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使用するデータは政府気象サービスによるものです。日本、大韓民国、米国 (アラスカ、ハワイ、プエルトリコ、グアムを含む)、カナダ、オーストラリア、台湾、マレーシア、シンガポール、ブルネイ、インド、英国、アイルランド、ドイツ、フランス、ハンガリー、オーストリア、フィンランド、ノルウェー、アイスランド、オランダ、スペイン (バレアリックおよびカナリア諸島を含む)、スロベニア、クロアチアで動作します、メキシコ、エルサルバドル、アルゼンチン、ベラルーシ、ウクライナ。
最新ニュースについてはTwitterでフォロー: @rainalarm
If your country is not supported, this is probably for one of the following reasons:
- your country's weather service demands a license fee for commercial use
- your country's weather service does not respond to my emails
- your country's weather service does not provide radar images
Latest reviews
- (2023-09-08) Pedro Rojas Campuzano: I don't understand how it works the on off button is confusing in the chrome extension. I don't know if it is on or off.
- (2023-06-21) Billy Wooten: Love this extension, however, I am giving it 4 stars. I'm an IT guy (go programmer), so I'm more backend, but I noticed on Chrome 114.0.5735.134, that sometimes I'll click rain alarm to bring up the radar and it doesn't do anything. The only solution I've found is to wait and it'll eventually start working or opening the extension settings via the extension page, at that point it starts to work again. Not sure if the thread gets stuck, or if it's a cache issue, but I've enabled logging so we'll see what happens when it does it again.
- (2023-02-27) Daniel Epperson: quit working for chrome buildVersion 91.0.4472.167 , does not activate , location cannot be set , no notifications , nothing. DEV needs to work on this
- (2023-01-01) 楊愷文: 最近更新Chrome後降雨通知無法正確提醒,請盡快修復!
- (2021-08-07) Mike Savad: i would have rather seen this as a drop down window rather than a bookmark. because i can book mark a site no problem. i have this on my phone and its much more useful. unless the icon changes when there is rain, i don't see why i need this to clutter my screen.
- (2021-07-23) 朱宏偉: 居然有電腦板!!手機板已經用很久了 超好用!
- (2021-07-14) Guido DC: I don't get it, I can't preview rain for one or more hours: there's as good as no "preview" for coming rain events. At most some 10 minutes. What am I with a knowledge of past rain events.
- (2021-06-11) Ben Olson: Doesn't work. Last night it was raining, well, pretty hard. I installed this during it happened. Is it because that?
- (2021-01-07) E L: Now I don't have to keep looking out the window...or running out to keep those clothes.
- (2020-10-12) Sitaram Das (सत्य सनातन): good app
- (2020-09-03) Ирина Мезенцева: Украина, Славянск - не работает. Удаляю. Я так поняла - на территории Украины это расширение не работает.
- (2020-08-23) Gabriel Spilberg: No me anda, mande mails, pedi ayuda y nadie respondio.
- (2020-06-24) Ning Cao: good
- (2019-11-10) Nacho Sastre: NO INSTALAR, no hay forma de desinstalar del todo y saca molestas notificaciones
- (2019-05-21) masters engineering: I have had this app for a few months and it has worked as it says it will. I heard a strange sound and was warned it was going to rain in a few minute's... like clockwork it did. Great job so far !!! (My updated review) This app is about the best app I have ever had. It doesn't waste your time with a bunch of lies and a sales pitch or worse another you tube know it all with a self entitled pretend education and a moron sense of humor. IT IS A RAIN ALARM !!! It tells you exactly how much time you have until your stuff will be wet. You get to decide how long you need. I picked 20 MILES & so far if I have left stuff out, it's taken about 15 mins. to pick up and 20 TO 30 minutes later rain pours out of the sky like magic. And it has been raining a lot in the last year !!! The person who runs this FREE excellent app must be on constant watch to keep the world updated. A dedicated honest hard working human... One of the last on the planet...THANK YOU FOR YOU , I HOPE YOU ARE GETTING TRUE HAPPINESS OUT OF LIFE AND YOU KICK ALL THE WHINING , BITCHING ,SELFISH , COMPLAINERS OUT OF THE WORLD YOU HAVE CREATED. (lol peace everybody.)
- (2019-02-01) Craig Clarke: Takes the guesswork out of weather prediction, you can check satellite images yourself and make your own mind up. My only criticism (unless I'm missing something) is that you cannot logon and take advantage of fully paid version in windows, only on Android/OS - otherwise I'd have given it 5 stars
- (2019-01-16) Не работает где-то с лета пишет такое Временный сбой Проблемы для вашего региона вызванные Пожалуйста, повторите попытку позже. Для Киева и области
- (2018-11-28) s f: Generally I don't like extensions which are basically shortcuts to a website. While mildly useful It's lacking the ability to forecast and only shows the animation of the weather few hours back to current time. For that I've got windows on the building ;). If I must load a website, then I'd rather go on and check the radar setting it to show future forecast. I appreciate the effort though.
- (2018-11-16) Marita Angeles: MUY CERTERA EN SUS ALARMAS!
- (2018-10-23) Peter “Alpenrebell” R.: Sorry muß leider einigen Vorrednern widersprechen, denn bei mir zeigt es wie schon öfter momentan viel Regen in Farbe dunkelblau an aber es fällt kein Tropfen. Ansich eigentlich eine gute App aber eben nicht genau, vor dem Update war zumindest die genauigkeit bei 98% nun aber zumindest wo ich bin bei 0%
- (2018-10-18) MARIA JOSE LIDON SARABIA: me gusta esta app,te avisa buena
- (2018-09-16) L.L. Benson: This used to be a really good app, but it has changed and not for the better, in my opinion. The map looks horrible and there aren't any notifications when the rain falls within the 10 mile radius I had set on the extension. I guess if we want it the way it was, we have to pay money for it. I can find a different weather app.
- (2018-09-09) Antonio Lopez: Excelente aplicación, llevo años utilizando, pero con el cambio de mapa a perdido mucho detalle el municipio donde vivo no sale en el mapa y asi muchos mas una pena.
- (2018-08-31) David TheCarpenter: It's not worth the space it takes anymore. I can let go of google maps but it's slow and won't load well
- (2018-08-30) Valen: Me encanta
- (2018-08-28) Con el cambio de mapas la visualización deja mucho que desear.
- (2018-08-26) st0rmy: What happened to the map? It looks terrible now! Please go back to the old one.
- (2018-08-22) Ricard Marlès Marimon: Es suficiente. Muy bien. Acordemonos que es gratis !!!
- (2018-08-16) Norbert Flade: alles Super Danke
- (2018-08-07) Patagonia Sail: Tanto para la vida diaria como la de ocio es una ayuda invalorable
- (2018-07-16) Josef Anton Kloebl: Alles so wie es sein soll!
- (2018-07-14) Carl Janson: just a empty map
- (2018-07-12) David Hugh Meagher: Mr Diener rocks! This App is accurate and timely. Use it on my desktop and on my android too (so impressed I paid for the upgrade!)
- (2018-06-19) Liliya .W: Расширение супер...в германии.. Что нужно сделать что бы по территории России работало..
- (2018-05-03) jose manuel rodriguez gomez: excelente
- (2018-04-21) chris sheldon: Impossible to get rid of, crashes constantly
- (2018-03-26) Makita Kazuya: 初めは使いやすくて良いと思っていたが最近やたらクラッシュしたと通知が頻繁になった。 あまりにも通知がウザいので削除したが通知だけが出てくる! 設定をし通知をオフにしても出てくる! どうすりゃ通知出ないように出来るんだよ!
- (2018-03-18) Matias Gonzalo Azcurra: excelente aplicacion
- (2018-02-04) ENRIQUE BENITO GARCIA: Genial, muy útil