Description from extension meta
Aternity Web Activity Creator
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Description from store
Aternity Web Activity creator is deployed only as part of SteelCentral Aternity Agent, is not listed and and is not intended for standalone installation.
The full SteelCentral product monitors user experience in the enterprise - from desktop document opening, via mail delays, up to application and system crashes. This chrome extension operates only as part of the full product and does nothing if installed by itself.
To achieve this the extension requires extensive permissions: tabs, webNavigation, notifications, and unlimited storage - and of course, permission to access all http/https pages.
The SteelCentral product in its entirety and the chrome extension in particular adhere to strict security and privacy standards - including GDPR and HIPAA. For full details refer to our privacy page:
When operational, clicking on the popup icon this extension displays an interactive page that creates 'web activities', encoding a sequence of user interactions to track by the organization. This created web activities are tracked by an in-page sidebar with notifications for each individual interaction.