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Use to translate your selection or web page
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Description from store
Deepl Inside use translator api to do translation.
You can use context menu or marker icon to trigger DeepL translation, then show the result in your page top ban, navigate later. Or you can open a side panel to show the page content and translate by one click.
Key Features: 👉
1. Call DeepL translator api to do translation, and PK with Google Translator, up or down the translated result. ✊
2. Use context menu or marker icon to trigger translation, specially in twitter, one click to translate your reading tweet.
3. Show the translation result in reading page.
4. Configure the target language, and other profile.
5. Cloud saving your profile and translation history.
6. Free-styled document translation
7. TTS to speak your selection and translated content 🎧
8. Open a side panel to view the web content and click to translate. 🚀
Last Release 1.12 at Aug 2021: ✊
No Ads!
Deepl care translating , we care reading.
Have fun! 🏝
Latest reviews
- (2022-03-08) michał kowalski: it's perfect! thanks
- (2021-09-09) Pavel Formánek: No Czech language selectable.
- (2021-06-23) Mind Hacker: Constantly spoofs the url queries of many popular websites, such as Changes the address to e.g. and redirects to this page, causing many sites failing to open. F12 console log shows the following: "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 () DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for chrome-extension://nkpdpmomjhifdobiopmgfjjffacldfje/js/ HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for chrome-extension://jeodifopcphhngfhmjdmmcbckenbjnhd/content/static/js/ HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME" Very poor!
- (2021-05-08) Melissa Plotsky: I love the ability to hover over words and get the translation and pronunciation--especially since DeepL is far superior to Google Translate for Japanese. Unfortunately, while this works flawlessly for hiragana and katakana words, it reads kanji using Chinese tones and pronunciation, which makes it useless for learning kanji pronunciations (a problem that the actual DeepL translator on the DeepL web page doesn't have... so this can probably be remedied!).
- (2021-05-04) Michael Buen: When the word of each text is embedded in span tag with inline-block, the translation become word by word. To see the problem, install the extension below, then highlight a colorized Chinese sentence, then use DeepL Inside's translation functionality, the Chinese text on the DeepL's blue area is shown vertically
- (2021-04-29) Han Solo: Pop-up icon appears non stop, even on some images, and STAYS there forever, never fading out. Instead of a translation all I have in the blue bar is the selected sentence in its original language... and a red "bad parameter" instead of a translation. If I chose a language and set it by DEFAULT, I get the translation. Once. Then next time I ask for a translation I get TWICE the selected sentence but no more translation. Great coding.
- (2021-04-22) Maximiliano Lira Del Canto: I like a lot the extension. But I have question to the developer: Can we use our own deepL api Key? The free tier of the API gives to each user 500.000 characters per month to use the API. Why we can´t use that instead to pay?
- (2021-03-31) Floofy Tanker: It was fine for small amounts of text but what if I'm going to translate the whole page? Is there any page translate feature
- (2021-03-21) Michael Chan: Used to be usable but was buggy as sometimes, trying to get it to translate wouldn't do anything (highlight and click the translate button). Instead of fixing these bugs, it got updated with some sort of absurd daily limit that redirects you to their site to pay for more translations. I understand that, get paid for your work. But the daily limit is like one Youtube video title now. Not even a full sentence. Cannot recommend
- (2021-03-11) Jimmy Cheng: expensive
- (2021-03-04) Thomas Mathey: Ne fonctionne tout bonnement pas, avec Brave en tout cas...
- (2021-03-03) ZdrytchX de Frisquilous: Wasn't what I expected so I'm a little disappointed. Wanted to do a full website translation similar to Google Translate, thinking that this would use the DeepL service instead when available but this is a totally seperate utility. This tool seems to work on "highlight, copy and translate" which isn't better than the independant DeepL translation utility app which can be triggered with ctrl+C+C
- (2021-03-01) E TM: Totally what I expected, on par with Google Translate Official one (extension quality-wise)! So good, no hassle. Tho ofc, it's DeepL, which is much better translation-wise. Know of this extension from your recommendation in another extension review lol, so I do think that's the best marketing you can do for now. EDIT: Today, Feb 26th, DeepL translation gave me "forbidden". Only capable of using the Google Translate. EDIT2: Back online, but I kept the edit to give a notice that the service can be gone at any time.
- (2021-02-23) yan j: Best DeepL extension ever! By the way, is there any way to use the extension for PDF file . Thanks!
- (2021-02-19) Abe Simpson: garbage doesn't work dont bother devs obviously braindead.
- (2021-02-05) สาหร่าย หอมทอง: Why the translating tab translate the text and when it done it just show the text that it is not translate?? Can you make it stay translated? And the top panel is good if it's short text but when it's long , oh boys it become a mess. It going to be more useful if it able to translate the whole page. But overall the translator are waaaaaaaaaaay better than google translate keep working!! I will wait for awesome extension :)
- (2021-02-03) SLAI 23: This is awesome, deepL is the one I need.
- (2020-12-09) Cary Yang: Finally! It helps me a lot!
- (2020-12-07) DeepWord App: So smooth, keep my reading no interruption, i love this extension, best than any other translator extension! One suggestion, some time deepl translator is not good enough(most time better than google), anyway, if can add google translator in another line, that would be good for me to understand more clearly. Translation is not easy, one is not enough, double line can resolve it much better, i hope.
- (2020-12-01) Copy Then: Wonderful extension! i can remove the google translator now! I love DeepL, small but great company.
- (2020-11-30) Huang Huan: Welcome to leave any comments here. Or goto to fire some bugs!
- (2020-11-30) Allen Huang: Wow! much much better than google translator! I love the top bar showing, no interrupt my reading (where i also use Deepl Pro, but it interrupt me too much by hot key). thanks!
- (2017-10-17) Huang Huan: 还没读文章,就直接帮我查字典了,nb