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ነፃ ራስ-ማንሸራተቻ (ጠቅታ ፣ መውደድ)። የአካባቢ ለውጥ. በራስ ሰር ወደ ቀኝ ያንሸራትቱ (ጠቅ ያድርጉ፣ መውደድ)። ያልተገደበ. ፍርይ.
Image from store
Description from store
🚨T-SWINDLER just offer additional features and functionalities for Tinder users. Please note that our application is developed independently and is not affiliated with or endorsed by Tinder🚨
ዋና መለያ ጸባያት:
- በራስ-ወደ ቀኝ ያንሸራትቱ ወይም ይውደዱ;
- የአሁኑን ቦታዎን ወደ ሌላ የውሸት ቦታ መለወጥ (በ TINDER ድር ጣቢያ ላይ ብቻ ይሰራል);
- የመነሻ ቁልፍን ሲጫኑ የ TINDER ገጽን ይከፍታል።
ትደሰታለህ? ቲ-ስዊንደርን ለመደገፍ መርዳት ይፈልጋሉ
ለቲ-ስዊንደር ማራዘሚያ 5 ኮከቦችን ድምጽ ይስጡ።
ለTINDER ተጨማሪ ባህሪያትን በራስ ሰር ለመስራት እና ለማከል ቀላል ቅጥያ።
ቀዩን "ጀምር" ቁልፍ ብቻ ይጫኑ እና ወደ ቀኝ ማንሸራተት በራሱ ይጫናል.
ለ Tinder Auto swipe ትሩን በTINDER አይዝጉት።
ለማቆም ከፈለጉ አረንጓዴውን ዙር "አቁም" የሚለውን ቁልፍ ብቻ ይጫኑ።
የጂኦግራፊያዊ አካባቢን መቀየር ይችላሉ. ብቅ ባይ ቅንብሮችን ክፈት እና አገር፣ ከተማ፣ ቦታ ቀይር
ወይም ሌሎች የጂኦ መጋጠሚያዎች. ከጉዞዎ በፊት አጋርዎን ከእርስዎ ርቀው ይፈልጉ።
(እባክዎ ለውጦችን ካደረጉ በኋላ ከ10-15 ደቂቃዎች ይጠብቁ። ይህ TINDER አዲሱን ቦታ የሚተገበርበት ጊዜ ነው)
እባኮትን ጥያቄዎች፣ ችግሮች ወይም ጥቆማዎች ካሉዎት ይፃፉልኝ፡[email protected]
በተቻለ ፍጥነት አስተካክለው.
1. How can I automate swiping on Tinder? 🤖
2. How can I get unlimited likes on Tinder? 💯
3. How can I increase my match rate on Tinder? 📈
4. How can I view full-size photos on Tinder? 📸
5. How can I change my location on Tinder? 🌍
6. How can I use auto-likes on Tinder? 🚀
7. How can I track my remaining likes on Tinder? 📊
8. How can I optimize my Tinder profile for more matches? ✨
9. How can I manage Tinder's daily like limits? ⏳
10. How can I set up Tinder for automatic likes? ⚙️
Each of these questions relates to features and functionalities that T-Swindler can assist with, making it a relevant solution for users looking to enhance their Tinder experience. 🌟
Latest reviews
- (2023-11-14) P Z: It works and easy and free to use. Thanks! ;)
- (2023-08-02) Krzysztof Ficek: Changing the location works really great, but what about the potential shadowban?
- (2023-07-05) Maria M. Gustavsson: You don't have like same program for bumble ? Answer : I need for bumble location changer.
- (2023-05-31) Acidburn: Would be nice if it could only like only Recently Active or Active instead of people who do not have this status
- (2023-05-19) Pattern Reformulator: It works alright, it doesn't have some of the features that an older swiper I once used had (like controlling the speed of swiping so you can make them faster), but still - it does the job.
- (2023-05-12) Natalia Kochanowska: Dziala bardzo dobrze, jedyne czego brakuje to zmiana czestotliwosci zostawiania polubien
- (2023-05-05) J J: мне нравится как оно меняет локацию в тиндере, на бесплатном аккаунте в тиндере лайков и так не много, поэтому лайкать я могу и сам :(
- (2023-04-26) Нурилло Абдурафиков: It works!!! Thank you)))
- (2022-12-31) Helen Mo: Cool, it works. I like to change locations and find new friends before travel.
- (2022-12-26) P: I like it, it is so easy to change location
- (2022-12-26) kate petrova: wonderful!!! It works.