Description from extension meta
Preklenitev razširitve Chromovega razširitve za Youtube. Unblocker Youtube, z enim klikom vstopite v Youtube.
Image from store
Description from store
Odblokiranje za Youtube je najpogosteje uporabljen brezplačen VPN
Odprete lahko veliko blokiranih spletnih mest. Blokirana spletna mesta lahko samozavestno odpirate. VPN se aktivira z enim klikom. Brezplačno in neomejeno
Chrome je vse bolj priljubljen brskalnik, zlasti z vtičniki. Ta brskalnik ima zdaj pri nas posebno mesto, še posebej tam, kjer so Twitter in podobne prepovedi dostopa postale del vsakdana. Sprašujete zakaj? Seveda zaradi vtičnika, imenovanega Youtube Unblocker ...
✓ Brezplačno
✓ Deluje 100%.
✓Ko je kri zaščitena, je lahko privzeto aktivna.
✓Secure: naše varno šifriranje SSL vas naredi anonimnega in varnega.
Kako uporabljati razširitev:
✓ Namestitev razširitve
✓ Kliknite Prijava
✓ Izberite državo in odprto
✓ Vstopite v Youtube
Latest reviews
- (2020-11-29) _floofy_: it says no internet when i use it even though i have full bars
- (2020-10-18) E J Stam: The extension itself works fine. One annoying thing tho, is whenever I start my browser, on whatever device, they will force and open the webpage of this extension. I tried looking into the settings, but it doesn't seem like i can turn it off. If that wasn't that annoying I'd give it 5 stars, but 4 for now.
- (2020-03-30) George 898: it says click for open and i click it and nothing happens.
- (2020-03-18) might EBO: really good
- (2020-03-15) Galah Pie: it used to be good but ow there are the most annoying and hard to get rid of so i got rid of it but i do think it used to be grate, before you had to pay for everything
- (2020-02-11) Hosa Dokha: doesnt work asks me for proxy username and pass
- (2019-11-30) AX HELL: Really good. Works anywhere!!! bTw i am not the creator