extension ExtPose

FoE - Helfer

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Description from extension meta

Kleine Tools und Helfer für ein besseres Spielerlebnis in Forge of Empires

Image from store FoE - Helfer
Description from store Bevor du Zweifel bekommst. Diese Extension verstößt nicht gegen die Regeln von Inno. Da es keine Klicks oder andere automationen für dich macht und Daten nur im Hintergrund mitliest ist es gestattet. Du kannst Deine Stadtdaten an die Webseite foe-helper.com schicken um einen Stadtumbau zu planen oder anderen Spielern die Möglichkeit geben Deine Stadt zu optimieren. Weiterhin zeigt die Extension zur Zeit in Form einer Sidebar: - Kostenrechner( Kosten der jeweiligen Plätze) - Eigenanteilsrechner (Reihenfolge der Einzahlungen + Eigenanteilsrechner) - Produktionsübersicht - GvG Übersichten + Minimap - Verhandlungsassistent - eigene FP Produktion (Wie viele FP produziert meine Stadt?) - Außenposten - Güterübersicht - uvm. Fehler oder Wünsche können direkt im Github gemeldet werden: https://github.com/mainIine/foe-helfer-extension/issues Oder frage viele tausend andere Spieler auf unserem Discord-Server: https://discord.gg/z97KZq4

Latest reviews

  • (2024-09-05) A “Monere”: Убрали все самые полезные функции upd. я вернул их самостоятельно ))0)
  • (2024-02-17) Ed Ga: Leider musste ich meine Bewertung von 5 Sterne auf 3 reduzieren. Grund: Die neue FP Leiste verhindert das man schnelle Kämpfe in den GG machen kann. Es gibt einfach schon zu viele unnötige Hilfen.
  • (2023-10-26) Jürgen Kwast: Der FOE Helper hat bisher gut funktioniert. Aber seit dem letzten Update funktioniert der Eigenanteilsrechner nicht mehr. Schade bisher war ich voll zufrieden.
  • (2023-08-14) Nick Rieder: Probably the best tool I have used in a long time. Definitely helps when trying to calculate the 1.9 threads and make sure I am not missing any productions or incidents. I can keep up with my productions and see how much I make daily in productions. It's a well useful tool.
  • (2023-07-14) Otto Garhammer: seit dem update steigt der eigenanteilsrechner ständig aus. deswegen kommt dieses teil bei mir in den müll und wird auch nicht mehr installiert. funktionen die vorher einwandfrei liefen, steigen jetzt aus wenn man in die nebenwelt wechselt.
  • (2023-04-28) ENRICO SGROI: ormai non ne faccio più a meno utilissima per calcoli e le negoziazioni
  • (2023-02-15) September Rain: Who is giving this extension less than 5 stars, do they even know what they are doing? FIVE STAR REVIEW: Who am I: Experienced FoE player, 5+ years, 1G+ on Rugnir, OG guild founder on Birka, other worlds for advanced units and fun. My setup: Started on mobile and used foetools.com for 1.9 investing (stop swaps now!). A lot of flipping back and forth between the FoE app and a web browser for foetools. Still love the mobile app, think the iPad experience is okay but mostly use the PC full web browser game now. Will occasionally remote desktop from the iPad to PC which works well with an Apple Pencil. I run Chrome for FoE exclusively, setup multiple profiles on each PC, one for each world, and only use that profile for FoE only. Install FoE Helper in each of those profiles but not in any of my main profiles that are linked to email or Google accounts. This is a general recommendation for all extensions beyond the basic few by Google, only run them in other Chrome profiles that way they never have access to your personal information or accounts. Same goes for Facebook, Instagram and other sites that sell your personal information. Benefits: FoE Helper has the best 1.9 and 1.9x investing tools around, it makes drops safe and painless. It instantly shows you all the spots and what is locked or over-primed, and is also obvious if you are already on the level. These are the main mistakes people make and it solves them all. It now remembers your 1.9x amount for each thread you use, and of course you can customize the 1.9x amounts using quick presets. I always delete the 85% amount and add 1.92, 1.94, etc. Make sure to turn on the "other players" option for the second 1.9 tool. The city view map tool is always essential, change to top view and 140% and make window larger to get a fantastic view of your city and any wasted space. Optional but super useful for major city redesigns: Upload your plan to the rechner website for a free-form city redesign tool, requires creating a login there and linking your FoE player ID, after that it's painless. The incident tool is also super handy! Alerts you to the number of incidents in your city and generally where you should look for them: water, beaches, grass, single lane or double lane roads, Guild Expedition (ToR relics) and Settlement for Flying Island. Then there are about 20 other tools. A couple are really handy for GBG especially the one that tells you what time sectors are unlocking and then the Info box which shows messages as they come in without having to leave what you are doing - essential for running flips with other guilds. If you have a BG (Blue Galaxy) then you absolutely need this tool to help with your daily collection. The key thing is that all of these tools "float" over the game screen and don't interact with it so the information is readily available as you need it, no flipping away or opening and closing windows non-stop! While it's still good at 1080p having extra screen real estate at higher resolutions really makes this extension shine: at 1440p it's fantastic and I'm sure 4K is even better!
  • (2023-01-14) Андей Попов: Страшное приложение возможностей больше чем кнопок в самолете,но полезное если разобраться.
  • (2022-12-17) Jason Hiller: People who have had trouble with this extension don't know what this extension does. People who use it simply cannot play without it. It's very good. It builds a large cookie file to store all the data it keeps track of for you, such as who has motivated and tavern sat for you. You occasionally need to clear the cookie out to restore performance. But people complaining about donating to it, so what it brings you to a donation page. Click no and use it for free with no restrictions and if you want to donate later you can.
  • (2022-12-11) Barnabás Bebők: Enélkül használhatatlan és idegesítő a játék 5*
  • (2022-11-25) Nicolas Visci: Aiuta molto nella semplificazione dei calcoli all'interno del gioco, estensione utilissima. Non fà niente di automatico quindi non va contro le regole di Foe. Installatela e aiutate la community a tradurla in italiano.
  • (2022-10-23) MeisterBuck: Just attempted to load this as a Chrome extension. The only thing that happens is a screen pop-up asking for donations. No link to the helper, no instructions, nothing. I'm going to leave this as an extension for a couple days in the hope an update is quickly done... If negative stars were an option I'd vote with those... The donation page is full screen and extremely annoying - especially as you have zero chance of trying the tool to see if it's worth donating to in the first place... Have since found the tool, no mention on the Home Page that a reload of FoE is necessary. Upgrading rating to 3 stars at this point; will re-evaluate in a few days... Have now used the Helper about a week and have the following to add: 1. The tool does have some powerful items, city planner and event tracker (helps monitor Friends activity - if any) to name a couple.. 2. The FoE Helper webpage will not change to my country of Origin/Language use. Everything is in German. This is not good. 3. Apparently the donations page is tied to the language preference as attempting to donate results in Euro payments only, which would incur a conversion charge.. apparently US currency is not acceptable? 4. Keeping the rating at 3 stars as between the above issues and the reply from the Developer, I don't believe any higher rating is truly warranted at this time... 5. The link/button for the Cookies option is BROKEN... You cannot fully accept, nor can you see what the cookies are that FoE Helper is trying to post/collect.. Note to the Dev: I'd like to suggest you take a look from the User's side... There is nothing to indicate a reset of the game is NEEDED to see the tool, the extension button takes you to a glaringly large donation page - that's it. The tool itself may work rather well in game, but the support page needs some serious work... and once someone does reach your donation pages, it would be very nice to be able to read the options in a language I fully understand, and to donate in a currency that does not require extra funds due to conversion costs... You might also tone down the personal attack verbiage I think the reference to an "aluminum hat being too tight" was uncalled for... I'm on a PC with windows 10 using Chrome as my web browser.
  • (2022-10-21) Jessica Harry: LOL Like this the way it is no updates needs settings to Disable updates Sick of having to change the block negotiations all the time it gets updated & other sittings Just a pain in my assss to reset things Again After a update on 11 worlds there is a lot of things I would rather not have to see
  • (2022-10-17) Gilles Vincent (Technova): J'ai bcp aimé cette extension qui s'avère quand même intéressante bien que visiblement réduite au minimum. Mais j'ai reçu un message du serveur m'indiquant la détection du script. J'utilise désormais Firefox, tant pis pour l'extension, je n'ai pas envie de risquer le ban.
  • (2022-09-07) Aragoonnat sota: super
  • (2022-08-03) Anton Simonov: Все работает хорошо, но иногда всплывает самопроизвольно Инфа по согильдийцам, причем приходиться ждать пока это окно еще загрузится где-то 30 сек, после чего только его можно закрыть.
  • (2022-06-30) Annoying Kinase help: Все работает идеально уже несколько лет, спасибо.
  • (2022-05-30) Ta Isios: Все... полный кирдык... даже то, что полезного оставалось(калькуляторы вложений, подсказки по ивентовым строениям после сбора с галактики) перестали работать. Окна подсказок не открываются... только мелькают и все.
  • (2022-05-29) Fabian Uhlemann: Hallöchen, finde dieses Tool sehr toll. Hat bisher immer gut funktioniert und unterstützt ungemein bei den Planungen sowie Verhandlungen. Bei mir funktioniert seit dem letzten Update leider die Produktionsübersicht nicht mehr :/ Grüße
  • (2022-05-10) Jörg Möltgen: Seit dem Update heute keine Übersicht der Produktion mehr unter WIN 11 und Chrome
  • (2022-04-08) Alicja: I dislike how the windows are now locked and cannot be resized by dragging the windows corner like they used to. Also they cannot be moved to hide them partially off screen. Thats very, very annoying and inconvenient, especially on my 15" laptop. I'm surprised it's not optional.
  • (2022-03-23) Martin “mki” Kifmann: In Chrome schaltet das Tool neuerdings irgendwann im Box mode auf Minimalbreite 5 und Minimalhöhe viereinhalb Icons. Any 1 else?
  • (2022-03-08) Bertrand Marianne: Petit Probleme la Barre de s'affiche PLUS ;( a regler !!!
  • (2022-02-26) Yakov Egorov: Версия нерабочая: основное окно приложения стало совсем небольшим (вмещает 4 иконки и еще осталось пустое место справа). А кнопки влево/вправо не работают
  • (2022-02-25) Dobromir Yordanov: Alerts function not working since last update
  • (2022-02-23) Сэм Селезнев: Не работаета вкладка "синяя галактика " После последнего обновления сегодня исчезла вкладка "синяя галактик " совсем! Перезагрузка Chrome и переустановка расширения не помогли! Как можно вернуть вкладка "синяя галактик " в FOE Helper? Не работает вкладка " помощник боев "тоже.
  • (2022-02-22) Roman Belov: красота
  • (2022-01-08) Josyane Lachambre: j'aime bien cette extension, je ne sais pas encore bien me servir de toutes les fonctionnalités et j'ai une question sur l'aide aux po/mo, à quoi correspondent exactement les Action 1, Action 2, Action 3 etc.... svp ?
  • (2021-12-21) Sven Kraas: Funktioniert sehr solide. Mittlerweile ist soviel drin was ich gar nicht benutze, kann man zum Glück auch fast alles ausblenden. Nur für die "Gilden Mitglieder Übersicht" gibt es offenbar nix. öffnet sich leider jedes Mal wenn ich in die eigene Gilde gehe. Die Notizen auf W22 funktionieren auch nicht, da geht einfach gar kein Fenster auf. Verstehe nicht warum damals die Plünderfunktion ausgebaut werden musste, fürs Snipen ist ja immerhin auch noch was drin.
  • (2021-12-05) Imre Barta: Gyakorlatilag nem működik semmi a 2 nyíl látszik és közte nem nyílnak meg az ablakok. Javítás után biztosan több csillag lesz.
  • (2021-11-30) Pavel CV: Tres baneos en una semana. El último ban de 7 días. La desinstalaré.
  • (2021-11-26) Greg Bill: Extension non autorisée par Inno. Je viens de me prendre 7 jours de ban.( Seule extension installée) Voila la réponse du Community Manager. Nous n'approuvons aucune extension pour Forge of Empires.
  • (2021-11-20) Алексей Парадигмович: Расширение наркотик, установив его уже не понимаешь как можно играть без всех этих полезных функций. Я кстати гайд по использованию на ютубе снял, так как новичку в игре понять какая менюшка зачем нужна сложновато.
  • (2021-11-04) Сергей Кувшинов: Своим небольшим +5 попробую приподнять рейтинг приложения. 1. Очень удобно подсчитывать гарант, жаль что коэф не выбрать, он либо 1.85\1.8 и 1.9, или коэф твоеё арки. ну да ладно, если все в 1.9 качать, вообще гуд. 2. Звуковые уведомления на события\сообщения\ движ на ПБГ и проч. 3. Для вкладчиков: Всегда видно есть ли в вс гарант, и сразу показывает сколько надо вложить. Но так же как и в пунке 1 коэф расчитывает. Для всех тех кто минусит расширение. Валите с игры, читеры.
  • (2021-10-21) Denis Rad: Amazing app, thanks you
  • (2021-10-18) KroGeorge: Γλυτώνεις υπερβολικά πολύ χρόνο σε πράγματα που μπορείς να τα κάνεις έτσι και αλλιώς μόνος σου. Εγώ προσωπικά το χρησιμοποιώ αρκετά!
  • (2021-10-15) luca castellaro: non riesco davvero a capire il perché di tutte queste recensioni negative, io mi ci sto trovando davvero benissimo! Se poi quelli che se ne lamentano la usavano per giocare sporco, allora tanto meglio che se ne lamentino, è una prova del fatto che è un ottima estensione
  • (2021-09-17) Rafael Piloyan: подскажите за это банят в игре ?
  • (2021-09-08) Мандит Мандит: Здравствуйте, я не могу установить это приложение, я его устанавливаю, захожу в ФоЕ, и все как обычно, подскажите пожалуйста.
  • (2021-08-29) Frank Teich: Kommt gar nix ausser PayPal spenden. Gehts noch oder was. Ich zahl doch nix ohne das ich den Mist getestet hab. Netter Versuch gleich mal gemeldet. Ihr Penner
  • (2021-08-21) Danny S.: Sehr hilfreich um nicht noch mehr Zeit für FoE aufbringen zu müssen. Ich warte übrigens auf das Update, dass das Burgsystem mit einzieht. Die FP und Angriffswerte sind ja noch nicht mit eingerechnet.
  • (2021-08-20) Alex Andru: Nice!
  • (2021-08-16) jorge pestana: Muito útil para quem joga Forge of Empires!
  • (2021-08-02) Kristien Marvellie: Voor wie wat ondersteuning wil, en het spel toch eerlijk wil spelen, een onmisbaar hulpmiddel.
  • (2021-08-02) Es war am Anfang ein nettes Werkzeug. Heute nach mehreren Updates um nichts. Kann man irgendwo ältere Versionen bekommen?
  • (2021-07-30) yuni moni: 2 stars because its not useful. Most of the functions are not necessary for me. Top of all, negotiation helper. This is useless. Much better off using my own brain. and too many updates, and each time the setting goes back to the default mode. (unselected boxes become selected again, the order of icons are back to FOE helper original.)
  • (2021-06-17) 2 RWShopper shopperw: good stuff, has a few odd behaviours.
  • (2021-06-13) martin hawkins: Everytime i open it all I get is a donate page. This extension is worthless.
  • (2021-06-13) Urszula Badura: Zainstalowana wtyczka , nie działa mi w grze co źle robię?
  • (2021-06-08) eric busarello: L'extension est bien sauf que les prod journalières de trésorerie, de pfs et de ressources ne fonctionnent plus. C'est vraiment dommage car c'était très utile pour voir comment utiliser ces packs de rénovations


100,000 history
3.2986 (442 votes)
Last update / version
2025-03-12 /
Listing languages
en nl pl ro ru fr de sv
