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Créez votre liste d’envie, rien de plus simple
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💻 INSTALLER le Wishupon Clipper.
📱 TÉLÉCHARGER l'application Wishupon sur Google Play et App Store.
🛍 CREER votre liste de souhaits et la partager avec vos amis et votre famille.
Fatigué de faire des captures d'écran et de copier des URL ? WISHUPON est une wishlist de shopping universelle qui vous aide à sauvegardez vos produits préférés de n'importe quel magasin en ligne en un seul endroit.
Avec WISHUPON Clipper, vous pouvez ajouter n'importe quel article du site de e-commerce à votre wishlist. Sauvez tout ce que vous voulez acheter plus tard, et nous garderons la trace des changements de prix et vous en informerons par l'appli WISHUPON et par email.
Vous pouvez regrouper en un endroit vos articles préférés. Et préparer au mieux vos achats plus tard.
Nous sauvons les articles avec le nom du produit, sa photo, son prix et ses liens et vous envoyons des notifications lorsque le prix baisse. Profitez-en pour acheter au meilleur prix.
Partagez vos listes de souhaits avec vos amis et votre famille via l'application WISHUPON. Toutes les personnes qui ont reçu le lien de la wishlist peuvent la voir sans l'appli WISHUPON et même sur Messenger, Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter, etc. De plus, vous pouvez poster un vote sur Snapchat Stories pour demander à vos amis de « Buy it or Not »
L'appli Wishupon vous permet de ponctuer de mille gestes les moments de votre vie ou celle de vos proches, d’une manière unique. Partager un bonheur, autant d’occasions qui pourront s’exprimer avec un cadeau de vos Collections pour mariage, naissance, anniversaire, etc. Ainsi, votre famille et vos amis peuvent choisir un cadeau. Ensuite, lorsqu'ils réservent le cadeau, vous serez notifié sur l'appli.
Joyeux Wishuponing ! 🛍
Latest reviews
- (2022-11-21) Digiteo Shop Support: I love this extension! Been using it for 2 years now. It lets me setup my wishlists "in the cloud" and it's super easy to use with the chrome extension. Sad to see it has low reviews on here, definitely a 5 star for me. Keep up the good work Wishupon, hope this app will stay around in the future!
- (2022-10-07) Anthony Fasolo Jr: Doesn't Work at all. Silly me, I made the mistake of signing in with my Facebook account and now they have that. I'm really growing tired of all these so-called shopping wish list type extensions either being terribly under developed, or when you contact their producers you either never hear back or they give you some story that a fix is in the works. . . which means it will happen sometimes time after never.
- (2022-09-07) Alice Catapano: Just downloaded it, it's working ok but there's some stuff i'm not really fond of... Overall it's easy to use and does its job, the price drop alert is the main thing i downloaded this for. The wishlist collects all items in one place through their pages' links and you can order them in "collections", or basically folders, which is neat. You can share items and collections through emails and other apps. The annoying thing is that in order to create an account you have to download the app, which would be alright if it wasn't that it's also the only way to manage the account; like, you can't do it from the website on your laptop, the only thing you can do from there is manage your wishlist but not the collections or your account informations. So you either keep the app or have to download it anytime you need something that you can't use the website for. The whole thing is also shaped more like an SNS, with the options of sharing wishlists publicly through the app and promoting businesses and shops... it's alright but it's not exactly what i was looking for.
- (2022-08-08) Data Two: Did not function at all. Tried to create an account and it appears you have to do it via your phone. So I gave in any opted to use my Facebook account, and although it then allowed me to save some rand item to test it. I couldn't access my account. Each time I tried to sign in using my Facebook account, it just returned to the sign in screen again and again. So, gone, tossed it, don't have time for sillyness.
- (2021-05-09) Camille Merose: It just... Doesn't work. Like I click the button to save an item, get the loading animation, and that's it.