ציטט במהירות מקור אתר
Do you need to write an essay/research paper?
To prevent any plagarism issues, its very important to cite all the sources you use. Our software allows you to do research on the Internet and save each and every website which you wish to use quotes/statistics.
To get started, all you need to do is install the extension
Go to the website which you want to quote from
Click on the extension icon, choose the type of citation method.
Our software will automatically save this citation for you and you can paste these citations into the essays you are writing.
Our software supports the most common citations methods such as APA / Chicago Citation/ MLA Citation / Harvard Citation method.
Disclaimer: Please note this extension is NOT made by Google and is made by an independent development team. All copyrights belong to their respective owners.
Google doesn’t endorse or sponsor this Chrome extension. Citation Manager for Google Chrome™ is not owned by, is not licensed by and is not a subsidiary of Google Inc.
Latest reviews
- (2023-09-14) Guille BAUMEN: Interesantes herramientas. Pero no funciona. Seguí las simples instrucciones. No se guarda ninguna cita.
- (2023-07-11) Brian Flaherty: Actually free. Has the most common citation styles. This is exactly what I needed when my professor asked for Chicago style citations. Please add: American Political Science Association style A bibliography formatting option.
- (2023-02-21) Jeremie Anderson: So user friendly and perfect for my APA needs. Quick and easy installation and extension, plug and play. 100%
- (2022-11-18) Madison Te kauru: THANK UUU
- (2022-10-22) Mónica Martha Rodríguez Rivas: no estan actualizados! no messirve
- (2022-06-08) Monika Kathpalia: Perfect! Very easy to use!
- (2022-05-27) Emanuel Perdis: Always Use it!
- (2022-02-12) Eugene Casey: Very easy to use and it offers multiple citation methods.
- (2021-09-26) Sharron Bell: Saved my life. I returned back to college at 50 years old and finding this site makes me believe in miracles.
- (2021-08-04) Asyy: It is free and simple to use! its honestly a life saver for broke students like me. thank you!
- (2021-05-27) Isaac Lee: This was epic!!
- (2021-04-29) Rene Morais de Abreu: não tem ABNT
- (2021-03-01) HENRY ERNESTO GONZALEZ BECERRA: No cita correctamente