extension ExtPose

PlayStation Store & Library - Enhanced

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Sorts your library and marks your VR/Move/Aim/Camera games. Also adds gameplay video to every game(single) page

Image from store PlayStation Store & Library - Enhanced
Description from store Made this extension only cuz I needed it myself. Its wonky and rough edged, so, be surprised :D ! Got tired of going thru my game library and checking which ones are Virtual Reality games or Camera/Move enabled. This extension does: * Scan all your PS games on https://library.playstation.com and will mark games that are: VR/Move/Aim/Camera * Scans all games on PlayStation Store and marks games that are: VR/Move/Aim/Camera * Adds gameplay video from youtube to every game page

Latest reviews

  • (2022-07-19) János András Stumpf: Doesn't work, just adds YT video on the top right corner if you open a specific game's page. Does't show the VR games.
  • (2022-06-06) Ben Williams: Terrible. You press the extension, it says "Start Here", you press here, and that's pretty much it. Didn't scan anything, didn't sort anything.


108 history
1.0 (2 votes)
Last update / version
2022-08-07 / 0.0.1
Listing languages
