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Chrome razširitev narejena za ljudi, ki želijo izvoziti sledilce in sledenje iz Instagrama v csv.
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Description from store
Maksimirajte upravljanje Instagramom z našim zmogljivim in učinkovitim orodjem
Iščete najboljšo rešitev za upravljanje in izvoz podatkov z Instagrama? Instagram Follower Export Tool je najhitrejši način za varno izvažanje podatkov z Instagrama, zasnovan posebej za vplivneže, tržnike in podatkovne analitike, ki iščejo celovite vpoglede.
Kako uporabljati to Chrome razširitev za izvoz Instagrama:
Vnesite uporabniško ime Instagrama
Izberite vrsto izvoza (seznam sledilcev ali sleditev)
Kliknite gumb Export
✅ Izvoz z enim klikom: Takoj izvozite sezname sledilcev in sleditev Instagrama neposredno prek razširitve.
✅ Velika kapaciteta: Izvozite do 50.000 sledilcev ali sleditev z Instagrama.
✅ Podpora za več formatov: Izbirajte med formati CSV in Excel za izvoze.
✅ Učinkovito upravljanje omejitev hitrosti: Upravljajte omejitve API-ja Instagrama za neprekinjeno delovanje.
✅ Namenski izvoz sledilcev Instagrama: Zasnovano posebej za izvoz podatkov z Instagrama.
🔒 Brez potrebe po osebnih podatkih: Razširitev ne zahteva vašega gesla za Instagram ali osebnih podatkov, vključno z informacijami o uporabniku, zgodbami, zgodovino obiskov, objavami in socialnimi odnosi.
🔒 Spoštovanje omejitev hitrosti: Upošteva omejitve hitrosti, ki jih določi Instagram, ki se razlikujejo glede na vaš IP naslov in niso javno razkrite.
Kako deluje Instagram Follower Export Tool:
🔧 Upravljanje omejitev hitrosti: Če izvozite velik seznam sledilcev, lahko pride do napake pri omejitvi hitrosti.
🔧 Način ohlajanja: Razširitev preide v način ohlajanja z vidnim časovnikom, če so prekoračene omejitve hitrosti.
🔧 Reševanje napak: Če napake pri omejitvi hitrosti vztrajajo, se obdobje ohlajanja podvoji.
🔧 Obnova običajnega načina: Po obdobju ohlajanja se orodje vrne v običajno delovanje, ko je naslednja zahteva uspešna.
Instagram je blagovna znamka podjetja Instagram, LLC. InsExport ni povezan, podprt, sponzoriran ali kako drugače povezan z Instagram, Inc. ali katero koli njeno podružnico ali povezano družbo.
Opomba o namestitvi: Po namestitvi znova naložite vse zavihke, da razširitev Chrome začne veljati.
Doživite najboljše pri izvozu podatkov z Instagrama: Preizkusite Instagram Follower Export Tool že danes! Ocenite jo s 5 zvezdicami, delite jo s prijatelji in ustvarite novo skupnost navdušencev družbenih medijev.
Latest reviews
- (2023-10-23) Roman Dreyer: Very simple and straight to the point tool, saved me a lot of hours, many thanks!
- (2023-09-21) Aeris: max number of exported items is 500
- (2023-09-17) Maisa Faour: Does not work on private accounts.
- (2023-06-16) Harpy Harps USA: Very helpful for me!
- (2023-04-28) Masoud Omidian: max is 500 items 👎🏻
- (2023-02-17) J Toh: works as of currently 18 Feb 2023. need connect to your account first (sign in). free for first 500 followers.
- (2023-02-02) Adriano Gutierres: doesn't work, fake adversiting, and probably malicious
- (2023-01-10) Andres Jacob: 10/10. Works exactly as I need it to. When the app broke, dev team was very responsive via email.
- (2023-01-10) Tim Thompson: It works! I noticed if it is a private account, you have to sign into your account and be following them in order to see the person's following/followers, just a heads up!
- (2023-01-10) Anthony A. Taylor: Finally found an extension that really helps and works great. Respect to the author.
- (2023-01-10) Richard A. Yan: Great plugin, it solves my needs perfectly, very fast and efficient!
- (2023-01-07) Vera Fuselier: Cool extension! I was able to transfer all my subscribers in a couple of clicks. Works flawlessly.
- (2023-01-07) Jason Druff: Thanks a lot, great extension. Works like clockwork! Makes life easier.
- (2023-01-07) Margaret J. Shelly: I find this extension to be very well designed! Settings are clear, precise and useful.
- (2023-01-07) Michael Krimson: Finally found an extension that really helps and works great. Respect to the author.
- (2023-01-07) Luis Carlos: I am an Internet marketer and I constantly need new subscribers. This plugin really helps to grow the business. Thanks to him, I was able to find new customers and, accordingly, increase the company's profits.
- (2023-01-07) Lee L. Robles: The extension is good and necessary, I use it every day and it completely suits me!
- (2023-01-04) George Walker: One of the best extensions I have installed. Many thanks to the developer
- (2023-01-04) David Jack: The most cool and useful expansion! Just as I was looking for.
- (2023-01-04) Kristi Romero: Many thanks. I really liked the extension, everything works well
- (2023-01-04) Ruben Grimes: Excellent extension, works stably. I've been looking for this for a long time. I am satisfied.
- (2022-12-12) Terence Molineux: Please cancel my subscription and email me the invoice for previous payments: [email protected]
- (2022-11-12) Anton Krasnoselscky: Requires signing it with email.
- (2022-10-02) Kuter the Hun: I hate the type of guys who want as much as $20 for an easy trick. IT'S NOT FREE, people, if it was something like $5 or something below, I would find it reasonable.
- (2022-07-04) Rakesh Mittal: The IG is massive for me when I want go to do some review on my followers. This extension help a lots. So now I can compare two export file and know who unfo from me.
- (2022-07-01) mandofan: July 2021, had to sign in multiple times into google a/c but when i click on the extension, it still wants me to sign into google. This doesn't work.
- (2022-06-27) Knowledge Pack: Great app, I use it all the time now. Thanks!
- (2022-06-26) Knowledge Power: It's good that I found this app for myself, it makes using social networks easier
- (2022-06-25) Shormila Ahmed: I am an Internet marketer and I constantly need new subscribers. This plugin really helps to grow the business. Thanks to him, I was able to find new customers and, accordingly, increase the company's profits.
- (2022-06-24) Harun Mridha: Very convenient, simply irreplaceable service. Huge thanks and appreciation.
- (2022-03-23) Nicholas TK: Finally found an extension that really helps and works great. Respect to the author.
- (2022-02-17) winfun zhao: Wow, that's great, saved me time
- (2022-02-08) CECILIA CANCINO: solo permite 500 es demaiado bajo
- (2022-01-14) Gola Tonita: This is the most stable one I've tested and can export the most amount, very useful and convenient for me to check my follower count and status.
- (2022-01-11) Anish Sapiens: Waste of time. Basically this collects your working email ID and then tell that you cant use the extension.
- (2021-12-22) محمد مطلع: More than 3 months and you are taking $10 without my permission. I just wanted to try the plugin, and it didn't work for me. Please unsubscribe, and please refund my money. Email: [email protected]
- (2021-09-06) Bruno Santiago: It doesnt do c****... Asks for sign in but, it doesnt let you login xDDD
- (2021-07-10) Beasley Dillan: not work. :(
- (2021-06-15) 徐杨帆: I tried a lot of software is not stable, from reddit I saw this software, very simple to use, thanks to the developer.
- (2021-06-15) Choi史迪仔: The most convenient one among the many similar plugins found, highly recommended to try.
3.5818 (55 votes)
Last update / version
2024-06-27 / 2.2.3
Listing languages