extension ExtPose

專注清單: 番茄鐘 & 任務清單 & 番茄工作法「管理工作日程和學習計劃,培養專注習慣」

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Image from store 專注清單: 番茄鐘 & 任務清單 & 番茄工作法「管理工作日程和學習計劃,培養專注習慣」
Description from store 專注清單結合番茄工作法和任務管理,幫助您專注於當前的工作和學習,養成專注習慣,提升效率,告別拖延症! 生活中繁重的工作和學習任務讓您倍感焦慮,無法進入工作學習狀態,無法集中註意力,任務太多不知從哪裡下手。專注清單幫您從繁重的任務中解脫出來。 工作計劃日程,學習目標計劃,甚至生活中的各種待辦事項,都可以輕鬆記錄,不用擔心忘記任何事情。利用番茄工作法,拆分任務到25分鐘時間塊的子任務,開啟番茄鐘,專注執行待辦清單的任務到計時結束。專注清單就是如此輕鬆地讓你完成你待辦清單上的任務。 主要功能: - ⏱番茄鐘:功能強大的番茄鐘,計時期間請保持專注! 番茄鐘計時器的開始,休息,暫停,停止操作。 自定義計時器時間,長/短時休息的時間,長時休息的間隔。 自動開始下個番茄鐘,自動休息,禁用休息。 - ☑️任務管理:您腦海中一閃而過的任務或者想法都能整理和記錄到任務清單中 任務規劃 & 項目管理,工作日程、學習目標、生活瑣事,都能分門別類記錄。 任務提醒鬧鐘,重要任務都能準時提醒。 任務重複,你要每天學習一個番茄鐘,或者養成早起的習慣,你少不了它 任務預計番茄數,預估任務的預計完成的目標時間,心裡對工作量有數,你能更輕鬆 子任務,將大任務拆分成一個個小的子任務,原以為很難的任務也不過就幾個小任務的組合而已。 備註,任務的備忘錄 任務優先級,用顏色區分任務的優先級,標示您一天中最重要的活動 - 📊報表:記錄自己點滴的成長歷程,記錄所有的任務和專注時間 番茄專注時間和番茄數量統計 番茄專注時間的分佈日曆 日/週/月三個維度的番茄數和任務數量的曲線圖 完成任務數量統計 待辦清單時間分佈統計 - 🖥📲多平台同步:無論何時何地,專注清單都是實時在線 任務清單在iPhone、Mac、Android、Windows、iPad、Apple Watch無縫同步。 - 🎵豐富的提醒: 時鐘計時完成/休息結束鈴聲提醒、振動提醒 多樣鈴聲可選 多樣的白噪音,大自然的聲音助你沉浸在工作和學習中 問題反饋郵箱:[email protected],24小時內回复 官網: www.focustodo.cn 您可能還在因為繁重的工作和學習任務而焦慮,立即行動是消除這種焦慮的唯一方法。開啟一個番茄鐘,保持專注,執行任務直到時間結束,焦慮也會隨著任務的完成而消失。 已經累計幫助用戶專注近「2億」小時,加入我們,專注清單幫助您完成任務消除焦慮。

Latest reviews

  • (2025-03-11) Damian Irigaray: Ultimamente ha estado fallando. Se pone en blanco y tengo que desinstalar e instalarla de nuevo.
  • (2025-02-27) kdkk zl1glp_xw: 五星好评
  • (2025-01-24) Yunji Lim: 기능이 좀 더 생기면 좋겠음.
  • (2025-01-21) Leonardo Dias Ferreira: Gostei muito.
  • (2024-11-03) Vladimir Petunin: Love it, helps me be focused and don't waste energy on switching between the tasks. Thanks for that. Makes my work done.
  • (2024-08-25) 박종필: 컴터로쓰기좋음
  • (2024-06-26) Alaz Tetik: The extension was fantastic until recent visual errors appeared. I emailed about these issues, but it seems the team member responsible for CSS design is not aware of the errors on desktops. Please address and correct these visual discrepancies.
  • (2024-03-08) 안시우: 다 좋고 맘에 듭니다. 그런데, 별점을 3개준 이유는 설치 후 일정 시간이 지나면, 타이머가 울리지 않습니다. 25분으로 설정 후 화이트 노이즈를 틀어 놓으면, 첫 1~2주 정도는 잘 작동하는데, 그 이후에는 타이머가 울리지 않습니다. 화이트 노이즈를 틀어놓지 않아도 동일합니다. 유료로 결제해도 증상은 사라지지 않습니다 오로지, 정기적으로 프로그램을 삭제했다 재설치 해야만 타이머가 작동합니다. 이거 개선 안 되나요?
  • (2024-02-20) sojy john: Great one..have been using this for sometime now. Not an ask but if there was a feature to add our own music/sound that would have been great. [20Feb24] Still using this and very useful. Please give an option to start week on a Sunday. Thanks!
  • (2024-01-25) joel mena: Hay un bug que me sobrepone los proyectos al desplegar una carpeta
  • (2024-01-25) عبدالكريم الجهني: الاضافة جميله وعمليه وفيها مميزات جباره وقيمه من تقسيم المشاريع لمهام والمهام نقدر نجمعها بتاق لكن المشكله انه التزامن لازم تدفع وكذلك كل المشاريع والتقسيمات إذا قفلت البرنامج بتروح عليك
  • (2024-01-24) thomas espinoza: love this app has really helped my focus and retention.
  • (2024-01-05) Annie Lee Gilliland: Love it! I use this daily as a teacher to plan my SEVEN preps, plus my second job as a business owner in the evenings. My favorite thing is that the tasks will still show as overdue so that even what I don't get to, I can still focus on and limit myself to that productive pomodoro 25 minutes. The subtasks are golden, so that I know exactly what I need to do during that time. Plus, syncing between all of my devices is invaluable so that I can log my time.
  • (2023-12-27) Hala Happiness: j'utilise cette application depuis des années et je ne le changerai jamais merciii
  • (2023-12-21) Cristian Silva: Muito útil para controle de pausas no trabalho.
  • (2023-11-24) Ajay Gathadi: I tried multiple pomodoro apps and websites and landed on this. I thought let's try it out. And I really loved it, The UI, The Settings, Various Sounds, special chrome tab for clock and the various designs for clocks. Really Loved it, Thanks for developing this.
  • (2023-11-24) Magda Mikeskova: very helpfully! thanks
  • (2023-11-23) J: It helps me do work and helps me focus (even when I may be tired). This is great for students, and I really love it!
  • (2023-11-22) Agnieszka Grabowska: Mega pomocna app dla osoby z ADHD, która ma problem z koncntracją i zarządzaniem czasem. Polecam!
  • (2023-11-22) Lautaro Medeiros: 10/10 pipi cucu
  • (2023-11-17) 굿
  • (2023-11-17) Phạm Thị Phương Thảo: useful for enhancing time management skill
  • (2023-11-15) amulyagowthami gandikota: nice many options to choose form
  • (2023-11-15) ALEJANDRO JOSE REYES RAMIREZ: me ayuda mucho a cumplir mis objetivos
  • (2023-11-14) Johnrikson Limpin: The white noise helps a lot. Momentum was good visually, but I needed something that can help me from getting distracted and I can use across platforms. This is doing the job so far. It's much cheaper as well so 5🌟. Though, its missing option to resort/reorganize the tasks.
  • (2023-11-14) guowei kang: 非常好用
  • (2023-11-13) EMELY DAYANA GONZALEZ LOPEZ: Muy practica, util y facil de usar
  • (2023-11-13) Areej Fatima Sheikh: good app. i love it
  • (2023-11-13) Andre: Es muy útil, me ayuda mucho en la concentración y la disciplina. Me encanta!
  • (2023-11-13) amadou diaw: très utile
  • (2023-11-13) Vignesh Ilangovan: It is so easy and convenient that it has become an integral part of my routine. I can't believe I'm saying it, but if you tend to use the Pomodoro technique more often than out; this app is something to seriously consider paying the one time fee for to use.
  • (2023-11-12) mahdi bac: très efficace
  • (2023-11-11) Aydan Malçok: Odaklanma problemi çekenler için şahane bir uygulama
  • (2023-11-11) Nguyệt Như: hỗ trợ học tập tốt, k dùng pro vẫn ok
  • (2023-11-11) Afika Macingwane: Easy to Use.Helpful. Helps to track how much productive time you actually have, so that you do think you have a better sense of time usage. I would however like to rate each session at the end.
  • (2023-11-09) JUAN RAMIREZ: Es una aplicación muy útil para avanzar las tareas del día.
  • (2023-11-09) 7th: i hate the idea that there no group option in extension option because i study with my friends through my laptop not through phone it will be PERFECT if there option to study with group in extension
  • (2023-11-09) Lucas Vieira: Varias funções, interface simples e direta, gostei bastante.
  • (2023-11-08) Fatima Viveros: útil para enumerar las tareas pendientes, con fecha de vencimiento y aumentar la concentración. Para mi es de las mejores apps que hay de pomodoro, sincronizable en múltiples dispositivos.
  • (2023-11-08) Breitner Gil: Es muy buena!! La llevo usando desde hace un año mas o menos y me funciona muchisimo a organizar mi trabajo y aser mas productivo. muy recomendada!!
  • (2023-11-08) Alexandre J D Souza: muito bom!
  • (2023-11-07) Хаецкий Владимир: уже несколько лет им пользуюсь- уже не могу без него работать
  • (2023-11-07) Avery Cyr: This is a life saver!! Love it!
  • (2023-11-07) Tetiana Luts: Simple and extremely useful.
  • (2023-11-07) Sabrina Nadira_A: bagus banget dah pokoknya kalau dibuat timer untuk belajar
  • (2023-11-07) Сергей Фадеев: Все прекрасно, единственное так и не нашел как включить всплывающие уведомления об окончании периодов. Звук не всегда слышно при окончании
  • (2023-11-07) Aleksandr Balashov: very good app
  • (2023-11-07) SOUMYAJIT PAL: This is a very useful application for users who are looking to obtain higher levels of productivity.
  • (2023-11-06) andre tenorio: bom do bom


600,000 history
4.8182 (11,043 votes)
Last update / version
2024-03-06 / 7.0.0
Listing languages
