Extraieu amb un sol clic les dades de la llista de propietats immobiliàries de venda/lloguer de bayut.com de la pàgina de resultats…
🚀 Effortlessly extract bayut.com sale/rent real estate properties data from the list search page to a Excel/CSV/JSON/HTML/XML file.
🔧 How it Works:
1️⃣ Go to the bayut.com listing search page.
2️⃣ Perform a search, then click the "Start" button on extension popup.
3️⃣ Choose to download from the data scraping pop-up or the task list on extension.
🌳 What Bayut data can I extract using this tool?
geography, purpose, price, product, referenceNumber, title, location, category, createdAt, updatedAt, reactivatedAt, rooms, baths, area, coverPhoto, phoneNumber, contactName, isVerified, verification, furnishingStatus, type, hasTransactionHistory, completionStatus, availabilityStatus, hasMatchingFloorPlans and so on.
Note: This extension is an independent creation and is not affiliated with or endorsed by bayut❗️🔒