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A helper tool for to confirm CSS and XPath selector.
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Description from store
This tool helps to check CSS and XPath selector. It displays elements which specified by selector with highlight.
Latest reviews
- (2022-12-23) Very helpful when fixing/writing ui tests. I wish you could add it to firefox too
- (2021-11-12) Serhii Narvatov: Всё работает, спасибо! Для тех кто не разобрался - перезагрузите страницу, откройте расширение и в появившееся поле вставьте нужную конструкцию CSS или Xpath
- (2021-03-09) prince tajik: after install, refresh the page you want to check. really helpfull. but i wish it could attach to the window
- (2020-09-30) Роман Петренко: И как эти пользоваться? Инструкцию написать сложно было чтоли?
- (2019-07-18) Aji Raveendran Nair: Don't waste your time. It is not working on Chrome 75.xx
- (2019-02-06) Works good! But it will be great to make the input bigger, it's too small!
- (2018-10-04) Joshua Wallis: Simple, works
- (2018-06-10) Bryan Barrows: Don't waste your time. Doesn't work
- (2018-03-15) Antony Fuentes: Worked fine for me! thanks!
- (2017-12-08) Santosh Kumar: Good One
- (2017-09-14) Boris Wrubel: Does not work
- (2017-07-26) Searcher for Discogs: Good
- (2017-05-12) Tommy Lee: Здравствуйте. Готовы купить Ваше расширение по хорошей цене. Либо помочь его отмонетизировать. Пишите, обсудим. [email protected] Skype: Tendy.Max Good day! Ready to buy your extension at a good price. Or we can help you for monetizing of it. Contact me for details. [email protected] Skype: Tendy.Max
- (2017-01-08) Dinesh Prabu: Great !
- (2017-01-03) John Hoskins: Doesn't work
- (2016-11-22) Илья Терехов: Большое спасибо разработчикам, очень помогает в работе!
- (2016-10-14) I Y: Fully compliant with my needs. The input field is too small and it would be cool to make possible to detach the window. Please let me know if the new version will be released.
- (2016-10-04) Li Mo: Not working
- (2016-09-10) Дмитрий Уткин: Не понятно на интуитивном уровне как работает. Инструкций нет. Ужасно.
- (2016-06-30) Diogo Nunes: Too bad, sadly doesn't work.
- (2016-05-29) Geovane Alves de Carvalho: Não funcionou
- (2016-02-04) Mauro Lisi: Don't work
- (2015-01-25) eye blue: It may work at before, but now just don't.
- (2014-03-28) Girish B: Good one. It is helpful to so much. I am doing more on xslt programming in that time it uses alot
- (2014-02-24) Brian Merritt: Chrome has inbuilt tools that work better.
- (2013-08-31) Suryakanta Mohapatra: Xpath checker seems incompatible with chrome 29.Please bring updated one
- (2013-05-15) Pavandeep Puddupakkam: I think the best way to check or validate xpath on Chrome browser is to use the Development tools JavaScript console and use the command $x("xpath").
- (2013-02-21) Dmitriy Grablyov: A simple, but good tool.