Description from extension meta
Безбедан Адблоцкер за ИоуТубе™ свестан приватности. Блокира рекламе на ИоуТубе.цом.
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Description from store
Blocks ads from Youtube™ and counts the life-time you saved by not seeing Ads on Youtube™
Adblock for Youtube™ is a content filtering and ad blocking browser extension which approaches to block all ads on Youtube on all sites: Banner, Ad-Clips or even preroll ads you usually see before the actual video.
✓ blocks annonying ads, banner and popups.
✓ blocking of ads on external sites which load Youtube.
✓ prevent preroll ads.
✓ loads videos and YouTube website faster.
✓ counts the lifetime you saved by blocking Videos.
The technology is simply based on adblocking filterlists which blocks external ad urls on Youtube. We do not change anything on the website itself.
A step in the direction of security, privacy, and performance - build with the new Manifest 3 and minimal permissions for Adblocking on Youtube (
It is free to download and use!
✓ Privacy
The extension is build with the new privacy aware Manifest 3 system.
Any video adblock detection happens on your computer and we do not see or track.
You are welcome to review our open source code which is under the GPL3 License or send us a message in the support tab!
The notice you see about having access to your history and website data is automatically generated because AdBlock for Youtube™ runs on every tab. But it does NOT actually monitor your browsing history or require your personal information to work properly.
Latest reviews
- (2024-06-13) vse obovsem: Работает просто супер! Рекомендую.
- (2024-06-13) Davide Alessandri: ottima
- (2024-06-12) Marici Das: Espero que continue a trabalhar e nos proteger desse capitalismo medonho. Obrigada.
- (2024-06-12) Sweeped: Didn't work in the slightest bit
- (2024-06-08) Shamil: оно работает, большое спасибо
- (2024-06-08) Севериан Тушканов: прекрасно расширение
- (2024-06-07) guy burleson: Works great!!!
- (2024-06-02) ale ayala: que buename esta sirviendo bien
- (2024-06-02) jose González: muy buena la recomiendo.
- (2024-06-01) Gilberto Ribeiro: bom
- (2024-06-01) 빠빠다둥: 막히지만 말자...
- (2024-05-31) jii iga: かなり良い。
- (2024-05-31) ธนากร กลิ่นพยอม: ดีครับ
- (2024-05-31) furkan fatih demirel: mükemmel eklenti tavsiye ederim
- (2024-05-29) Владислав Нетецький: топ
- (2024-05-29) странник: Прекрасный помощник с борьбой надоедливых ))))
- (2024-05-28) Abhishek Baronia: it really works on desktop
- (2024-05-28) Unknown Gamer: Blockiert nicht jede Werbung, gerade am Anfang des Videos. Ansonsten okay
- (2024-05-21) Carlos Almenara Ramírez: muy buena aplicación y efectiva en el PC pero para el móvil no quita ningún anuncio y he instalado varias y los anuncios no desaparecen es mas cada vez mas pero aquí en el PC funcióna correctamente
- (2024-05-19) Ankit Rajput: Litterly awsome but not misearble
- (2024-05-19) 미카엘: 많은 도움이 되었습니다 광고 차단 감사합니다
- (2024-05-17) olivia great kedzierska: yes this is what you need
- (2024-05-16) K. Topçu: Güzel bir eklenti. Reklamları kaldırması harika, hayatımıza daha fazla zaman katıyor...
- (2024-05-15) salvador hernandez vazquez: muy bueno
- (2024-05-12) Лисий Дідько: Рекламу убирает. Можно нормально смотреть видео. Я доволен. Спасибо.
- (2024-05-10) hiep nguyen quang: Xuất sắc ok
- (2024-05-08) Rohmad Harjanto rohmadharjanto.2021: Apilkasi yg Bagus. Terima kasih
- (2024-05-06) Peggie S: ADBLOCK is the blest 👍👍👍👍👍
- (2024-05-06) Muhammad Muchtarom: lumayan terkdang masih kebobolan iklannya
- (2024-05-06) Nguyên Kiều: Good app
- (2024-05-05) Ömer: gerçekten ben buna benzer şeyleri çok istiyordum bulamıyordum araştırdım ve çok iyi indirin
- (2024-05-04) KVIDO P: mal som už jeden adblok predtým no ten nefungoval a ešte som musel chvíľu počkať no toto ide ako po masle zapnem video a nič žiadne čakanie
- (2024-05-03) juan vargas: does the job perfectly.
- (2024-05-03) Александр Хрипунов: Помогает, а начале бывает реклама проскакивает, но во время просмотра нет рекламы, спасибо
- (2024-05-03) JHYS JEVRY (Jevŕŷ): mantap sangat membantu
- (2024-05-03) Mika Kaakinen: Seems to work well.
- (2024-04-28) Tomas Cerezo: Se le escapa alguna que otra, pero esta bien.
- (2024-04-28) Валерий Красиля: работает
- (2024-04-27) ตะวัน เป่ง: ดีมากครับ
- (2024-04-25) Helaru Dess: отличное расширение очень сильно экономит время и нервы
- (2024-04-25) Nita Marius: work and assome!
- (2024-04-24) Mariana C: Por el momento está funcionando
- (2024-04-24) Echt Cool!: perfekt :)
- (2024-04-23) Emanuel Carrizo: FUNCIONA POR EL MOMENTO
- (2024-04-23) sairen nisha: STILL IN EXPERIENCE
- (2024-04-23) Prianon Karine: ca marche cool
- (2024-04-23) alexandru gluh: ma asteptam la mai mult
- (2024-04-22) Javier Ortiz Vargas: graciasssss!!
- (2024-04-21) achana chaiyajuk: ใช้ดีมากครับ
- (2024-04-20) toni M: it working