extension ExtPose

MONKNOW Nueva Pestaña - Panel Personal

CRX id


Description from extension meta

Esta es la nueva pestaña con la que sueñas. Admite la gestión de grupos de URL del sitio web, sincronización de datos, modo de tema…

Image from store MONKNOW Nueva Pestaña - Panel Personal
Description from store caracteristicas: · Búsqueda y marcación rápida. · Sincronización de datos, simplemente cree una cuenta y todos sus datos se sincronizarán. · Grupos de iconos, clasifique los iconos de marcación rápida según sus necesidades. · Haga coincidir automáticamente la imagen del icono oficial cuando agregue un icono personalizado. · Personalice el icono, puede cargar jpg, png, svg, incluso gif para su propio icono. · Personalice el diseño del icono, puede establecer el tamaño del icono, el espacio, la opacidad, etc. · Personaliza el fondo de pantalla, puedes subir jpg, png para tu propio fondo de pantalla. · Miles de íconos en la biblioteca oficial de íconos. · Miles de fondos de pantalla HD en la biblioteca oficial de fondos de pantalla. · Mostrar a página da ecrã de bloqueio quando você não estiver ativo ou sempre que abrir uma nova guia. · Admite el modo de tema claro y el modo de tema oscuro. · ToDo te da enfoque. ACERCA DE PERMISOS: · Tabs (NECESARIO), cuando hace clic en el botón de la barra de herramientas MONKNOW, la extensión necesita este permiso para obtener la URL y el título de la pestaña actual para que pueda agregar este sitio web como un icono a su extensión. Esto no se envía ni se almacena en otro lugar. · Bookmarks (OPCIONAL), para importar los marcadores de su navegador a MONKNOW New Tab, la extensión necesita este permiso para leer sus datos de marcadores. Esto no se envía ni se almacena en otro lugar. Para obtener más información sobre la privacidad y la seguridad de sus datos, visite https://www.monknow.com/privacy-policy. AYUDA Y SUGERENCIAS Envíenos un correo electrónico a [email protected]. Features: • Search & Speed Dial. • Data Sync, just create an account then all your data will be synced. • Icon groups, sort your speed dial icons based on your needs. • Match official icon image automatically when you are adding a custom icon. • Customize icon, you can upload jpg, png, svg, even gif for your own icon. • Customize icon layout, you can set icon size, gap, opacity and so on. • Customize wallpaper, you can upload jpg, png for your own wallpaper. • Thousands of icons in official icon library. • Thousands of HD wallpapers in official wallpaper library. • Display the standby page when you are inactive or every time when you open the new tab. • Support light theme mode and dark theme mode. ABOUT PERMISSIONS: • Tabs (NECESSARY), When you click the MONKNOW toolbar button, the extension needs this permission to get current tab's URL and title so that you can add this website as an icon to your extension. This is not sent or stored elsewhere. • Bookmarks (OPTIONAL), To import your browser bookmarks to MONKNOW New Tab, the extension needs this permission to read your bookmark data. This is not sent or stored elsewhere. For more information on privacy and the security of your data visit https://www.monknow.com/privacy-policy. HELP & SUGGESTIONS Email us at [email protected].

Latest reviews

  • (2023-10-28) Xiaolong: GREAT extension.
  • (2023-10-14) 衣雪行风: 建议能把边栏放在上面或下面
  • (2023-10-14) Jürgen Weißböck: Funktioniert bis jetzt super!
  • (2023-09-10) adowado Li: 软件很好用,但是我安装了edge浏览器后,monknow自动被导入过去,然后我的monknow里的收藏网址全都消失了,特意退号重新登录还是一样情况.已经发邮件求助了,用了2年第一次遇到这个情况啊,我所有的网址全没了,为什么资料存储在服务器里会因为更换浏览器登录就变成这样呢?
  • (2023-09-03) Kristian Kardén: I like the extension, but please explain why it doesn't work with Opera. After installing the add-on I still get the original Opera start page.
  • (2023-09-02) ૨uslanツ[Ŧ]: В целом неплохо, но, сравнивая с Speed Dial [FVD], было бы лучше, если: 1) Добавили возможность добавлять закладки из открытых вкладок; 2) Недостающие иконки/обложки выбрать из поиска, а не искать и скачивать их самому; 3) Была возможность копирования (а не только перетаскивания) закладок в другие группы; 4) Цветовая палитра заливки была более гибкая по выбору, иначе для нужного цвета приходится искать и вбивать код вручную.
  • (2023-08-19) Плохой Очень: Господа, это просто прекрасно!
  • (2023-08-18) JhecC (ジェック): Loving this extension, it's been almost a lifetime searching for this one.
  • (2023-07-23) Yvonne Jiang: 很好用的标签页 主要是占内存小 非常顺畅丝滑
  • (2023-07-13) user.ru 495: Это шедевр.
  • (2023-06-21) Bob Loucks: Links need to be added manually for new folders... you can't add an existing article to any folder like many bookmark sites allow :(
  • (2023-06-19) Marcelo Conti: Me gusta mucho, muy sencilla y práctica, estética y funcionalmente lo que buscaba. Algo que está genial es que se sincronizan perfectamente los cambios del browser de mi pc con el de la chromebook que uso. Estaría bueno agregar la posibilidad de un backup para reconfigurar el desktop tal cual lo tenemos, si hay algún problema en una actualización (ya me ha sucedido de perder todo con otras extensiones) muy buen trabajo, felicitaciones.
  • (2023-06-08) Cerberus T: 用了好几年,过来补一个好评,这个起始页已经成了我的生产力工具了,对于一个经常做行业研究的人太有帮助了。
  • (2023-06-08) Roman “dotWizard” Zheludkov: Это одно из самых простых расширений отвечающих всем требованиям визуальных закладок. Нагрузка минимальная, синхронизация простейшая, без всяких комбайнов внутри, и совершенно бесплатное. А самое важное работает без сбоев и обновляется, в отличие от гигантов, которые похоже положили на свои поделки.
  • (2023-05-24) 暮烟: 总体上非常不错,提几个小小的建议:1、增加文件夹功能;2、允许锁定布局,固定图标位置,不自动递进排列;3、增加类似WETab那样的动态壁纸。
  • (2023-05-18) Gus Navi: This new Tab extension its beautiful and amazing. I love the synch feature as well as the styles, yet I really want to love it. I wish there were "Widgets" to take notes (like a sticky note kind of thing), weather, date, and time within the bookmarks page when you open a new tab. Otherwise this NewTab extension is amazing and productive.
  • (2023-05-18) Pierre-Emmanuel BOUTRUCHE: Il ne manque plus qu'une synchronisation sur les smartphone et tablettes
  • (2023-05-06) violet hua: 自动更换壁纸频率,能否增加上限,现在最多只能一天
  • (2023-05-01) 徐大爷: 最喜欢的新标签扩展,希望能分别设置深浅色主题的墙纸就好了。
  • (2023-04-29) 尹以杰: 好用
  • (2023-04-27) Naum God: Идеальное приложение организации закладок. Спасибо реально давно искал такое удобное дополнение. РЕСПЕКТ!
  • (2023-04-24) Fa mily: It's good, I just wish we could add Brave search in the future since it has a built in AI already. Or better yet, let us install our own search engine like Phind for devs.
  • (2023-03-30) 夏枕风眠: 很棒,很高效
  • (2023-03-17) Лорд Тьмы: самое лучшие расширение для новой вкладки, я много пробовал ''новых вкладок'', ну это самое лучшее из всех, правда настроек в кастомизации не так много как хотелось, ну главный плюс лично для меня, это личный кабинет.. я часто меняю и систему и браузеры, и личный кабинет меня выручает, не приходится всё заново настраивать, ввёл почту и пароль, держи свои сайты
  • (2023-03-05) Yazmín Cerdá: La mejor extensión que he probado. La uso desde hace 3 años y ya no puedo hacer nada sin ella. Se la he instalado a mi madre y está muy contenta porque ahora tiene todos sus accesos disponibles con un solo click. La recomiendo para incrementar la productividad en el trabajo y también para personas mayores ya que se puede configurar y personalizar el tamaño de los iconos y el fondo.
  • (2023-02-20) Chathushka Peiris: whoever created this extension... great work! indeed this is the quick dial i was looking for!
  • (2023-02-14) mo ra: very good It would be great if the following feature could be added to the plugin - RTL support in the user interface - Add selected site through open tabs - Adding a preview image instead of the site icon - Up and down groups instead of sidebar And... adding Persian language with a suitable font👌
  • (2023-02-02) Дмитрий: Отлично!!! Спасибо!!!
  • (2023-01-23) grek greczynka: There is no way to delete your account if you want to. There is no export/import option. We're sharing our emails and data with the developer, about whom we don't know much, actually nothing - just take a look at their website. My bookmarks have all been lost one day - just disappered. And there's no way to retrieve them back. My big NO.
  • (2023-01-15) S3-NAVEGAR: Muy buena y elegante extension. Con la extension para movil estaria completa.
  • (2023-01-03) Anton Serpukhovitin: отличное расширение, выбрал из многих именно его.
  • (2022-12-21) 赵炳卓: 使用的移动设备,希望能加上上下滑动切换分组
  • (2022-12-16) 小石头: 超级好用,干净,整洁。一点建议,如果能让自己添加的网址获取图标就更好了。
  • (2022-12-06) 1.标签搜索功能有点鸡肋,如果两个标签名字差不多,只能搜出来一个, 而且得全匹配,不能快速模糊搜索 2.建议增加文件夹功能,相同网站分组.目前存一近百个标签,又不支持模糊查找,一直翻页很麻烦. 3.导出功能多会能实现,反映多久了, 还是没有实现这个功能!
  • (2022-11-17) Parakeet709: Server errors did not stop, but it is good
  • (2022-11-09) David Martini: Best speed dial I've found. Love the appearance. Replaced Speed Dial 2 with this one. One problem, the toolbar add button has disappeared from Edge and Chrome. Adding a new webpage has to be done manually. The button is still in Firefox's toolbar. Hope it gets fixed and returns.
  • (2022-10-26) Abcik: Попробовал много расширений, это показалось самым гармоничным и приятным. НО мне немного не понравилась анимация при наведении на закладку.
  • (2022-10-16) Egor: Ребята! Расширение просто супер!! Наконец-то не венчурный шрифт, никакого гигантизма, да и в общем весьма приятный интерфейс. Множество настроек позволили сделать тот самый минималистичный каталог с закладками. Я хотел сказать каталоги!! Множество каталогов по разным смысловым темам по которым суперудобно перемещаться скролом! Нормальная синхронизация - присутствует. Спасибо вам большое!!
  • (2022-10-06) Quick Bird: The best extension! I love it and I've been using it for a long time. Please, allow to hide search bar. I always use url bar for search, so the search bar is useless and annoying. Thank you!
  • (2022-09-26) brave bomb: 是不是恰烂钱了,安装了该插件的chrome最近打开京东直接秒退(表现为关闭标签页),排查了好一会才找到这个问题。
  • (2022-09-26) alan Yang: 多平台同步,界面漂亮,超喜欢!
  • (2022-09-20) Adrian Coroian: Amazing extension, the best for his category of new tab experience. I wish only one feature more... folders option for each shortcut. Please add this feature to be perfect :)
  • (2022-03-22) Cristian Colombo: Así como esta es perfecto, no pienso actualizarlo por las dudas. excelente extensión!
  • (2022-03-12) No Name: Лучшее
  • (2022-03-05) Srinivas Merugu: Creating issues with the browsers. 1) If you use it in Vivaldi, it prevents opening vivaldi://bookmarks/ or vivaldi://history 2) If you use Brave, "Show bookmarks only on new tab" doesn't work. Extension is great and I love it but it shouldn't create issues. Correcting these would make it wonderful. *** Edit - Rated 5 star as its an issue with Browser not with the extension. Good to use this extension
  • (2022-02-24) Lawliet L: 好使!简直就是长在了我的审美和操作习惯上
  • (2022-02-16) Atty Cotler: Brilliant!
  • (2022-02-15) Jarvis Edwin: 很喜欢这个产品,感谢制作团队,它确实帮了我大忙,优秀的页面设计和功能分区让我能很轻松的找到需要的网页 []~( ̄▽ ̄)~*
  • (2022-02-13) xuan: 为什么monknow没办法再opera gx运行?

Latest issues

  • (2023-10-15, v:5.5.0) JOSE MIGUEL CONTRERAS CORZO: unwanted search box
    Please, could you give us an option to eliminate the search box? I only want to see my shortcuts. Please
  • (2023-08-31, v:5.5.0) adowado Li: 我的数据全都丢失了,如果需要我的具体信息,请回复我的邮箱信息
  • (2023-05-20, v:5.5.0) Mojas 84: Hi please add function with add folder with personal pictures, photos.
    Hi please add function with add folder with personal pictures, photos??????
  • (2023-02-21, v:4.6.0) Aleksandar Aleksandrov: Vivaldi
    I can't put Monknow to Vivaldi - my love browser. Is there solution to that problem?
  • (2023-01-26, v:4.6.0) Reinar Church YouTube: I would like to know, how to backup
    Good afternoon. I want to congratulate you on the excellent application. I would like to know, how to backup all settings, for a fresh install of Win 11. Thanks
  • (2023-01-25, v:4.6.0) Mike Shipway: Vivaldi Browser
    Can't get Monknow New Tab to work in Vivaldi browser on Win 11. Any suggestions please?
  • (2023-01-24, v:4.6.0) Rexford Finegan: Opera
    How to set up in Opera?
  • (2023-01-05, v:4.6.0) Yunus Çakır: Can't Use In Opera GX
    Hi! I really love your extension but I can't use it on OperaGX. The default speed dial is coming and coming. What should I do?
  • (2022-12-18, v:4.6.0) Marius-Valentin Văduva: Hi Google, Alphabet!
    I like that you let us have our own voice, so thanks somewhat guys. Chhers to the team.
  • (2022-11-04, v:4.6.0) 蒋世纪: 文件夹分类功能
    需要翻阅的收藏页面太多了 左侧的分类栏根本不够用 能否增加一个文件夹功能 给我们自己分类使用
  • (2022-09-26, v:4.6.0) brave bomb: 安装了该插件的chrome,打开京东后闪退(表现为关闭当前标签页)。
  • (2022-05-12, v:3.11.0) Puneet Jain: In-build Note Taking Feature
    It will be great if you could add a note taking & sync feature.
  • (2022-03-07, v:3.11.0) Reginald B. Sparkle: Change E-Mail
    Hello, in your privacy policy it says that I can change my email address, but unfortunately there is no option in the settings to change the mail address
  • (2022-03-05, v:3.11.0) Srinivas Merugu: Add Quotes for a day
    Is there an option to add quotes automatically which changes everyday at the end of the screen? I would be great if we can have it as an option.
  • (2022-03-05, v:3.11.0) Srinivas Merugu: Disabled Search Bar?
    Is there a way to disable Search bar? I don't see any option
  • (2022-02-16, v:3.11.0) Joe Federico: Other Sync options....
    Your extension is awesome!! Really ... long time I've been looking for something like this. Do you have plans to add Nextcloud sync? or any personal file share sync other than yours?
  • (2022-02-05, v:3.11.0) Srinivas Merugu: Creating issues with the browsers
    Creating issues with the browsers. 1) If you use it in Vivaldi, it prevents opening vivaldi://bookmarks/ or vivaldi://history 2) If you use Brave, "Show bookmarks only on new tab" doesn't work. Extension is great and I love it but it shouldn't create issues. Correcting these would make it wonderful.
  • (2022-01-27, v:3.11.0) Srinivas Merugu: Unable to open internal urls of vivaldi
    I have installed a chrome extension to control my new tab which I was using in Chrome but at the same time I want to access Bookmarks wide page and History pages which shows everything and are very useful. If you don't understand what I mean, open the start page and click on Bookmarks/History, it will take you to below pages. vivaldi://bookmarks/ vivaldi://history/ But when I paste it in the address bar and hit enter, nothing happens then a blank page. Any help on this please? https://forum.vivaldi.net/topic/71336/unable-to-open-internal-urls-of-vivaldi/3?_=1643293070016
  • (2022-01-07, v:3.11.0) Борис Буханов: Не удаётся установить своё изображение на фон.
    Здравствуйте! Исправьте пожалуйста такую ошибку как "Ошибка сервера" при попытке установить своё изображение на фон, которое заканчивается провалом.
  • (2021-11-06, v:2.12.0) Сергей Жужнев: Добавление monknow в Яндекс браузер
    У меня не получается добавить Вашу вкладку в Яндекс браузер. На всех остальных она работает и мне очень нравится. Есть возможность установить в Яндекс браузер?. При установке из магазина chrome сообщение что "invalid manifest" I can't add your tab to the Yandex browser. It works for everyone else and I really like it. Is it possible to install a browser in Yandex ?. When installing from the chrome store, the message is that 'invalid manifest'
  • (2021-10-20, v:2.12.0) 쥬르륵: I need Naver..😥
    Korean users need Naver. I wish I could choose Naver from the search engine. Thank you for the good program.🥰 https://www.naver.com
  • (2021-07-26, v:2.12.0) Martin Neumahr: Server/Network error
    Hi, I want to import my Bookmarks and it says Server/Network Error. Any idea how to fix it?
  • (2021-05-29, v:2.12.0) Olivia Finalo: Icons
    Is it possible to reset the icons that are displayed ?
  • (2021-05-21, v:2.12.0) allmighty Asian: Optimised version for kiwi browser
    Please make a mobile friendly layout
  • (2021-04-20, v:2.12.0) Brett Maiolfi: Exporting
    Is it possible to export the items/bookmarks?
  • (2021-04-04, v:2.12.0) Samson Nosmas: Option to remove searchbar
    Please add an option to switch off the search bar, thanks!!
  • (2021-03-12, v:2.12.0) Алексей Н: weather service is not working
    weather service is not working
  • (2021-02-04, v:2.12.0) Pavel Velichko: I cannot change the picture of the website
    I cannot change the picture of the website. Writes network error
  • (2021-01-09, v:2.12.0) Carina Parry: Text cannot alter size or colour
    Just been playing around with your speed dial and think it's great, but my only negative is not being able to alter the text size or colour. Not only under the speed dials but also on the side where the groups are placed. I have around 50 groups so scrolling down the side I'd presume would be slow and a lot to scroll through. I think this would really benefit the app. It's a great app otherwise.
  • (2021-01-03, v:2.12.0) Edmundo Mendiola: Support keyboard navigation
    Support keyboard navigation (tab, arrow, enter keys; in Chromium, Raspberry Pi OS).
  • (2020-12-06, v:2.11.1) Pavel X: Wishes (two)
    Thanks, good application (tried about 5 similar ones). Wishes: 1) Ability to make an icon from a screenshot of the site. 2) Ability to move links to sites to different places on the home page. For example 5 to the left, 10 to the right. Or slightly increase the space for one row. I mean something like creating groups on the same screen. For example, in my case, I have a lot of free space and it is much more convenient to have everything on one screen, but at the same time so that all these links do not turn into a complete mess. Thank you.
  • (2020-12-06, v:2.11.1) Pavel X: Icon
    Thanks, good application (tried about 5 similar ones). Can I replace the blue app icon in a tab? I sometimes use the home tab as a separator (this is necessary for a better understanding of which sites are open in tabs, but now Chrome has groups with signatures and different colors, but this is not always convenient) and this one does not stand out very much, so I would like to replace it. This icon was not found on the debug page in the "Source" tab, is it possible to replace it yourself? I think the classic "Black House" will be better. thanks.
  • (2020-11-14, v:2.10.0) Abdalrahman Azab: Weather problem again
    Hi ... the weather problem has appeared again ... the loading sign appears but the weather is not yet
  • (2020-09-27, v:2.8.1) 药丸乙烷: 请支持CSS
    能否支持CSS ?
  • (2020-09-15, v:2.8.1) comunicación académica UNRC: vivaldi browser
    How do I configure the extension in vivaldi?
  • (2020-08-13, v:2.5.1) Abdalrahman Azab: weather service is not working
    This add-on is great and I really liked it ... But a problem appeared since yesterday .... the weather service is not working ... it just shows a sign for loading but it is not working .... my internet connection is good and stable ..... Overall .. Thank you for this great extension
  • (2020-08-12, v:2.5.1) 09_Arkopal_ Sen_1202: Shows Server Error
    I've been using this extension for a week and loved it. However, since yesterday, it gives me a "Server Error" almost everywhere (setting wallpapers, account, adding websites, etc). I reinstalled the extension, but it still shows the same.
  • (2020-07-29, v:2.5.1) Chou Chris: 无法登录,也无法添加自定义图标
  • (2020-07-29, v:2.5.1) irito K: MONKNOW 新标签页
    登录显示服务器错误???希望 能解决
  • (2020-06-06, v:2.5.1) Danny Mertens: Mobile version
    Not really a problem more a request, love the tool!!! Is it possible to use this on a mobile, phone, tablet, I know it's not possible to use extensions on the mobile browser now, but maybe an option to generate a webpage, application with our shortcuts that we can open in the mobile browser? Thanks!
  • (2020-05-26, v:2.5.0) danny fitzsimmons: custom icon
    when I try to upload custom icon it gives server error, Love the program elsewise.
  • (2020-05-21, v:2.5.0) damao mai: 360浏览器无法支持
  • (2020-05-08, v:2.5.0) Liang Mary: 无法在刚开浏览器时打开
  • (2020-05-07, v:2.5.0) 一滴墨: w10chrome无法添加
    能在应用商店搜索到添加时一直显示错误! 火狐可以用! Edge可以用!
  • (2020-05-06, v:2.5.0) 庞Yu: 登录
    新装win7系统 标签页无法登录 提示 服务器错误
  • (2020-04-20, v:2.4.1) M.Aref Rezaie: Disable middle mouse button scrolling
    I usually open the websites by clicking the middle mouse to open in new tab. but when I click middle mouse button it shows the scrolling icon every time.if you guys can disable that feature that would be awesome. ("No smooth scrolling" extension works only in websites) and also if there was an button to open the websites by one click that would be good.
  • (2020-04-17, v:2.4.1) 小橘子呀: 分组优化
  • (2020-03-28, v:2.3.3) monknow: Permissions have been changed since 2.3.2
    Hi there, Last week, MONKNOW New Tab was removed from the Chrome store. The review team told us some permissions that we used in our product were violating the policy. It looks like there is a BUG in their review tool. We tried to explain every permission we used in our product but it didn't make any change. It took us much time to figure out the exact permission which was violating the policy (Because they didn't tell us this). Finally, we got the reason after 4 times resubmit rejection. When you click the MONKNOW toolbar button, the extension needs to get current tab's URL and title so that you can add this website as an icon to MONKNOW New Tab. Before 2.3.2, we use ActiveTab Permission to achieve this. Since 2.3.2, we start to use Tabs Permission instead of ActiveTab Permission. It is the reason why you see the permission change. And this change is not so scary like you think. We just use it to get current tab's URL and title, without being removed from the store. We have explained it in the product description. Warm regards, MONKNOW Developer Support Team
  • (2020-03-27, v:2.3.3) monknow: Permissions changed since 2.3.2
    Last week, MONKNOW New Tab was removed from the Chrome store. The review team told us some permissions that we used in our product were violating the policy. It looks like there is a BUG in their review tool. We tried to explain every permission we used in our product but it didn't make any change. It took us much time to figure out the exact permission which was violating the policy (Because they didn't tell us this). Finally, we got the reason after 4 times resubmit rejection. When you click the MONKNOW toolbar button, the extension needs to get current tab's URL and title so that you can add this website as an icon to MONKNOW New Tab. Before 2.3.2, we use ActiveTab Permission to achieve this. Since 2.3.2, we start to use Tabs Permission instead of ActiveTab Permission. It is the reason why you see the permission change. And this change is not so scary like you think. We just use it to get current tab's URL and title, without being removed from the store. We have explained it in the product description.
  • (2020-03-13, v:2.3.0) Samson Nosmas: export / import
    Hi. I use this extension on different browsers. The problem: There's no export/import functionality (or even better a synchronize tool) to keep all browsers up to date.


20,000 history
4.689 (418 votes)
Last update / version
2024-05-16 / 6.5.1
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