Description from extension meta
番茄工作摟 = 番茄工作法 x 待辦事項 x 網站封鎖
Image from store
Description from store
๑ 實踐【番茄工作法】幫助您專注在工作上,充分利用時間。
๑ 加入【待辦事項】讓您清楚了解一整天該做的事項。
๑ 封鎖【娛樂網頁】有效防止在工作時浪費時間在瀏覽不必要的網站
1.修正封鎖 Chrome Extension bug
2.編輯todo由double click 改為 single click
Latest reviews
- (2018-06-14) Em _: good and simple, excellent functionality.
- (2017-08-18) thigan plays: Seems that the counter for Pomodoro is hard coded to end at certain hour during the day. If I could have it configure would be fantastic.
- (2017-02-21) Po-Jung Chen: 請問時間到的時候,只會有短暫的聲音提示,常常會因為沒開聲音而忽略(工作時不方便開聲音),能不能有什麼其他更醒目的提醒方式呢?
- (2015-04-18) Harold Pan: Easy to use, I think it could satisfy the majority of people.
- (2015-03-19) Rikki Shanks: Really like the clean UI and very simple to use. One request: It would be great to see a see the total amount of time (hh:mm) for "today's tomatoes". If like me you vary the time for each tomato on the slider throughout the day you cannot calculate the total time from the total number of tomatoes. If you could also see a time history for previous days, month - it would be perfect :)
- (2014-09-04) Shih YuLun: 實用的小工具,介面簡潔 推薦給大家
- (2014-08-06) Antony Kao: Nice. 同一個畫面點兩次以上block website 會一直重讀鎖定頁面 能否同一個畫面點第一次是鎖 然後同一個畫面再點一次解鎖
- (2014-08-05) Wang Darrell: GOOD
- (2014-08-02) 艾朵: 好用!
- (2014-07-28) 張尹亭: 介面跟相似的工具相比,好看多了。