extension ExtPose


CRX id


Description from extension meta

Translate words and phrases while browsing the web, using Google translator.

Image from store Translator
Description from store 言語体験を変える拡張機能✨🌐 🌐 🌐 . 言葉の壁なく、ワールドワイドウェブをナビゲートするための、迅速かつ効率的な翻訳プラグインを紹介します!ユーザーの利便性と読書体験を優先することで、ブラウジングが簡単になるような機能豊富な拡張機能を作成しました。 🌟 驚くべき機能は以下の通りです: 1️⃣ 🔁 自動言語翻訳: 拡張機能の設定でお好みの言語を設定すると、すべてが即座に翻訳されるのを見ることができます。スマートトランスレーターは、訪問しているウェブサイトの言語さえも検出します! 2️ ⃣ ᔊ 翻訳を聞くことができます: 翻訳された単語やフレーズの正しい発音を新しいタブで聞くことができ、言語学習がさらに楽しくなります。 3️ 🏠 📌 ハイライトと右クリック: 翻訳したいテキストをハイライトまたは右クリックし、翻訳アイコンを押すだけで、新しいタブに翻訳が表示されます。 4️ 🏣 Google 翻訳 API: Googleの翻訳技術の正確さと信頼性を、あらゆる言語の不都合や必要性にご利用ください。 5️ 🏣👌 ユーザーフレンドリーなポップアップ: 読書体験が妨げられたり、ブロックされたりすることはありません。スマートなポップアップ表示バーのおかげで、すべてがスムーズでシームレスに保たれるのです。 6️ ⃣ 📈情報満載のディスプレイ: 透明でクリアな表示欄は、翻訳に必要な情報をすべて表示し、ユーザーが表示欄ではなく、コンテンツに集中できるようにします。 7️ 🏣カスタマイズ: 翻訳結果をお客様の好みに合わせてカスタマイズできます。一般的な意味、詳細な説明、サンプル文、またはこれらすべてなど、翻訳結果に表示する要素を選択できます。 💡 さて、友達か外国語辞書か、どちらを選びますか?便利なブラウザ拡張機能で、Googleの有名な翻訳サービスに簡単にアクセスできます。インターネットを言語の遊び場にして、言葉の壁に悩まされることはもうありません! 📢 アップデート: Manifestのv3にアップグレードし、小さなバグを取り除きました。

Latest reviews

  • (2023-11-14) Paulo Kenobi: Sempre que abro o navegador, essa extensão abre duas novas abas, uma para pagamento e uma de configurações. Como posso desativar essas opções? Vai ter promoção na Black Friday? Eu gostaria de fazer uma doação, mas a moeda é euro, e isso torna o valor muito alto quando convertido para o Real brasileiro.
  • (2023-08-04) Ken Ambens: Oh, man! This extension is seriously mind-blowing! It's like, bam! Instant translations to any language, bro! So darn simple and so freaking helpful, you wouldn't even believe it! Props to the awesome developers who cooked this up. They've done us all a solid, no doubt! Now, I don't have to scratch my head trying to understand what people from other places are saying. It's like magic, dude! And you know what? It's saved me from some serious awkward situations. Imagine me, trying to impress a cute French girl with my "Bonjour" and "Merci," and she just looks at me like, "Huh?" But now, I whip out this extension, and boom! We're chatting like old pals. I gotta give a big shoutout to those devs. They've got some serious tech wizardry going on. I mean, how the heck do they make this thing work so fast? It's like the Flash of translations! Hats off to you, code ninjas! So, all in all, I gotta say, this extension rocks! It's like having a language-savvy buddy right in your browser. No more language barriers holding us back. Thank you, thank you, thank you, devs! You've made our lives a heck of a lot easier, and you've brought a smile to my face, too! Keep doing your magic and making the world a more connected and hilarious place! Cheers! 🎉😄
  • (2023-08-04) Civa Liker: Very helpful extension! Easy to translate everything with just one click. Straightforward interface!
  • (2023-07-27) Inthe Podcats: I use this for half of year already. Works very good very easy to translate what you want!
  • (2023-04-24) Роман Истомин: Great extension thank you!
  • (2022-11-19) Alexandre Ferreira: ruim
  • (2022-11-17) Mariia Datsenko: Quick and easy - that's why I love it!
  • (2022-11-17) Ksenia Yershova: I use this extension for 2 months already. It really helps when it's necessary to translate something quickly. 👍🏼
  • (2022-09-13) Clebitos Jordan: Desse tradutor que eu estava precisando, só traduz uma parte ou frase selecionada sem abrir uma nova aba. Nota 10
  • (2022-07-02) Michael Mirthy: quickest translation through the instant button next to a selection 👌
  • (2022-05-03) Dmitriy Voytenko: при работающем расширении перестали корректно работать некоторые сайты. Видимо больше пользоваться не буду
  • (2022-02-16) Mohammad ismail: Really Amazing extension
  • (2021-11-14) Shoaib Mansoor: One of the best and easiest way to use it keep up the good work!
  • (2021-11-04) M-commerce Kevin: It very help to me its deserve a 5star for this extension Thank you!
  • (2021-10-02) S7 Airlines: Всё работает
  • (2021-07-22) Nguyễn Tuấn Anh: the best translation ex for chrome
  • (2021-07-02) Ирина Невская: Translate all only with this extension
  • (2021-07-02) Дмитрий Штольц: Very cool extension! Translate all I want and without any problems
  • (2021-07-02) Виталий Хоботов: Translate everything I want!
  • (2021-06-16) Osiris Berbesia: Lamentablemente no sirve
  • (2021-06-02) Елизавета Стриж: Glad extension! Try it yourself and you understand all!
  • (2021-06-02) Aleksey Nikolaev: Amazing translation app. Tried it once and it's really unbelievable. Translating all I want!
  • (2021-06-02) Юлия Крылова: The best extension! Translate everything only with it!
  • (2021-05-27) Vladimír Čamaj: Does not remember language settings. If I close browser it is gone.
  • (2021-05-21) Алексей Мельник: Отличное расширение! Перевожу все что нужно с удовольствием! Спасибо разработчикам
  • (2021-05-12) Лена Громова: Крутое расширение! Позволяет удобно переводить фразы
  • (2021-04-30) Dark Wizard: В Vivaldi работает наполовину. При клике по иконке на панели браузера всегда пишет "translate.google.com не позволяет установить соединение."


70,000 history
4.2895 (38 votes)
Last update / version
2024-08-31 / 3.0.0
Listing languages
