Instant 'Duplicate' & 'Remember' any tab environment(login/Non-login) into local testing environment
Instantly Generate Custom localPortUrl , Automatically remember Custom localPortUrl for different domains/sites, and Transfer (localStorage, sessionStorage, cookies) to any tab for perfectly Duplicating Local Testing Environment.
***Avoid manually tying/copy-pasting key-value pairs , avoid human errors , avoid time delay on each localPortUrl generation, avoid running multiple scripts on two tabs.
- Transfer One Tab (localStorage, sessionStorage, cookies) into another.
- Generate exactly same localPortUrl for current selected/From Tab .
- Edit pathname or query param in generated localPortUrl, it just remember this custom generated portUrl.
-REMEMBER all custom generated portUrl for different domain , so u don't have to remember.
- On generated localPortUrl TAB ,open extension ONCE, it will automatically copy(localStorage, sessionStorage, cookies) into localPortUrl tab.
- REMOVE (localStorage, sessionStorage, cookies) from current selected/From Tab.
- CONFIGURE , for current domain , which localPortUrl AUTOMATICALLY open , when 0pening the extension, for rapid local development experience.
** If for certain Domains/sites, local Testing Url need extra pathname/queryParams to be added, only once u have to add extra pathname/queryParams in extension, it remembers these changes for that domain.
- for disabling the FEATURE: 4, open extension in different tab, select that domain/site in from Tab and disable that feature.