Usercentrics Data Shield automates your consent decisions.
Usercentrics Data Shield is free to use and will automatically manage cookie banners for you based on your settings, so you don't have to see them anymore.
Usercentrics Data Shield enables you to configure your privacy choices once, instead of repeatedly for cookie banners on every website.
Usercentrics Data Shield respects your privacy choices and completes cookie banners based on the selected settings. This ensures a faster, more pleasant browsing experience.
Currently, when Usercentrics Data Shield is activated, 96% fewer cookie banners are displayed. We are working hard to add the few remaining banners. Please contact us if there is a website cookie banner you want to include that is not yet supported.
Latest reviews
- (2023-12-14) Kamola Ahmedova: Fantastic! This plugin has made a significant difference in my browsing experience, I hardly see any cookie banners. Real time-saver!
- (2023-11-09) Kim Chu: Amazing plugin! It's saved me tons of time dealing with cookie banners. Super user-friendly too!
- (2023-11-08) What a wonderful way to solve the cookie banner problem. I have my privacy ensured but also see no cookie banners anymore. Really like this solution.
- (2023-11-03) Aleksandra Toczyska: Endlich muss ich keine nervigen Cookie-Banner mehr klicken! Spart enorm Zeit :)
- (2023-08-25) Oliver Papa-Olé: Super Browsererweiterung, die mir jeden Tag wertvolle Zeit spart. Bin ziemlich happy und die Installation war unkompliziert und die Bedienung ist einfach. Freue mich was da noch kommt.
- (2023-08-16) Rares Luca: Excellent! Such a time saver! Set my preferences once and almost haven't seen any cookie banners anymore. The plugin takes care of consenting or not, depending on my privacy settings.
- (2023-08-16) Yonina Spithoven: Quick and easy installation, a plugin that can help everyone with their online privacy settings. After setting up your preferences once, you see significantly less cookie banners.
- (2023-08-16) Awesome - finally my undisrupted internet experience is back. Kinda time travel to before GDPDR times - love it <3
- (2023-08-16) Inês AOP: A few days after installing the plugin I'd forgotten about it and wondered why so many websites weren't compliant because I wasn't being asked for permissions. Then I remembered, ok it's just the plugin doing its work!
- (2023-08-14) Tilman Hrmlng: Toller Ansatz, um das Internet wieder frei zu nutzen, während meine Privatsphäre im Hintergrund ernst genommen wird. Schnell installiert, funktioniert problemlos & hilft mir sehr viel Zeit zu sparen.
- (2023-07-13) Friedrich Schmid: Great plugin! I installed it once, and it has been silently doing its job in the background. I no longer have to constantly deal with cookie banners. Love it!
- (2023-07-13) FJ P: I'm one of those people (yes, they exist) who do custom cookie banner settings every time - this plugin is a real game changer :) I love how smooth the browsing experience is!
- (2023-07-13) Samuel Sauter: Where has this plugin been all my life? Such a huge time and nerv safer. Love it!
- (2023-07-12) Falk Hedemann: Endlich nicht mehr überlegen müssen, wo man jetzt wieder klicken muss, um zur gewünschten Privatsphären-Einstellung zu kommen. Diese Erweiterung spart und sehr viele Nerven!
- (2023-07-10) Anna Schaich: Great solution to see less cookie banners and to have a smoother, uninterrupted browsing journey. It really is a lifetime saver.
- (2023-05-09) M R: Gute Idee, um weniger / keine Cookie Banner in der EU zu sehen, und dennoch eine freie Meinung zu haben. Man kann sich jederzeit umentscheiden.
- (2023-02-12) Gordon Caplan: Great idea. Finally a way to limit the constant notifications and banners.