extension ExtPose

Epoch Converter

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Provides a popup showing a human readable date of a highlighted Unix timestamp.

Image from store Epoch Converter
Description from store This extension converts Unix timestamps to human readable date and time strings. Simply double click or highlight a timestamp in your browser window, and a small popup will appear containing a readable date and time. This extension is open source. Check it out on GitHub: http://github.com/drautb/epoch-converter

Latest reviews

  • (2022-06-28) Frank Canova: Not compatible with many websites. It sometimes worked, but gave "map" errors in the console and often didn't convert epochs when needed most.
  • (2022-04-08) Sukhmeet Singh: `03/01/54239 - 02:40:00` <- This is a date it gave me..
  • (2019-05-15) Paul Premack: Fantastic calculator converter for a chromium based web browser! Thanks!
  • (2018-01-04) Quantum Calzone: I like it but its unreadable on a dark background. See here https://i.imgur.com/TtsfTqH.png
  • (2017-05-05) Caroline Itschner: cant even get it to freaking open
  • (2015-09-10) Serge Smertin: Only missing things: - analyse only 10-digit and 13-digit numbers, not to overload DOM events
  • (2015-02-09) Caspar: It doesn't recognize millisecond accurate time stamps, e.g.: 1423149000000 Becomes: 10/19/47067 - 00:40:00 Too bad, all my epoch stamps are in ms, so useless for me!
  • (2015-01-04) Кирилл Слайк: Выполняет свою функцию как описано, НО нет удобного способа отключить расширение используя его контекстное меню, в то время как он пытается конвертировать все что ты выделяешь - даже то, что совсем не похоже на таймстемпы - цифры с пробелами, спец символами, и т.п. через три дня использования за пределами phpmyadmin перед тем как что-то выделить в браузере появлялась мысль "уу, опять закрывать это всплывающее окно"... отключил. Developer, please, make it work only on timestamp matched strings and able to turn on/off quikly in menu. Wating for new version.
  • (2014-12-08) Henk Siebelink: Basically does nothing when I highlight a Unix timestamp. Sometimes out of the blue it converts a number that is not a unix timestamp. On Google Chrome that is.
  • (2014-06-24) Sitanshu Joshi: It help me a lot while i am developing any date module.
  • (2014-04-22) Benjamin Flynn: Exactly what I was looking for. I was able to read epoch timestamps in a JSON without having to run any scripts or do anything more than click. Thanks!
  • (2013-08-05) Not bad, pretty useful. Would rather it only get invoked when highlighting 10-digit numbers (most common convention for epoch numbers). Even if I highlight the number "1" it converts it to "12/31/1969 - 19:00:01" - which is 1 second after the epoch in my time zone
  • (2013-01-27) Dave Pack: This is a must have for any developer looking at unix timestamps in databases. Works like a charm and super useful!

Latest issues

  • (2022-03-15, v:1.0.2) Survy Vaish: Open source?
    I would love to take what you have and contribute to the repo to add some critical features. Let me know if you can open source the project?
  • (2022-01-18, v:1.0.2) Alex Ayala: Converter is impossible to read in Mac Dark Mode
    I have to constantly switch back to Appearance: Light Mode from the much better Mac Dark Mode, (which switches Chrome from light to Dark), when I need to read your epoch, or drag and highlight the little pop up (This gets really tedious when I need to read multiple times though so that's why I've got to change to light mode).
  • (2020-03-06, v:1.0.2) Chris Brown: Epoch Converter Extension
    Hello! Your epoch converter chrome extension is the only one that works exactly how I want, but I need support for ms epoch time. Is this project open source anywhere? I'd be happy to send a PR. Thanks! Chris
  • (2019-05-04, v:1.0.2) Sudhir Kumar Singh: epoch in milliseconds to date time
    if 13 digit selection simply ignore or add millis also.. will be great if timezone setting can be done.
  • (2015-04-06, v:1.0.2) Tuan Tran: Cant convert epoch time in milisecond
    It can't convert timestamp in miliseconds For example: 1428306889040 will be convert to 03/31/47231 - 00:37:20
  • (2014-08-09, v:1.0.2) Mike Brewer: Date format
    Very useful tool, though it would be nice to have an option to format the date in International (non US) format, i.e. dd/mm/yyyy not mm/dd/yyyy. US date format confuses me a lot!
  • (2014-02-06, v:1.0.2) No XML support?
    When I receive XML in Chrome, and have your extension installed, highlighting the timestamp doesn't bring up the popup. When I test it at epochconverter.com, it works fine.
  • (2013-10-07, v:1.0.2) Feature request:
    Would rather the popup only get invoked when highlighting 10-digit numbers (most common convention for epoch numbers). In other words, if I highlight the number "1" (in something that is not an epoch time) it converts it to "12/31/1969 - 19:00:01" - which is 1 second after the epoch in my time zone.


1,753 history
3.3333 (21 votes)
Last update / version
2023-05-19 / 1.1.2
Listing languages
