Create MLA & APA citations in one click without any ads for free!
Imasse - Instant MLA & APA Citations is a free MLA & APA citation generator that only takes one click to make a citation without any ads. Create a citation for any page you are currently on just by clicking the Chrome extension icon and you are done.
We also provide credibility reports which are displayed at the bottom of the citation creator page and as a popup menu if you right click any link and select “credibility” from the options. These reports provide a score from 1-5 with 5 being the most credible along with a reason on why the source received a score it did.
★ Features ★
Ad-free, one click MLA & APA citations
Bibliography citations
In-text citations
Credibility report
Citations and plagiarism test to improve your research skills
★ Your Privacy ★
When using the Imasse - Instant MLA & APA Citations extension, we collect no information about you, ever.
★ Legal ★
By installing the Imasse - Instant MLA & APA Citations extension you agree to install this extension, and you agree to the End User License Agreement and the Privacy Policy which can be found below.
★ How To Uninstall ★
1) On your computer, open Chrome.
2) At the top right, click More and then More tools and then Extensions.
3) On to the extension you want to remove, click Remove.
4) Confirm by clicking Remove.
Happy learning :)
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Last update / version
2023-08-29 / 1.01
Listing languages