Your all-in-one solution for Shopify store analysis and sales monitoring.
Introducing Shopify Wise, your ultimate Shopify store analysis tool designed to empower your e-commerce journey. Gain valuable insights into your competitors' product strategies and top-selling items, maximizing profitability for your Shopify and dropshipping ventures.
Key Features:
1. Store Analysis:
● Automatically identify Shopify stores and analyze essential information such as store name, theme, product pricing, and more.
● Discover newly added products and best sellers.
● Access trend analysis for store releases, vendor distribution, and product tags.
2. Product Insights:
● Explore best-selling and newly added products within each store.
● Filter target store products by category for tailored insights.
● Access comprehensive product listings, including titles, prices, images, and direct links for easy navigation.
● Export product data to Excel/CSV format for seamless integration with your Shopify store.
3. Live Sales Monitoring:
● Track live sales activity across Shopify stores to identify trending products.
● Simply keep the extension open to monitor store and product sales in real-time.
How to Use:
Simply visit any Shopify store using Google Chrome and keep the page open to initiate analysis.
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