Diagramas Online
draw.io is a diagram editor, built around Google Drive (TM), the technology of which is used in over 50% of fortune 100 companies.
draw.io focuses on providing enterprise grade:
- Scalability
- Reliability
- Security
- Availability
- Privacy
The key advantages of draw.io for a company basing their cloud storage strategy on Google Drive are:
- All application data is stored only in Google Drive.
- Diagram model is only transmitted directly between browser and Google Drive, server-side data is subject to Google security only.
- draw.io only operates from the https domain, using industry standard SSL encryption.
- Multiple Google accounts are supported, including any number of Google Apps for Business accounts.
- draw.io is hosted on Google App Engine and statically serves a fully operational JavaScript application. The scalability and reliability of draw.io correlate with that of the serving infrastructure only.
- Your existing backup of Google Drive files will include all draw.io files.