extension!
- (2023-09-13) Amerigo3000 amerigo: funziona con windows 10
- (2023-09-08) Yan: Okay so this will make websites like hulu , aliexpress, and other's refresh and go to a completely entirely different page by making it go to some random its glitched and i finally figured out why this happens
- (2023-08-19) RENATO STEVEN OLIVERA CALDERON: funciona perfecto :D
- (2023-08-06) Андрей Белоусов: Перестало работать перешел на SuperCopy
- (2023-07-30) first name last name: It doesn't work in Chrome. -last time the extension was updated was 18 months ago.
- (2023-07-11) Matthew: Does Not work. It also breaks other right click extensions. It seems the purpose of this extension is to make sure no one has access to right click options.
- (2023-07-04) Paweł Pawlak: Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work.
- (2023-05-02) M K: not work at all
- (2023-04-29) F B: Doesn't work.
- (2023-04-12) Xalomon: Does not work on
- (2023-04-12) Sina Rezaei: Very helful
- (2023-03-29) 湖秋: useless at all
- (2023-03-24) Admin ZEO Batticaloa: Very helful for me
- (2023-02-25) James Sweeny: MALWARE! This extension will insert redirects on popular websites and hijacks normal browsing activity. Certain common websites would redirect to random Asian shopping sites for a very long time until I figured out this extension is the culprit. DO NOT INSTALL THIS.
- (2023-01-16) Brandon Chan: has ads
- (2022-12-30) WING LAYER: 没有屁用
- (2022-12-11) 金魚沙耶香: 잘 됨. 이거 강추 ㅋㅋ
- (2022-11-28) Cristhian Arriola: Funciona muy bien
- (2022-11-16) sasaru 66: Discordでは使えました。
- (2022-10-18) 김현수: 잘되는데 왜 안된다고 날리임?
- (2022-10-11) Medo Rashed: worked like a charm on right click blocked website.
- (2022-10-08) 이선희: 안됨
- (2022-09-27) Narek Avetisyan: doesn't work
- (2022-08-28) Alba Sn N: No funciona
- (2022-08-14) Nhiên Nhược: Không bị lỗi chính tả, rất tốt. Xin cảm ơn nhà phát triển.
- (2022-08-08) Light: Can't disable once it's turned on until I refresh the tab. For most cases, this is fine as its due to a site not allowing right click. But in my case, I was using it so I can right click on discord images and download buttons to get their links, but now can't use the native right-click context menus (especially in vc where there's no accessible left click menu).
- (2022-07-17) NANOOM GAMDONG (SARANG): 작동하지 않는 경우가 꽤 많습니다. 네이버블로그, 티스토리 등
- (2022-07-15) James Farrell: FIXED the ANNOYING "Right Click "Search Google" " issue that launches Safari instead of using Chrome... Thank you !
- (2022-07-11) Chris: When I click the popup button to download the image it opens a new tab with gibberish on it but nothing downloads.
- (2022-06-10) Ирина Дмитриева: Не работает
- (2022-06-02) Débora Palomo Alberto: PRACTICA
- (2022-05-31) Reuben Walker: Straight to the point, free, and gets the job done! It gives you a nice choice of just enabling Copy or enabling the whole right click panel. It can be a little buggy on certain websites like Discord...but it's no trouble to disable it then reload. Really recommend it.
- (2022-03-16) Erick PS: bueno
- (2022-03-01) 암바: 좋습니다!
- (2022-02-21) ileen Huang: 真的有實際用途,非常好用!
- (2022-02-19) damp pimsen: good for click test
- (2022-02-16) Phạm Phúc Lâm: Not working on
- (2022-02-12) max mustermann: Not working for embedded Iframes.
- (2022-01-30) brigral: probando
- (2022-01-12) Jay Kay: Installed it and tried it on two different websites and it failed to work
- (2022-01-10) Xiaoyang Yu: 好用
- (2022-01-03) Dulce Nayeli V: yuiyu
- (2021-12-29) Morgan Zhao: 来看看什么情况 好评一下
- (2021-12-28) E.Q. Escritos Interno: aun nose
- (2021-12-15) ruoliu ming: EZ to use
- (2021-12-11) Joshua: Thank you. This allowed me to translate spotify lyrics in chrome. BUT, I can't figure out how to automatically active the extension on following hostnames, as shown in the tutorial after installing?