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支援靈格斯在浏覽器中實現螢幕取詞和劃詞翻譯. 使用此擴展需要安裝運行靈格斯翻譯家軟件
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Description from store
Lingoes 靈格斯翻譯家是一款簡明易用的詞典與文本翻譯軟件,支援全球超過80多種語言的詞典查詢、全文翻譯、螢幕取詞、劃詞翻譯、例句搜索、網絡釋義和真人語音朗讀功能。同時還提供海量詞庫免費下載,專業詞典、百科全書、例句搜索和網絡釋義一應俱全,是新一代的詞典與文本翻譯專家。
Lingoes 支持互查互譯的語種包括: 英、法、德、意、俄、漢、日、韓、西、葡、荷蘭、瑞典、烏克蘭、波蘭、土耳其、泰、印尼、越南、波斯、希伯來、阿拉伯語 及更多...
注意: 使用此擴展需要安裝運行靈格斯翻譯家軟件, 它是免費的, 中文版從這裏下載:
Latest reviews
- (2022-02-26) Rogerio M. Souza: Working fine!
- (2021-10-02) Mahdjoub Sofiane: very useful
- (2021-07-30) Feilong Baiji: 能用
- (2021-02-09) 喔酞哇呸嗯: 2.9.2 Portable 版本 至今可用,太好了
- (2020-08-10) pham viet: Capture word on screen doesn't work as it did before.
- (2020-01-13) qazxswe er: 完全取不了词呀
- (2019-11-12) Maksut Altay: çok teşekkürler/ thanks very much...
- (2019-08-05) Carol: I first started using Lingoes back in 2009, and now it's 2019 and I still find it one of the most useful pieces of software for learning new languages, translating stuff and getting the meaning of specific words without having to look it up on Google every time. So I'd highly recommend for one to download Lingoes and then the specific dictionaries. BUT this extension hasn't been working for me for a couple of years now. Idk what happened, but it simply won't work on Chrome and Windows (i'm on windows 10 now). As people said here before, the way around it is to click on a word and select COPY (or CTRL C on windows) and then the clipboard with the meaning will appear right away. But you don't need the extension for that. So as I said, Lingoes hasn't been updated in years and it's still pretty useful, so go for it (also one of my biggest fears is for it to just disappear from the old servers it is stored on the internet one day, so someone please go fund it!!! lol). But when it comes to this extension, it does nothing.
- (2019-05-19) Jam Roiaml: It does't work! trash
- (2018-11-23) Omar Abbadi: It doesn't work !! I don't know why !! I'm using the desktop program and the extension.
- (2018-11-15) Hà: If the extension is turned on, text can't be captured. But if I remove or turn it off, text can be captured again easily:3 It's just a little problem. I still LOVE the software and plugins and everything though:D Thank you developers. You did a great job and help everyone:D
- (2018-09-15) Can U: Now it is working
- (2018-08-02) Jenny wang: 14年更新的
- (2018-06-17) Kokolo Chan: 没用
- (2018-05-02) Aries Wang: 最愛的軟件,老用戶了,真的付費也買,可惜已經沒有再更新了,sad
- (2018-04-21) 王為恩: 最新版本的chrome不能用,好可惜...
- (2018-04-10) 刘强: 好,兼容好!
- (2018-03-27) Phan Hải: very good
- (2018-03-18) Saeed Sleiman: افضل اضافة في الكروم و افضل ترجمة وافضل طريقة
- (2018-02-22) Như Phạm: ok
- (2018-02-09) Phạm Kim Ngân: good
- (2018-01-22) MOHAMAD ALI ALTERAD: رائع
- (2018-01-08) Phenol Chow: Win10,Chrome版本63,亲测可用
- (2017-07-25) nguyen trung: for those who use lingoes for instant dictionary on website or elsewhere and get trouble in Capture extension on chrome or something; here is an alternative way to use Lingoes : - Right-lick on Lingoes icon on the lower right quadrant of the window (I dont know the exact term for this area, where there is time,date displayed) - You will see from the top : Open - Capture word on screen - Translate selected text - Translate clipboard text - tick on Translate selected text or clipboard text according to your favorite. (for instance, i choose translate clipboard text; if I want to know anywords on website or elsewhere, I just need right-lick and select copy, the meaning of it will appear. - If you copy something but dont intend to look for its meaning just move the mouse outside the sreen of Lingoes, it will disappear Hope you find it useful
- (2017-07-17) hoang long tran: How to just click to translate? I couldn't do that!!
- (2017-07-06) Đoàn Duy Nguyễn: so convenient for looking up new words directly on the internet
- (2017-06-13) 溜酱: 最新版chrome不能用真是可惜……希望尽快兼容下~
- (2017-06-08) Kouta Takabatake: It doesn't work my browser Chrome and Vivaldi(this is chrome based). But sometimes Lingoes works with these two browser by a bit oddly way. Selecting a word by click and dragging, then hit Ctrl key(the key depending your Lingoes settings), maybe the operation works some kind of webpages(not all sites but it's not so little).
- (2017-06-06) Thanh Hung Le: ok
- (2017-04-21) Kon Siri: 最新版chrome 57,有用!好用!
- (2017-04-11) 风声猎猎: 为啥不更新了呢?
- (2017-03-02) Elsa Yue: it doesn't work on my chrome 54.What should I do?I really need it for my work.
- (2017-02-22) Bùi Văn Phong: I can;t use on all websites but it's working on toolbar