Description from extension meta
A visual timer to help you focus on your current task.
Image from store
Description from store
This timer is designed to help you be more productive by keeping your fingers on the keyboard. Click the extension icon from your browser to pop a new timer (or bring the existing one into the foreground). Then just type the number of minutes you want the timer to run for and hit Enter. The timer will start as a countdown, filling up as the timer runs so you'll know roughly how much time you have left without breaking your concentration. Once the timer completes, it begins flashing so you know it's complete. If you need to pause the timer, just select the timer popup and hit Space. Space again to resume. If you want to reset the timer (for the previously selected duration) just select the timer popup and hit "R" and it will start over.
Cheatsheet for keyboard shortcuts:
- 1-999 : Start a timer for that many minutes
- R : Reset the timer
- Space : Pause/resume the timer
- ? : Toggle config mode (where you can set the background color, toggle the "ding")
- T : Toggle task mode where you can list your tasks and start a timer for each
- > (right angle bracket) : Mark current task done (delete it) and begin next task
New in this version (Finally getting to those feature requests):
* Set a timer up to 999 minutes (removed limitation of 99 minutes)
* Visual fixes in task list (wrapping, general ugliness)
* Stay in the flow and jump right to your next task!! Added new keyboard shortcut (">") to mark current task done (deleting it from the task list) and beginning the next task.
Thanks to everyone who has commented on the Youtube instructional video to provide feedback and request new features!
Last update changes:
* Added summary for total minutes/hours in task view. Use this feature to avoid overcommitting. Reset your task list every day and be honest with how much dedicated time for a given day or work session. If a task is big (i.e. more than 45 minutes) break it down into smaller tasks. Keep your "everything" list in another tool (I like TickTick personally) and use this extension only for the things you have to accomplish today.
Latest reviews
- (2023-08-12) kapil singh: love frome india :) thank u so much s sir . sir please add 3 hours or 180 min. i am student it will help a lot again thank u
- (2023-08-04) Hua-Nan the cats: 使用方式簡單!介面簡潔直覺~試過好幾種終於找到好用的了,提示音也只有一個 丁~的聲音,不刺耳這點也很棒
- (2022-10-28) Bo Y.: Amazingly simple but useful. Exactly what I need! New feature request: 1. Remember last used size and location of the timer window. 2. Remember last used timer. 3. Keyboard shortcut to activate the timer extension. I know I am asking too much. 😜 Really appreciate your work as how it is now!
- (2022-10-26) Glen Coelho: its exactly wt i was looking for, additional features like, 1. lock it to screens so that it wont disapper. 2. the windows bar on top is too large, or you culd make it so that it behaves like the timer itself. thanking you.
- (2022-08-16) Ruchika: This is exactly what I was looking for! Amazing to keep me on track as I study
- (2021-02-03) 살랑살랑: 정말 매력적인 프로그램임. 간단하고 깔끔함. 최소화 하면 카운트 다운을 작업 표시줄에서 볼수 있고 타운트 다운이 끝나면 다 끝났다고 빨간 깜빡이가 시각적으로도 알려줌
4.6296 (27 votes)
Last update / version
2024-09-09 / 1.2.0
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