extension ExtPose

Storybook WEB

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Description from extension meta

Storybook WEB tells you which company's website you are currently visiting and how trustworthy it is today.

Image from store Storybook WEB
Description from store When you browse around a website, the browser bar always shows credit bubbles in the colors of the traffic light, indicating the trustworthiness of the website owner. Clicking on the score bubble opens an information window with the company's brand and background image - aggregated data of the company from registers, open data and from all over the web space, which we enrich with background information about significant credit and financial capabilities in real time. PS! There is no need to make costly data interfaces to the software. Valued information is now always available in real time - anywhere on the web and in applications that need information to find customers, assess the background of companies, identify contacts and individuals, or get lists of similar companies by product / service. Some usecases for Storybook WEB: * e-shop reliability assessment - when buying from an e-shop with a high risk score, there is a higher probability of not receiving the ordered goods or the e-shop is delayed in completing the delivery. However, you can also read the comments added by other e-store users and leave your rating there if you wish. * Assessing the reliability of suppliers - by reading the descriptions of goods and services, you can view the reliability of the supplier and the future forecast of your credit score, or find other reliable suppliers of similar products / services by products / services. * Assessing the credibility of the employer - by looking at the brand background of a potential employer, you can view active job advertisements and assess the ability of company to pay wages and, if desired, contact them through a chat window. * The background of customers, suppliers, employers, board members is visible everywhere on the web. If you use a browser-based CRM, ERP, etc. application, you can see real-time information about companies and board members in small information windows. It is also easy to find companies that offer similar products / services based on keywords. * Monitoring the progress of the company - in order to receive weekly overviews of the events taking place in the company, companies can be monitored. * The Web Browser extension works globally - you can order a credit report from any international company. Reports can be selected from companies in 81 countries. Storybook WEB helps you make good and right decisions with real-time, up-to-date information - anytime, anywhere. NB! The credit score model (accuracy 99.5%) has been developed by Estonian data researchers. The model has been developed using machine learning methods that incorporate self-learning algorithms and are able to identify hidden relationships and make predictions based on them.

Latest reviews

  • (2022-12-08) Margo: Innovatiivne ja mugav.
  • (2022-12-07) Sander: Igati rahul!
  • (2019-12-10) Raul Järve: Olen juba pea igapäevane kasutaja. Väga abiks on, kui soovid kiirelt tundmatu lehe omaniku kohta tausta.
  • (2019-10-08) Hermo Soodla: E-poe usaldusväärsus kohe kiirelt näha - ei pea hakkama googeldama, et kes on omanik ning mis riigi firmaga tegelikult tegu jne jne... Kui "aeg = raha" siis see laiendus peaks olema kindlasti installitud!
  • (2019-10-08) Mattias Nõlvak: Midagi täiesti unikaalset! Ootan huviga ka välismaa firmade kohta sama võimalust
  • (2019-10-03) Keijo Laas: Teeb ostlemise ja teenuste tellimise internetist palju turvalisemaks tänu ettevõtte krediidiskoori näitajale. Lisaks tagab ülevaate teiste klientide kogemustest antud veebilehe omanikuga. Kõige rohkem meeldib kuidas avalike andmete pealt on loodud mõtestatud lood ja ülevaated ettevõtte tegevuse kohta.
  • (2019-10-03) Rauno Unt: Väga huvitav laiendus! Saan enne ostmist veenduda, kas antud firma on usaldusväärne ja kas tasub mida neilt teillida või mitte. Töötab nii firmade kodulehel kui ka annab väikse ikooni firmade kohta, et nende tausta kohta uurida. Isiklikult väga kasulik ning hoiatab ette, et halva mainega firmadelt petta ei saaks, olgu see kas siis netist ostmine või mingi muu äri. Palun tehke Mozillale Firefoxile ka! :)
  • (2019-10-03) Liisi R.: Mulle eriti meeldib see, et saan artikleid lugedes kohe selle isiku nime peale klikkides näha, kui palju tal ettevõtted väärt on. Super lahendus!
  • (2019-10-03) Marie Rosin: Soovitan soojalt :)


1,000 history
5.0 (11 votes)
Last update / version
2024-08-15 / 1.5.4
Listing languages
et en
