extension ExtPose

DCM - Savings Companion (delisted)

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Install Savings Companion in your browser and enjoy instant access to discount codes and special offers while shopping online!

Image from store DCM - Savings Companion
Description from store Introducing DCM Extension - Savings Companion, your ultimate shopping assistant designed to enhance your online shopping experience with DCM's extensive collection of over 100+ premium brands. This Chrome extension seamlessly integrates into your browser, positioning itself conveniently on the right side of your screen to provide you with instant access to the latest discount codes and promotions for all your favorite brands. Gone are the days of tirelessly searching for coupon codes—DCM Extension - Savings Companion does the heavy lifting for you. As you browse, the extension automatically displays relevant discount codes and special offers for the shop you're visiting, ensuring you never miss a deal. For the most popular stores, DCM Extension goes a step further by automatically inserting the best available code into the appropriate field during checkout, making your savings effortless. In addition to providing instant access to discounts, DCM Extension - Savings Companion also features daily special offers, extra bonuses, and exclusive discounts tailored just for you. Whether you're a frequent shopper or just looking for a great deal, this extension guarantees a smoother, more rewarding shopping journey with DCM. By downloading this extension by hitting the "Add to Chrome" button, you will get this extension and start enjoying unparalleled convenience and savings with every purchase.


5.0 (6 votes)
Last update / version
2024-08-02 / 1.0.2
Listing languages
