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Coloring book

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Escape stress and relax with coloring games! Enjoy the calming effects of pixel art and paint by number with our Chrome game. Get…

Image from store Coloring book
Description from store Värv arvu järgi, et oma stressi ära sulatada tipptegija värvimismängudega! Avastage kümneid kunstiteoseid või looge oma Pixel Art. Värvige arvu järgi, lõdvestuge ja nautige Pixel ME värvimismängu! Valige lõbutsemise ajal paljude põnevate kunstiteoste ja värvide hulgast! Täitke värvide kaupa, et luua kauneid kunstiteoseid, see on nii lihtne ja lõbus! kõik! Veelgi parem, võite oma kollektsiooni kasvatada - lisage lihtsalt uus, nagu soovite. Värvige oma stress ja ärevus huvitava värviga numbrite värvimisraamatu järgi! Kõik pildid on 100% tasuta! 🆓 👇 meil on: 👆 Värvilehed iga maitse jaoks: 🦄unicorn, 🐼animaalsed, 🍰tod, 🐦 -lindid, lilled, 🌻 kohad ja paljud teised; < Br> 🎨 Pixel Me, uhiuus värvimismäng nii täiskasvanutele kui ka lastele! 😊 Värv arvu järgi, väga lihtne, lõbus ja sõltuvust tekitav! Kõik kunstivärvisõbrad kogunevad siia! Pixel Pixeli poolt, loote selles rakenduses kaasaegseid digitaalseid kunsti! 🐼 Kõik maalid ja värvid on tasuta ja tasuta! Vaba !! 📣 💡Kuidas joonistada? Kinda lihtne! Lihtsalt USEPAD -i kerige hiirel või puuteplaadil pildil, kuni numbritega plaadid ilmuvad ja värvivad arvu järgi. Valige paletis värv ja värvige lahtrid õige numbri piksliga piksli järgi. Ükski piksl pole võimatu.No ei ole liiga hilja. Värv on numbri järgi nüüd. Valige mitmesuguste üli lõbusate piltide hulgast ja järgige numbreid, et neid ellu viia. Värvimine pole kunagi nii lihtne olnud! stressivastane värvimine! Tegevus Õnnelik värv! Nautige tõelise värvimise kunsti koos ükssarviku täiskasvanute värvimisraamatuga. See paneb tõesti aega lendama! See on nii lõbus ja nii lihtne värvida, et te ei pea olema kunstis hea! Järgige lihtsalt numbreid pikslikastides. Spetsiaalne värvipalett allosas soovitab mis värvi numbrit. Vabastage oma loovus ja nautige pikslit.me - värv arvu järgi Chrome'is! Digitaalse kunsti kaasaegsete meistriteoste loomine on nüüd lihtsam kui kunagi varem! Kogege Pixel.me'iga tõelise värvimise rõõmu - värv on numbri järgi täiskasvanute värvimisraamatus. See on ideaalne viis aja möödumiseks! Seda on nii lihtne värvida, et te ei pea olema asjatundlik kunstnik! Järgige lihtsalt pikslikarbis olevaid numbreid ja kasutage allosas spetsiaalset värvipaletti, et see vastaks iga numbrile vastava värviga. BR> PIXEL.ME - CHROME numbri järgi pakub värv tuhandeid hämmastavaid kunstiteoseid, mille hulgast valida, alates lihtsatest pikslite kunstikeskustest kuni tohutute, detailsete stseenideni - sellel on midagi kõigile! Lisaks saate oma kollektsiooni kasvatada uute kunstiteostega alati, kui soovite. kujundanud mängueksperdid ja armastavad mängijaid kogu maailmas, piksl.me - kroomitud värvimismängude arv arvu järgi aitab teil siseneda värvimis meditatsiooni maailma. Valige lõbutsemise ajal mitmesuguste põnevate kunstiteoste ja värvide hulgast! Lõdvestuge ja lainetage piksliga stressiga, täiesti uut värvimisrakendust, mis muudab nii lihtsaks ja nauditavaks värvide värvide kaupa täita, et luua kauneid kunstiteoseid! Veebipõhise draw, värvimisraamatu, värvimislehtede, pikslite kunst, pikslite, veebipõhise värviga, veebi värvimisraamat, armsad pildid ja palju muud, see on teie stressi leevendamise allikas. Hinnake meid 5 **** Vabastage oma loovus ja sukelduge Digitaalse kunsti maailma koos Pixel.me - ülim veebipõhine värvimisraamatu kogemus! Laia hulga armsate piltide ja uimastatavate pikslite kujundustega saate nüüd luua kaasaegseid meistriteoseid otse brauseri mugavusest. Olge valmis värvi võluga arvu järgi, joonistage võrgus ja värvige võrgus Pixel.me - veebi värvimisraamat, mis ajab aega lendama! põgenege igapäevaelu stressidest ja sukelduge Rõõmudes ainulaadsete stressivastaste piltide lõpuleviimisel. Ükskõik, kas olete kogenud kunstnik või alles alustate, sobib Pixel.me kõigile ideaalselt! Järgige lihtsalt pikslikastide numbreid ja laske oma kujutlusvõimel metsikult töötada. Spetsiaalne värvipalett allosas juhendab teid, milliseid värve iga numbri jaoks kasutada. Alates jumalikest pikslite kunsti koomiksitest kuni keerukate ja detailsete stseenideni on midagi iga kunstilise maitse jaoks. Ja parim osa? Saate oma kollektsiooni hõlpsalt laiendada, lisades uusi kunstiteoseid igal ajal! Sukeldage end värvimis meditatsioonimaailma, kui valite paljude põnevate kunstiteoste ja värvide hulgast numbri järgi! Öelge hüvasti stressist ja tere, et lõõgastuda Pixel Me, täiesti uus värvimisrakendus. Täitke plokkide värvi järgi, et luua kauneid kunstiteoseid - see on lihtne, see on lõbus ja see on tagatud naeratuse näole! Miks siis oodata? Kogege värvi rõõmu arvu järgi, joonistage võrgus ja uurige piksli kunsti lummavat maailma koos piksliga.me - teie ülim veebivärvimisraamatu kaaslane. Hinnake meid 5 tärni ja alustage täna oma digitaalsete meistriteoste loomist! Kogege Pixel.me'iga ülimat loovust - värv arvu järgi Chrome'is! Sukelduge digitaalse kunsti maailma ja looge hõlpsalt kaasaegsed meistriteosed. Olge valmis oma siseartisti vallandama ja nautige piksliga värvimisprotsessi. Aeg lendab, kui sukeldate tõelise värvimise kunsti! See on uskumatult lõbus ja hõlpsasti värvitav, isegi kui te pole kunstiekspert! Järgige lihtsalt pikslikastide numbreid ja kasutage oma kunstiteose ellu viimiseks allosas spetsiaalset värvipaletti. > Pixel.me - värvi järgi Chrome'is on teil juurdepääs tuhandetele uimastatavatele kunstiteostele. Alates lihtsatest pikslite koomiksitest kuni keerukate ja detailsete stseenideni on midagi kõigile. Ja parim osa? Saate oma kollektsiooni pidevalt laiendada, lisades uusi kunstiteoseid igal ajal. Sukeldage end värvimis meditatsiooni maailma, millel on lai valik põnevaid kunstiteoseid. Lõdvestu, laske stressist lahti ja lõbutsege numbri järgi maalimise ajal! Öelge hüvasti stressist ja tere Pixel Me, täiesti uus värvimisrakendus. Täitke iga plokk erksate värvidega, et luua kauneid kunstiteoseid. See on lihtne, see on lõbus ja see on kohustuslik! Ärge unustage, et hindate meid 5 tärni! color by number, draw online, coloring book, coloring pages, pixel art, pixel , paint online, web coloring book, cute images color by number, draw online, coloring book, coloring pages, pixel art, pixel , paint online, web coloring book, cute images color by number, draw online, coloring book, coloring pages, pixel art, pixel , paint online, web coloring book, cute images color by number, draw online, coloring book, coloring pages, pixel art, pixel , paint online, web coloring book, cute images color by number, draw online, coloring book, coloring pages, pixel art, pixel , paint online, web coloring book, cute images color by number, draw online, coloring book, coloring pages, pixel art, pixel , paint online, web coloring book, cute images color by number, draw online, coloring book, coloring pages, pixel art, pixel , paint online, web coloring book, cute images color by number, draw online, coloring book, coloring pages, pixel art, pixel , paint online, web coloring book, cute images color by number, draw online, coloring book, coloring pages, pixel art, pixel , paint online, web coloring book, cute images Color by number to melt your stress away with coloring games from a top developer! Discover dozens artworks or create your own pixel art. Paint by number, relax and enjoy Pixel Me coloring game! Designed by gaming experts and loved by players worldwide, Pixel Me coloring games help you dive into a world of coloring meditation. Choose from a wide range of fascinating artworks and paint by number while having fun! Relax and wave goodbye to stress with Pixel Me, the all-new coloring app. Fill in the blocks color by color to create beautiful works of art, it's so simple and fun! Thousands of stunning artworks to choose from, from simple Pixel Art cartoons to huge, detailed scenes - Pixel Tap has something for everyone! Better still, you can grow your collection - just add new as you want them. 👏A pixel coloring game with tons of addicted color by number pictures for you to paint! Color your stress and anxiety away with the interesting color by number coloring book! All the pictures are 100% Free! 🆓 👇We Have: 👆 Great variety of coloring pages for any taste: 🦄Unicorn, 🐼Animals, 🍰Food, 🐦Birds, 🌻Flowers, 🏰Places, and many others; 🎨 Pixel Me, the brand new coloring game for both adults and kids! 😊 Color by number, very easy, fun and addictive! All art coloring lovers gather here! Pixel by pixel, you create modern digital arts in this app!🐼 All paintings and coloring are free and FREE! FREE !!📣 💡How to draw? Kinda easy! Just usepad scroll on mouse or touchpad in on the image until the tiles with numbers appear and paint by number. Choose a color in the palette and color the cells with the right number pixel by pixel. No pix is impossible.No draw is too late. Color by number now. Color by number in this new addictive game. Choose from a variety of super fun images and follow the numbers to bring them to life. Coloring has never been this easy! Anti-stress coloring! Key Features: • Easily color any image and wait for the surprise in the end! • Perfect relaxing activity Happy coloring! Unleash your creativity and enjoy pixel coloring by numbers! Creating modern masterpieces of digital art is simpler than ever! Enjoy the art of true coloring with Unicorn adult coloring book. It really makes time fly! Just shelter from the stress of life and complete a variety of unique anti-stress pictures. It’s so fun and so easy to color you don’t have to be good at art! Just follow the numbers in pixel boxes. A special color palette at the bottom will suggest what number is what color. Key Features of Pixel Art: • Perfectly develops fine motor skills Rate us 5**** Unleash your creativity and enjoy Pixel.me - color by number in Chrome! Creating modern masterpieces of digital art is now easier than ever! Experience the joy of true coloring with Pixel.me - color by number in Chrome adult coloring book. It's the perfect way to pass the time! Take a break from life's stresses and complete a variety of unique anti-stress pictures. It’s so easy to color that you don't have to be an expert artist! Just follow the numbers in pixel boxes and use the special color palette at the bottom to match each number with its corresponding color. Key Features of Pixel Art: • Perfectly develops fine motor skills Pixel.me - color by number in Chrome offers thousands of amazing artworks to choose from, ranging from simple Pixel Art cartoons to huge, detailed scenes - it has something for everyone! Plus, you can grow your collection with new artworks whenever you want them. Designed by gaming experts and loved by players around the world, Pixel.me - color by number in Chrome coloring games will help you enter a world of coloring meditation. Choose from a wide range of fascinating artworks and paint by number while having fun! Relax and wave goodbye to stress with Pixel Me, the all-new coloring app that makes it so simple and enjoyable to fill in the blocks color by color to create beautiful works of art! With draw online, coloring book, coloring pages, pixel art, pixel , paint online, web coloring book, cute images and more, this is your go-to source for stress relief. Rate us 5****Unleash your creativity and dive into the world of digital art with Pixel.me - the ultimate online coloring book experience! With a wide range of cute images and stunning pixel art designs, you can now create modern masterpieces right from the comfort of your browser. Get ready to be captivated by the magic of color by number, draw online, and paint online with Pixel.me - the web coloring book that will make time fly! Escape from the stresses of everyday life and immerse yourself in the joy of completing unique anti-stress pictures. Whether you're an experienced artist or just starting out, Pixel.me is perfect for everyone! Simply follow the numbers in the pixel boxes and let your imagination run wild. The special color palette at the bottom will guide you on which colors to use for each number. Pixel.me - color by number in Chrome offers thousands of mesmerizing artworks to choose from. From adorable Pixel Art cartoons to intricate and detailed scenes, there's something for every artistic taste. And the best part? You can easily expand your collection by adding new artworks whenever you want! Created by gaming experts and loved by players worldwide, Pixel.me - color by number in Chrome takes coloring to a whole new level. Immerse yourself in a world of coloring meditation as you choose from a wide range of fascinating artworks and paint by number while having fun! Say goodbye to stress and hello to relaxation with Pixel Me, the all-new coloring app. Fill in the blocks color by color to create beautiful works of art - it's simple, it's fun, and it's guaranteed to bring a smile to your face! So why wait? Experience the joy of color by number, draw online, and explore the enchanting world of pixel art with Pixel.me - your ultimate web coloring book companion. Rate us 5 stars and start creating your own digital masterpieces today!Experience the ultimate creativity with Pixel.me - color by number in Chrome! Dive into the world of digital art and create modern masterpieces with ease. Get ready to unleash your inner artist and enjoy the relaxing process of coloring with Pixel.me - color by number in Chrome's adult coloring book. Time will fly as you immerse yourself in the art of true coloring! Escape from the stresses of life and indulge in a wide variety of unique anti-stress pictures. It's incredibly fun and easy to color, even if you're not an art expert! Simply follow the numbers within the pixel boxes and use the special color palette at the bottom to bring your artwork to life. Key Features of Pixel Art: • Enhances fine motor skills development With Pixel.me - color by number in Chrome, you have access to thousands of stunning artworks. From simple Pixel Art cartoons to intricate and detailed scenes, there's something for everyone. And the best part? You can continuously expand your collection by adding new artworks whenever you want. Created by gaming experts and loved by players worldwide, Pixel.me - color by number in Chrome takes coloring to a whole new level. Immerse yourself in a world of coloring meditation with a wide range of fascinating artworks. Relax, let go of stress, and have fun while painting by number! Say goodbye to stress and hello to Pixel Me, the all-new coloring app. Fill in each block with vibrant colors to create beautiful works of art. It's simple, it's fun, and it's a must-try! Don't forget to rate us 5 stars!

Latest reviews

  • (2023-12-22) Jonathan Harris: awesome exept autosave problem
  • (2023-07-13) Illuminati -Triangle: It didnt work with my faulty school wifi. :C
  • (2023-07-08) Cassie: I'll re-download when you will have added a bucket to fill 2+ cases areas, and more images would be nice .... And it's not really handy to have to click to have the move-around mouse and then re-click to have the pen to draw :/
  • (2023-03-21) Devyani P L: awesome
  • (2022-09-16) poptart: It's good, but when you finish a picture the confetti is in the way and I wanted to take a screenshot of some of them.🥲
  • (2022-08-26) Nameless (Inactive on YT): If you have auto-save still on, your progress on your artwork will still be erased and overwritten. Can you fix this glitch in your next update?
  • (2022-08-11) M8S Box: like it
  • (2022-08-11) Michael Haukås: Cool game! Just Add more images please, to make it Awesome


40,000 history
4.3651 (63 votes)
Last update / version
2023-08-18 / 1.5
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