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Proxy VPN para desbloquear qualquer site GRATUITAMENTE. Extensão de Proxy / VPN do Google Chrome gratuita e extremamente rápida.
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Description from store
iNinja, a proxy for Chrome. Access any website without limitations and stay absolutely anonymous with our VPN and proxy service.
You’re visiting your favorite site, and there, instead of the usual menu, you’re seeing an error message saying that it is blocked by the decision of the state supervisory authority. Your location in this case is determined by your IP address, so you get into the block list and can not access the resource.
You don’t need to get upset, though. You can easily bypass these blocks by disguising your IP address, thereby creating a secure connection. Additionally, these measures allow you to increase the level of privacy when surfing the internet. To remain anonymous on the internet, use iNinja VPN & Proxy, which is absolutely free and available in Chrome Web Store.
By installing iNinja VPN & Proxy for Google Chrome, you can easily visit any website on the internet while maintaining anonymity. This extension offers a free VPN & Proxy service that provides a fast and open internet without any ads. No account or subscription needed to get started with iNinja. Just install the extension, choose your preferred region, and get unrestricted access to the content you want.
The main goal of iNinja VPN is to make the internet accessible again, allowing users to browse the internet confidentially, safely, and freely — without censorship, geographical restrictions, and blocks.
With iNinja VPN extension for Chrome, you can secure browsing on the internet from any device that uses Google Chrome. Simply open the Chrome extension and enable iNinja VPN with one click. Now all data transfer, including banking information, passwords, and more, is secure even when using open Wi-Fi networks.
Enjoy the freedom of the internet. Enjoy secure access to entertainment sites and social networks with our VPN and Proxy services. The iNinja proxy provides you with enough speed to stream or download — anytime, anywhere!
Please read our Privacy Policy — — before installing the extension. You can find it here as well as in the “Additional information” section on this page.
Latest reviews
- (2020-11-20) 3se: it was great! its a good vpn but today it hasnt been able to get through anything i dont know if its that my schools firewall is too strong but its annoying.
- (2020-11-19) John Brown: Awesome extension! There's huge amount of IPs from different countries.
- (2020-11-19) Александр Покотило: Excellent vpn thanks
- (2020-11-18) Андрей Титаренко: Great extension. Simple and convenient. I really like. Recommend!
- (2020-11-18) Harun Bin-Imran: the best vpn ever But unfortunately i loved the normal one the time when i said it was the best and i still do think it is the best but i would like u to remove this update because now i am struggling to do things so my freinds are not happy either because i told them about this then they were like really cool but again they will be mad at me because they said tell the makers to fix it because you told me about it so tell them that i wont be going on it then i said no the makers are the best then they said well i dont like this update then i said i can rely on them any day so can i rely on you
- (2020-11-18) Egor Pryadko: Very good VPN, it is possible to block unnecessary ads on the Internet, it's very cool.
- (2020-11-17) Oliver Strickland: I have been using this extension for a long time. It suits everything. Works quickly, easy to manage. Thanks to developers!
- (2020-11-17) Саша Петров: Helps to change IP-address and hide your location when working on the Internet.
- (2020-11-17) Олеся Ткаченко: This is the best extension for changing VPN at the moment that I've come across, and believe me, I've tried a lot.
- (2020-11-16) Crunchy Bones: 1) Включаем vpn. 2) Тот ожидаемо сжирает трафик, но так жадно, что сайты вовсе перестают грузиться. 3) Ставим цель его выключить, а для этого нужна прогруженная страница. Поздравляем, вы в ловушке Джокера.
- (2020-11-16) Ayratin poorghaz: it doesnt work in 2021
- (2020-11-16) Lora Williams: The app works really well! There are no problems with it. Helps to solve many issues when vpn is needed.
- (2020-11-16) arcadeeck: rly working vpn. works fine in many regions, never lagged and there were no failures
- (2020-11-16) Daria Alexeeva: Great VPN extension. It works stably, and it is very convenient to change your location when working in the browser.
- (2020-11-16) Антон Харитонов: This app helps me changing my ip when I have to enter on a site that doesn't suggest in my country. Txh!!!!
- (2020-11-16) Альфия Нухова: Все прекрасно работает, все сайты открываются!)
- (2020-11-15) Jaskaran Virdi: Well, it was OK I guess. But on United Kingdom, London, the internet somehow doesn't work. Please fix this issue!
- (2020-11-15) Victor K.: I liked this VPN application very much, and the main thing is that it is free. There are many different countries in it.
- (2020-11-15) Куся Кусявна: Excellent free VPN, and most importantly, fast and without shutdown. Copes with its work. If you need to change the ip to the desired one, then everything is at hand Thanks to the developers for this vpn!
- (2020-11-15) Olga Green: The extension is convenient, it quickly changes the address and almost does not slow down the system.
- (2020-11-14) Сергей Левченко: I liked the application. For my purposes and simple tasks, it is completely suitable. I did not observe any failures.
- (2020-11-14) alireza ghobadi: nice; if could be chosen so that some sites do not cross the proxy tunnel
- (2020-11-13) Futer Potyip: This expension turns еvery helpful for me. I am very glad. There is free vpns for different vpn. It displays me my ip and fast. Sucery and anonymity are promised.
- (2020-11-13) Алла Юрченко: Ideal extension for anyone who wants to use sites that are not available in their place of residence.
- (2020-11-12) Vasiliy A: after nov-2020 update it stopped connecting to any service. Hence it is useless now.
- (2020-11-12) Greg Allson: great vpn. I like it very much
- (2020-11-12) Таланты: Ну всё, теперь чтоб зайти на какой-то сайт анонимно НАМ нужно добавить этот сайт самостоятельно в список, если НЕ ДОБАВИМ то АНОНИМНО не получится! РАНЬШЕ БЫЛО ЛУЧШЕ, БЫЛА ПОЛНАЯ АНОНИМНОСТЬ ПРИ СМЕНЕ СТРАНЫ СЕЙЧАС ВСЁ ПРОЗРАЧНО!!!
- (2020-11-11) SSHTEFF _: Всё прекрасно работало до последнего обновления. Теперь не грузит ни один сайт при подключении к любой из стран.
- (2020-11-11) Контент-менеджер Solar Digital: перестало работать((
- (2020-11-10) Priscila Santana: Creo que es muy buena y cumple su función
- (2020-11-10) Жанна Лагорская: Great extension for bypassing the lock. I use it when I need it, I like it. The app is fast and stable.
- (2020-11-10) Gena Shishkin: все очень удобно!!! спасибо)
- (2020-11-10) jennie kim: 真可惜到现在才发现这个神器,我以后也要像大佬一样无私奉献。太完美了。网速不慢。
- (2020-11-09) Инна Парфенова: This is the best extension many people need to use sites that are not available or prohibited in your country.
- (2020-11-09) Елена Хоменко: Thanks to the developers for such a useful extension. The VPN connection is good quality and stable. Works for 5+ !!!
- (2020-11-08) Сергей: С предыдущей версией 2.17.3 сайты открывались по шустрей.
- (2020-11-08) Mary Vong: The application is very helpful in my work. It is free, it is important. It works quickly and correctly.
- (2020-11-08) d Kravtsov: Man this is the best VPN Evere it saved me a lot of times best app evere
- (2020-11-07) Bobr K: После последнего обновления от 03.11.20 перестало работать. Раньше работало без нареканий. Как вернуть старую версию, я его не обновлял, оно сделало это без моего ведома и согласия.
- (2020-11-07) Ира Мальцева: A wonderful extension for substituting VPN works quickly and takes up very little space in a laptop.
- (2020-11-06) Qwerty Qwerty: Одно из самых лучших расширений прокси. Жаль, что не работает белый список авто-старта: не включается сам когда я захожу на указанный мною сайт. Если бы не это, то я бы поставил 5. Спасибо!
- (2020-11-06) ЕВГЕН ПАТОГЕН: bring everything back
- (2020-11-06) Ильяс Машков: Top-end vpn, very stable and reliable. I use it with pleasure.
- (2020-11-06) Оля Носова: A very convenient extension for surfing the net changes your address without problems and does not overload your computer.
- (2020-11-05) John Maker: One of the best VPNs, it is easy and simple to work with, it is not buggy
- (2020-11-05) Tumblr Weng: 可以用谷歌,但是不能上油管?有用吗?
- (2020-11-04) Оля Ерошина: An excellent VPN extension with convenient and simple controls and a good selection of different countries.
- (2020-11-04) saeed alneyadi: رائع
- (2020-11-04) Игорь Савельев: Finally I found exactly what i was looking for! Really well done and useful extention. Many thanks for it!
- (2020-11-04) PerManenT: A useful extension. Doesn't lag and works quickly. It performs its functions and everything is fine when working! Recommend.
4.6 (8,233 votes)
Last update / version
2020-11-11 / 2.17.5
Listing languages