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An extension to calculate & display the total duration of a youtube playlist.
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Description from store
💎 Características:
- Calcular la duración total de una lista de reproducción de YouTube
- Ordenar listas de reproducción pequeñas (100 vídeos o menos) según diferentes criterios
- Duración
- Recuento de visitas
- Fecha de carga
- Nombre del Canal
💡 Cómo utilizar:
Después de instalar y habilitar la extensión, simplemente visite cualquier página de descripción general de la lista de reproducción de YouTube (la URL debe comenzar con "";).
Por ejemplo:
La duración total de la lista de reproducción se puede encontrar en el panel de información de la lista de reproducción, ubicado en el lado izquierdo de la página.
Verá lo siguiente mostrado:
- Duración total (formateada como hh:mm:ss)
- Vídeos contados (cuántos vídeos se utilizaron para calcular la duración total)
- Vídeos no contados (cuántos vídeos no se pudieron utilizar para calcular la duración total)
📃 Código fuente:
Latest reviews
- (2024-04-10) John Lewis: As of today, I can confirm this extension now works in my Watch Later playlist. That was the last thing I was hoping for, so many thanks to the developer. You made a great solution for what YouTube decided to drop some years ago. Blessings! April 10, 2024 The new sort playlist feature is a really cool additon to an already great extension. WTG, dev team!
- (2024-02-24) Isaiah Farb: Simple to use and almost always works! I am always grateful for this sunshine modicum of an add-on. Thank you for doing the job that YouTube shockingly can't.
- (2023-10-13) Alex: Бывает, что криво считает
- (2023-09-22) Amir: i tested it out with a few playlists that i calculated the duration beforehand and it seems to be accurate. pretty cool...
- (2023-08-16) Arbab Malik: Sometimes it doesn't tell the exact duration of a playlist
- (2023-08-05) Ranjan Kumar Hasda: The actual playlist duration sums above 100 hours but the extension shows only 26:32:13 I think the extension wants to say 126:32:13
- (2023-07-25) Jeff Valcher: Works for me. Nice info layout.
- (2023-07-09) Himanshu: Not 100% times gives or calculates the have to restart extension to do so every time
- (2023-06-06) Animesh Kumar: not working
- (2023-05-25) Nibir Chowdhury: Doesn't show correct result. With every refresh you get a different number.
- (2023-04-29) Abdallah GP: don't install it. they need to delete it from the chrome web store. it's shows wrong results.
- (2023-04-19) saulo brandao: Sensacional, finalmente eu sei quanto tempo de conteúdo tem nas playlists que eu tenho que estudar.
- (2023-04-02) Achin Kumar: Everytime I refreshed it showed me a different time. Inaccurate
- (2023-03-26) tiger: Everytime I refreshed it showed me a different time. Inaccurate
- (2023-03-10) Mridul: doesn't work correctly
- (2023-02-23) Pradeep: in accurate it showed 01:18:20. there where 87 videos which includes a video of 11 and a half hours.
- (2023-01-14) Sude D: her denemede aynı playlistte farklı süreler gösteriyor saçma sapan bi uygulama
- (2023-01-07) Jules Pena: Did not work. I had 22 songs on my playlist, all at least 5 mins, and it told me the playlist was 2 minutes long. Then reloaded. 15 minutes. It doesn't work.
- (2023-01-03) Gregory Miranda: Works fantastic! Playtime is accurate for me. Really happy with the extension, thank you! :)
- (2022-12-25) Alek Lavr: Не работает
- (2022-12-23) H.H Wai: Calculation is sometimes off by hours which is shocking! When I refreshed the page, I see this app either doesn't show duration on my playlist or shows different duration each time. My playlist for overnight sleep listening is just a little bit over 6 hours meanwhile this app shows 30 mins, 45 mins and even over 9 hours each time I refresh the page. I'll not uninstall for now and let the Developer have the chance to fix the app to better quality
- (2022-12-21) Evgeny Kharyushin: Doesn't calculate correctly and writes NAN when one of the videos is upcoming.
- (2022-12-17) meelybug123: Changes the playlist duration if I refresh the page on certain playlists for some reason; makes it hard to know the actual duration of the playlist without adding the lengths of the videos together yourself.
- (2022-12-06) Brandon DeAlmeida: Works perfectly! Don't know why YouTube doesn't show this already
- (2022-11-29) thegees: it works edit 2 days later: it only works on my playlists not on anyone elses
- (2022-11-27) Phoenix Aki: Can confirm as of 11/27/22 it works on both my watch later + liked videos + custom playlists as well. Thanks!
- (2022-11-24) Stéphanie Sevaux: Doesn't work, gives me a random time. Looks nice tho
- (2022-11-24) Andrei: There is a bug with counting when a playlist has an announced or ongoing live stream Total duration: NaN:NaN:NaN
- (2022-11-23) Hubert Marczak: Thank you for this very useful addon and fast update after YouTube re-design. However, the addon doesn't work for Watch later playlist for me (it worked in older version of the addon before re-design). Also due to the div wrapper of svg icon, it's not centered alongside with text "Scroll down to count more videos". Edit: After YouTube Watch Later update (new design applied) addon works, however centering an icon would be most welcome ;)
- (2022-11-17) Сковородка: не правильно считает вермя( пример: )
- (2022-11-17) Ahmet Kaan Yamuk: doesn't work
- (2022-11-04) Amir I: Been using it for a few years. But then the YouTube update broke it. But then it got updated for the first time in 2 years! But plot twist: for some reason youtube went back to old layout for me and it no longer works
- (2022-11-03) Rick Whitechest: It's updated and better than ever! Love how natural it looks on YouTube's new layout, almost like it's a stock feature! Recommended!
- (2022-10-30) Teetan Robotics: Youtube updated its playlist interface + hidden videos not compatible with this extension. Otherwise amazing effort. Thanks for the extension.
- (2022-03-15) Mehmetcan Mutlu: bazen çalışıyor bazen çalışmıyor f5 atıyorum olmuyor falan siliyorum
- (2022-03-06) Aditya Thapa: Hey dev, can you add an option to subtract the time a user has watched the playlist? Like if I have seen 2 videos of 4 min(total 8 minutes) from a playlist, it will subtract that time from the playlist. It would be useful for a course or to keep track of already watched content
- (2022-03-05) Juan Carlos Amaranto González: Siendo 04 de marzo 2022 aun funciona correctamente esta extensión
- (2022-02-14) Brian B.: Sometimes it doesn't display the duration, sometimes it displays an incorrect duration (e.g. 25 hours for 20 videos approx 5 minutes each), and sometimes it displays two different durations, one above the other.
- (2022-01-15) BeanBoy420: Very helpful, didnt calculate all videos at first, but i just scrolled through the playlist to get it to load them.
- (2021-11-26) potassium ._.: very good
- (2021-11-13) Laurens Koehoorn: Nice if less than 1000 videos in the playlist, if 1000 or more, the informational calculation won't be shown... Here an example of a list of more than 1000 videos :
- (2021-11-10) deep: go for it
- (2021-11-03) Billy Stanley: this is great at doing what it says it does and the only thing I would add/change would be the option to also calculate the time remaining (so [total time of all videos]-[ time of video's already watched]=[remaining time] )
- (2021-10-10) Tanner Amsler: update@2021-10-10: now it displayed out, but with 1 main issue: what displayed as: X videos Y views Last updated on Z. the Y value is less than the real views value, even less than 1 video, not to say the X videos. why the big difference here? thanks. at first, don't know why, but ther's no effect displayed out there as it's expected. i've tried 2 devices, neither worked.
- (2021-10-02) Vincent Vega: Güzel çalışıyor
- (2021-09-28) Thunder Cock: Good.
- (2021-08-22) Lee Li: Perfect
- (2021-08-20) emo vibes.: It is the best and ONLY extension to calculate the duration of my playlists that worked. It is very practical and easy to use, I loved it. Never modify or delete it, please. I loved her.
- (2021-08-04) Bestgameryt: There's No Virus Or scam it Legit What the description says it is.
- (2021-05-31) Gabriel: actually works