Description from extension meta
通过图片搜索相似的速卖通商品, 速卖通以图搜货工具
Image from store
Description from store
这是一款以图搜货浏览器插件, 一款好用的按图片搜索速卖通商品工具。
通过这款工具, 您可以找到速卖通上类似图片的商品(方便查看到最便宜的速卖通商品), 并可以轻松的找到价格最低的速卖通供应商。
在任何网站上(包括电商网站, 如亚马逊、速卖通、Ebay、Etsy等), 使用鼠标点击图片, 打开选项菜单, 选择"按图搜索速卖通类似商品", 即可打开新页面展示速卖通类似商品.
在速卖通产品详情页面上。 您单击谷歌浏览器插件图标按钮,插件会弹出一个窗口, 显示类似产品的。
Latest reviews
- (2023-03-17) Saturday: I can't recommend this product enough. Not only is it effective, but it's also incredibly easy to use.
- (2023-01-13) 能找到同类商品,挺好用的
- (2022-11-15) 韩唯: Dont Work
- (2022-11-15) Limm S: It's a Great Plugins, and useful than any other similar plugins but from few days ago suddenly it doesn't work.
- (2022-10-14) jia peng: Wow ! That's great AliExpress Plugins. Before this, I have never encountered such a useful plugin. It can instantly analyze the AliExpress data of the entire page.
- (2022-10-14) YiChen Dai: Nice
- (2022-10-11) Pi Zoidberg: it helps me to find more seller in aliexpress !
- (2022-09-01) Cheug Wade: Oh my god ! Great tool !
- (2022-08-16) Sean He: 竟可以在任何网站通过图片搜速卖通相似商品,太赞了。