Know What You Accept Before You Click "Agree" with WiseOptIn. Automatically score and understand what you are agreeing to.
Tired of blindly clicking "I agree" without fully understanding what you're signing up for? WiseOptIn is your privacy companion that ensures you're always informed before accepting terms of service or privacy policies.
Key Features:
Automatic Detection: WiseOptIn recognizes when you're signing up for new accounts or viewing terms of service and privacy policies, alerting you instantly.
AI-Powered Evaluations: Our advanced AI analyzes and scores policies based on a comprehensive set of criteria, giving you a clear, easy-to-understand summary.
WiseOptIn Chatbot: Got questions? WiseOptIn's chatbot is always available to explain specific sections in simple terms.
Privacy First: We respect your privacy. WiseOptIn does not store your browsing history or track the websites you visit—our focus is solely on reading and evaluating the terms and policies you encounter.
Flexible Plans: Start with our free plan, which offers 5 evaluations per month, or upgrade to Pro for unlimited evaluations and detailed insights.
Free Plan: Limited to 5 evaluations per month and one chatbot question per evaluation. No credit card required.
Lifetime Pro Plan: Unlimited evaluations, detailed breakdowns, and unlimited chatbot access for just $9.99. One Time Payment!
Stop agreeing to terms you don't understand—get WiseOptIn today and take control of your online privacy!
5.0 (1 votes)
Last update / version
2024-10-22 / 0.0.3
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