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ApowerREC extension for Chrome - A smart screen recorder capturing desktop, browser/webcam, as well as system sound, microphone, or both. No matter whether you want to make an educational video, show your gameplay, record a meeting, save live stream, or any other general use, ApowerREC can help you with it!
✔No watermark
✔Unlimited screen recording time
✔Easy-to-use controls
✔Instant video saving
Multifunctional Screen Recorder
▶ Microphone & System sound recorder
Enabling you to record system sound, microphone, or to record both audio sources at the same time.
▶ Browser Recorder
Automatically capturing desired tabs in your browser and offering you a more accurate recording experience.
▶ Desktop Recorder
Allowing you to save all the activities on desktop just with a few clicks.
▶ Webcam Recorder
Adding webcam image to enrich the recording content.
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Latest reviews
- (2023-06-27) 王磊: 我安装并使用这个插件进行录屏,但是安装插件后,这个插件在我的网页中注入了一些样式,导致我访问百度等网站,网页都出现明显布局错乱,希望可以尽快解决。
- (2023-03-09) alekss: So many glitches, randomly starts playing video in some other tab, can't simply choose which tab to record
- (2023-02-05) Ron Gee: Something weird is happening with the CSS where I couldn't see bullets on bulleted lists in GMail, and some pages in Wordpress dashboards had tables that were fixed.
- (2023-01-08) Lindsay Paulson: I used to use this often and it worked great but after the most recent update, the region control doesn't appear to be working as it should (cannot actually select region) and my mouse disappears when attempting to trim/export video upon review. Very buggy lately.
- (2022-12-15) Seasons Four: 最新版本会导致所有网页页面一定程度上的错位,比如 百度 首页登录之后 搜索框会被移动到最顶端看不见
- (2022-10-22) draco wolf: it won't let me stop recording. unless you want to record forever don't use it
- (2022-09-12) osmeybel reyes: no c como guardar el video >:/
- (2022-06-28) mate gamer: it records up to 4k which is good but i want to rec hd can u add quality changer button it takes forever to process vid on yt
- (2022-02-01) samuli nukala: this addon causes chrome to crash NEVER INSTALL but if you are reading this it might be all ready too late
- (2022-01-17) hà.: I can't open my Chrome when I install it:)
- (2021-12-23) 张牧之: 谷歌浏览器闪退没有办法解决,卸载重装也不行,有没有解决办法
- (2021-12-12) Daniel Max: Depois que eu adicionei essa extensão, o Chrome começou a fechar sozinho, toda vez que eu iniciava o navegador, ele fechava. Foi um sufoco pra desativar a extensão com o Chrome fechando. Depois de algumas tentativas sem sucesso eu consegui, quando desativei, o Chrome voltou ao normal. Não sei se é Malware ou erro na extensão, só sei que isso não devia ter acontecido.
- (2021-12-08) Luuk Coolen: It crashes my chrome webbrowser and I tried 2 hours for fixing it. DONT INSTALL THIS UNTIL THEY FIXED IT
- (2021-10-22) hp l: 在修复之前千万别下!在 win11 以及 ubuntu 20.04 上开启,会造成 chrome 浏览器闪退! 问题版本:1.0.3 Never use it before it has been fixed!Will crash the chrome in win11 and ubuntu 20.04! Bad version:1.0.3
- (2021-09-24) S W: seems to record but I cant find the downloads or recorded files
- (2021-09-07) AMAN KUMAR: no work in my pc
- (2021-06-30) mate gamer: 4 star cuz i cant find video i recorded
- (2021-06-23) Christine's Frogs: I gave this 3 stars because It won't let me record anything. I set it up right and won't work can anyone help me?
- (2021-04-09) Kissuny Eason: 没有办法在Chromebook上录制桌面
- (2021-04-09) Ahmad Habil Bin Ahmad Zubir: I want record my ZOOM meeting but it stop after 56 minutes and the video is lagging. When I use other screen recorder it is okay.
- (2021-02-13) Live for Love: oml is it rec one i just got it?
- (2021-02-02) Tiago Portela: Dei 3 estrelas pq pra grava mais que 2 minutos precisa pagar mais que 20 reais.
- (2020-12-28) Alay P Doshi: where are the recorded videos saved and found on my laptop....I can record the video but where can I find the same???????
- (2020-12-28) Robert Pangsy: sehr schlechte auflösung bild ist sehr verpixelt und und ruckelt.
- (2020-12-03) RAJA R: The sound of video recording is not cystal clear
- (2020-11-05) 孔朱: 找不到录的文件在哪
- (2020-10-21) artes martinianas: tiene buen micro y ademas muy pocas apps tienen esa cualidad es muy pero muy buena la recomiendo GG
- (2020-09-28) One Muslim Man: i like it but how do i seen my video i recored
- (2020-09-24) asdf asdf: no save button or save page, completely useless
- (2020-08-21) MYGvga: i hattttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it
- (2020-08-17) Christina Pang: 找不到录的文件
- (2020-08-05) Aditya Chebrolu: Just now i recorded the screen using the chrome extension. where i can find the recorded videos. Please let me know any one of you
- (2020-06-24) Caesar For Life: it worked and then it didnt.
- (2020-04-13) AYA CH: واو رائع
- (2020-04-06) Mo_Jessica W: 录完的东西打不开
- (2020-04-03) V4ZZIO: Did not even record my screen.Video popped up blank.
- (2020-03-23) 陈晓涛: 如果支持导出mp4就好了
- (2020-02-28) Noemi Peláez: Al guardar el archivo guardó 32 archivos al mismo tiempo, no un mp4 ni nada parecido
- (2020-02-22) LegacyMeme: SO BAD!!!!! The second I started recording the tab was going crazy and there was so much lag. Im lucky that I was even able to remove it. SO BAD DONT GET
- (2020-02-03) zhenglong xu: 分段,只有一段有用
- (2020-02-03) Zihao Deng: 还差一点就完美了。录制成功保存视频,视频时长被缩短了。比如视频实际长度40秒,却在播放器中显示13秒,虽然也能播放到40秒,但是无法快进,无法跳过。
- (2020-01-28) João Vitor: muito bom maravilhoso
- (2019-12-28) Chen Yang: Great APP. However, suddenly the app creates mutiple filed after recording and only one is the vedio. When the bug is fixed, I will rete 5 stars.
- (2019-12-27) 夏秋冬: 录制好的文件在哪里?路径呢?
- (2019-11-19) 光爱能量: 怎么查看录像后的视频
- (2019-11-15) gulli bein: Unable to record system sounds unless a microphone is plugged in? That does not make any sense.
- (2019-10-21) Gree Fhes: Mano muito bom muito bom mesmo, n presivar pagar nada e totalmente grátis, eu sou Br i pra quem e tabem poder abaixar fuciona mesmo so aprendar a colocar i pronto e nóis
- (2019-09-15) -fantasy_art-: it never showed me my video that i recorded
- (2019-08-23) l my big bro is F91: 录制的东西直接以下载的形式保存了
- (2019-08-23) Sun Dennis: 不错,只能录制webm格式吗