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A fresh osu theme that I had in mind to create. The same theme is also available in dark:…
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Description from store
A fresh osu theme that I had in mind to create.
The same theme is also available in dark:
Ps. this theme will give you 25% pp boost while farming (success not guaranteed)
Latest reviews
- (2023-06-07) Mahadi Hasan: i really love this theme
- (2022-03-23) Yog: HOW DO I TURN OFF THIS THING
- (2022-01-21) Invisible Fish: Nice work! That's amazing for osu players.
- (2021-12-05) Pikachu: 99999999/10
- (2021-09-24) Fernan Vent: I am not even an osu player, but this theme is amazing!. stylish and useful, thanks!
- (2021-09-21) Tân Nguyễn: good
- (2021-08-13) Mamaster: im a osu!player and i think this awesome theme
- (2020-12-14) Jham: Wow, I don't play much osu!, but this is great either way! I love that the main colour is grey and not white or black!
- (2020-11-14) Sylvio: My favorite theme for Chrome, no doubt about that. It's so artistic and austhetically pleasing. Love the texturized feel to it.
- (2020-10-28) Fox Meow: 配色很舒服,但为什么我的logo下面没有五彩的丝带?
- (2020-08-04) Logan “Don't call me Radiation” Clark: The osu! theme™ is a great theme honestly as an osu!™ fan.
- (2020-07-31) Gopika Jinoj: Wow, never thought there was an osu theme lol Its beautiful!
- (2019-12-28) Виталий Чумаков: Так себе.
- (2019-12-19) NeptuneTnT liu: 配色很舒服
- (2019-11-02) I: awesome theme :)
- (2019-08-17) tkeor3: Good looking gets old quickly though
- (2019-06-18) Th What?: too much pp
- (2019-05-18) sebchib :D: La palabra GOOGLE no se lee The word GOOGLE unreadable
- (2019-04-16) Annya: i really love it! i used it for many months and it's the best!!
- (2019-04-08) Wing Tam: I love Osu, and I love this theme ^_^
- (2019-03-14) George Laycock: zoom 110 = perfect at 100 zoom there is the slight pink around the edges
- (2019-02-11) ui.enishi: It's working, thx for 25% pp boost
- (2019-01-30) Kalmiya1773: Simple theme for osu! lovers, also...WOW, I 💖 PP FARM
- (2019-01-10) Anaïs Simmons: a non-repulsive pink theme! ting ting ting!
- (2018-12-01) bechofix: I like this alot espcially since I play osu! every day for 2 hours so thx for making this
- (2018-09-29) Александр Ковалев: WELCOME TO OSU!
- (2018-09-15) DeepWebInterface: 社保了!
- (2018-08-26) This design really is awesome!!
- (2018-08-16) luiz: nice
- (2018-08-13) jwun: I finally found a good skin
- (2018-08-05) Linirin: PERFECT!!!
- (2018-07-02) Xinyu Wang: it looks really cool from my mind. But the pink colour is quite wired for a boy... :). changed to the dark one
- (2018-06-20) Elizabeth Garrett: FREAKING PP EZ! I love this!
- (2018-06-14) Julian Salinas Rojas: the design is great!...also the black version
- (2018-05-31) Joffridus: nice theme. not too much, a simple theme but a great one, especially for those who are osu-players.
- (2018-05-11) muyang li: 非常好看!!
- (2018-04-12) willa: muito á sei lá
- (2018-04-04) caleb: hi this is really good but, could you make a darker version? the white really hurts my eyes.
- (2018-03-08) Ilyssa Barreda: This theme is so fun! Nice and simple, but now I want to play osu.