extension ExtPose

Presto lead extractor for Bing Maps and OSM

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Description from extension meta

Save business listings from Bing Maps and OpenStreetMap. Presto is a powerful way to generate leads

Image from store Presto lead extractor for Bing Maps and OSM
Description from store WHAT Presto Map lead extractor helps you extract business listings from Bing Maps and OpenStreetMap. FOR WHOM AND WHY Is your business targeting small businesses: Restaurants, bars, grocery stores, garages, hairdressers, small clothing shops, art galleries, and so on? If that's the case, you've probably found yourself spending COUNTLESS hours browsing the Web building a prospection file. Emails, websites, addresses, and phone numbers are scattered all over the place, and, if not an intern, YOU will have to spend precious time gathering them before you can even get started prospecting. This is the modern equivalent of "Take the phone book, go to 'A' and start dialing". FEATURES Using this software and data from maps, you can: * Find leads literally at any place in the world * Quickly filter and analyze leads in Excel The app is not magic. It extracts all available data from Online maps. Without this software, you can do it manually or hire a virtual assistant to do this job. Functionality: 📍 Extract listings from Bing maps 📍 Extract listings from Open Street maps (OSM) 📊 Download as Excel with proper column types or in CSV ✨ The resulting spreadsheet contains 22 columns including phone numbers, venue name, and address (both English and localized variants), website, average rating, etc. Please note: this app is freemium software. You can use a limited version for free or upgrade for unlimited usage. The download feature is limited to the recent 40 records. NOW TO USE ON BING MAPS 1. Click on the “puzzle” icon at the toolbar. Find Presto’s icon and pin to the toolbar for quick access. 2. Search for something on Bing Maps - http://bing.com/maps/ 3. See the number of results increasing over the toolbar icon 4. Download all records collected by clicking the “Download records” button in the extension’s popup NOW TO USE ON OPEN STREET MAPS 1) Click on the “puzzle” icon at the toolbar. Find Presto’s icon and pin to the toolbar for quick access. 2) Go to https://overpass-turbo.eu/ You can use any Oversee gateway - https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Overpass_API 3) Perform search by pressing “Run” - the query language is described there: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Overpass_API 4) See the number of results increasing over the toolbar icon 5) Download all records collected by clicking the “Download records” button in the extension’s popup 5.1) Clear results if you don’t need them and want to collect from scratch ISSUES If you see that your queries are slow on the web it could break Presto functionality. GET SUPPORT Support email: [email protected] DISCLAIMER The OpenStreemMap is a trademark of the OpenStreetMap Foundation, and is used with their permission. This product are not endorsed by or affiliated with the OpenStreetMap Foundation. The Bing is a trademark of the Microsoft Corporation. This product are not endorsed by or affiliated with the Microsoft Corporation. Presto Map lead extractor palīdz jums izvilkt biznesa ierakstus no OpenStreetMap. Kam un kāpēc? Vai jūsu bizness mērķē mazos uzņēmumus: restorānus, bārus, veikalus, garāžas, frizētavas, mazus apģērbu veikalus, mākslas galerijas un tā tālāk? Ja tā ir, jums, iespējams, ir jāpavada BEZSKAITĪGI stundas, meklējot tīmeklī, lai izveidotu prognozes failu. E-pasti, tīmekļa vietnes, adreses un tālruņu numuri ir izkaisīti visur, un, ja nav interna, JUMS būs jātērē cieši sargātais laiks, lai tos savāktu, pirms jūs pat varat sākt prognozēt. Šis ir modernās laika atbilde uz “paņemt tālruņu grāmatu, doties uz „A” un sākt zvanīt”. IESPĒJAS Izmantojot šo programmatūru un datus no kartēm, jūs varat: * Atrast potenciālos klientus praktiski jebkur pasaulē * Ātri filtrēt un analizēt interesentus Excel Lietotne nav brīnums. Tas izvelk visus pieejamos datus no tīmekļa kartēm. Bez šīs programmatūras to var izdarīt manuāli vai izmantot virtuālu palīgu, lai veiktu šo darbu. Funkcionalitāte: 📍 Izvilkt ierakstus no Open Street kartēm (OSM) 📊 Lejupielādēt kā Excel ar atbilstošiem kolonnu tipiem vai CSV ✨ Rezultējošais izklājlapā ietver 22 kolonnas, tostarp tālruņa numurus, vietas nosaukumu un adresi (gan angļu, gan lokalizēto variantus), tīmekļa vietni, vidējo vērtējumu utt. Lūdzu, ņemiet vērā: šī lietotne ir freemium programmatūra. Jūs varat izmantot ierobežotu versiju bez maksas vai uzlabot, lai izmantotu neierobežotu. Lejupielādes iespēja ir ierobežota ar nesenajiem 40 ierakstiem. KĀ TAGAD Lietot 1) Noklikšķiniet uz "mīklas" ikonas rīkjoslā. Atrodiet Presto ikonu un piestipriniet to rīkjoslai ātrai piekļuvei. 2) Dodieties uz https://overpass-turbo.eu/ Jūs varat izmantot jebkuru Overpass gateway - https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Overpass_API 3) Izpildiet meklēšanu, nospiežot "Run" - meklēšanas valodu apraksta tur: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Overpass_API 4) Redziet, kā skaitlis palielinās virs ikonas rīkjoslā 5) Lejupielādējiet visus ierakstus, kurus savācis paplašinājums, noklikšķinot uz “Lejupielādēt ierakstus” pogas paplašinājuma izvēlnē 5.1) Dzēsiet rezultātus, ja tos vairs nevajag un vēlaties sākt no jauna PROBLEMAS Ja jūs redzat, ka jūsu vaicājumi tīmeklī ir lēni, tas var izjaukt Presto funkcionalitāti. SAŅEMT ATBALSTU Atbalsta e-pasts: [email protected] ATRUNAS OpenStreetMap ir preču zīme OpenStreetMap Foundation, un tā tiek izmantota ar viņu atļauju. Šis produkts nav atbalstīts vai saistīts ar OpenStreetMap Foundation.

Latest reviews

  • (2023-08-26) Mohammad Al Amin (cybErcoderBD): False
  • (2023-08-16) Yuk Ying CHAN: Did not get the data I need
  • (2023-08-14) Kai Hin CHEUNG: Can't provide the data I need
  • (2023-08-11) Hin Hin HO: How did this plugin manage to install so many? Doesn't work, can't extract data
  • (2023-08-09) Shi Ho CHENG: Peut-il être réparé ?
  • (2023-08-08) Kwok Yau KO: Can't catch data
  • (2023-08-08) Manisha THAPA: pourquoi ne peut-il pas être ouvert
  • (2023-08-04) Rahul Kappor bhh: There is no response on the page, what's going on?
  • (2023-07-29) Night Beast: не работает


300,000 history
4.0 (52 votes)
Last update / version
2025-02-13 / 2.1.1
Listing languages
