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Hide likes and other vanity metrics on social media websites for a more authentic online experience. Supported sites: - Facebook -…
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Description from store
Hide likes and other vanity metrics on social media websites for a more authentic online experience.
Supported sites:
- Facebook
- Twitter
- YouTube
- Reddit
- Instagram
Latest reviews
- (2023-07-26) Thiện Lộc: I've been using this for 1 years and have no problem. It saves me a lot of time.
- (2023-02-23) Balázs Gyurák: Great idea, love it! One feedback, or more like a feature request. If I click on a photo on Facebook (make it almost "full screen") I can still see the likes. It would be great to hide likes there as well - sometimes I want to see the large format of my friend's photos, but don't care about the likes. EDIT: as of 2023 it doesn't work on various sites: on Youtube it only hides the subscriber count, nothing else, on Facebook it doesn't hide comment reactions, and doesn't work at all on Instagram. I've reported to the developer multiple times but was not fixed, so uninstalling and changing my rating.
- (2023-01-21) Emiliano Fleitas (MangerzArt): MMM Is working for youtube/facebook , but not for Instagram, when you hover over your own post you still see the likes, also when you click and watch the post , you also see the number of likes. would be nice if it worked like instagram Hide like count, the problem is that you need to do that for everypost. So if you fix that for insgram you have my 5 star.
- (2022-10-14) 温水洋一: youtube側の仕様が変わり機能しなくなってました 更新されるまで一切youtube見ません
- (2022-09-22) Tamila Bulakh: The idea is what I needed. Saves motivation and creativity, and mental stability. But this most needed change for Instagram doesn't work for me(
- (2022-09-08) テルヤ: 動画に対する評価は表示されてしまう。 コメントに対する評価は隠れるようです。 2022年9月
- (2022-07-11) Sion S: 100% recommend this to everyone. It's great for your mental health. Would love it if it covered (Hiding views, followers, even metrics in dashboard for streamers etc.) as well.
- (2022-03-15) Antoine: The extension doesn't works on Instragram !!!!! I still see the numbers of followers... Please help me how I can hide the metrics on instagram ???
- (2022-02-13) ニックネームなし: twitterの動画再生回数も非表示できたら最高
- (2021-12-23) Nome próprio Apelido: quando eu uso o google imagens os gostos aparecem
- (2021-10-01) Božidar Tanić: Works good.
- (2021-08-12) Michelle Leung: Exactly what I was looking for!
- (2021-07-19) Sol Chávez: It´s great to have a tool that makes invisible thing like views, likes, subscribers. It´s so easy to only focus on the numbers. It´s not perfect but it´s great and useful.
- (2021-07-04) 今野智幸20: Youtubeの評価数が表示されるようになってしまいました。更新をお願いします。
- (2021-06-22) kurage: Youtubeの再生回数と評価は表示されます。
- (2021-05-31) Naga: 現在Youtubeのいいね数は隠れないようです。
- (2021-05-28) David Lataille: really dope, i've noticed an overall improvement in my mental health since i started using it. would love to see this implemented with some more websites. (ie. soundcloud, tiktok, pinterest, tumblr, etc.)
- (2021-04-01) 本当に素晴らしいです。まさに私が探していたものです。本当にありがとうございます。
- (2021-03-11) Simon Fiastre (nakwada): Been using it for few months, but it seems it doesn't work anymore on YouTube since early March 2021.
- (2021-03-09) B. König: I really like the idea and it mostly works, but when you hold your mouse over a profil picture or username (for example in the comment section), you still see the follower count in the preview of te ig acount, also if you just google an instagram acount you see the follower count under the page shown in Google. Idk if that can be changed but good work!
- (2021-02-18) Jerome Stueart: I'm not sure if it's hiding MY likes from other people... or does it just hide the likes from others on MY timeline? I'm just not wanting folks to always see my likes---I mean, that's what retweet is for!
- (2021-01-14) Ishan Agarwal: It works.
- (2021-01-05) enzo: I would like an app for android to hide likes on instagram.
- (2020-12-31) Liam Bell: It dos what it says it will do, it works on all the sites I have tried, I have not encountered any bugs or issues, so this gets 5 stars from me!
- (2020-12-09) Martim Afonso: THANK YOU, this is the best extension i ever tried! Do it for phone too pls. I only need an extension to always sort comments by new youtube and it'll be perfect
- (2020-11-09) justin phangg: Super Nice!
- (2020-09-30) Hélio: Great ideia! Why not open source?
- (2020-09-27) Guy Morita: Keep up the good work!!!! Fighting the good fight.
- (2020-09-10) Bon Kenny: Great tool for improving your mental state. Wish you could turn off tool for certain websites, if thats an option i was unable to do it. Amazing extension either way.
- (2020-07-29) jennifer Jimenez: On several occasions I have to activate the extension to my networks but I have not succeeded. Likes are not hidden.I have tried google chrome and mozilla firefox and it has not worked. I need a solution please. Thank you.
- (2020-07-08) Denise Rafaeli Cadorniga: Thank you so much! This had made the addiction side of social media less.
- (2020-03-25) Bastian Wimmer: Super simple to use, super powerful, helped me a lot! Thank you so much! :)
- (2020-01-12) Thank you! I had two reasons to use this add-on. I'm hiding every feature so I can only enjoy the video without seeing the judgment of other people. And I'm a YouTube creator myself and hate seeing my own video getting disliked. But disabling the ratings has negative effects for the channel. So this add-on is just super awesome. People can dislike the hell out of my or other channels videos and I can enjoy a clean surface. <3
- (2019-12-17) 宮坂一澄: ◇ Review Great extension. I've been using Stylebot's Chrome extension to remove evil symbols like "Heartmark" and "Star" on Twitter and Amazon. However, recently, the Twitter UI has been updated so that I can't cope with a simple CSS deletion. I was very disappointed with the situation. However, this extension smartly removed only the frustrating parts from SNS. In one shot! I think that thinkers, philosophers, artists, environmental activists, minimalists, introverts, and people with such personalities should use these tools to remove noise from SNS. . ◇ Request Although it is not SNS, Amazon Star is becoming as full of emptiness as SNS indicators. "OMG! This stupid toy has 1000 reviews and is rated 5 stars? I might have to buy it!" ... I would be more happy if you made these smartly removable. (I'm already running the star genocide with Stylebot, but it's not a smart way, it's a lonely battle.) Then, when installing this extension, there was a request for Chrome data. I am not an engineer, so I cannot confirm safety. Once open sourced, I can use it with peace of mind. ◇ Summary Great job! Thank you! ------------------------ [日本語] ◇レビュー すばらしい拡張機能です。 わたしは以前から、StylebotというChrome拡張を使って、TwitterやAmazonなどにある「ハートマーク」や「スター」といった邪悪な記号たちを軒並み削除していました。しかしTwitterのUIがアップデートされたことで、単純なCSS指定の削除では対応できないことが最近になって私はしりました。私は、その事態にひどくがっかりしました。 しかしこの拡張機能は、SNSから、イライラするところだけをスマートに取り除いてくれました。一発で! 私が思うに、思想家や哲学者、芸術家や環境活動家、ミニマリストや内向型、そういった性格がある人は、こういったツールを活用して、SNSから騒音を取り除いてしまうほうが良いと思います。 ◇リクエスト SNSではありませんが、Amazonスターは、SNSの指標と同じくらい虚無に満ちたものになりつつあります。 「なんてこった!このクソくだらなそうなおもちゃに、1000件のレビューがついている、しかも評価が五つ星だって?私はもしかすると、これを買わなくちゃいけないのかも!」・・・。 もしあなたがこれらをスマートに削除可能にしてくれたなら、私はもっと嬉しい。(わたしはすでにStylebotでスターのジェノサイドを実行していますが、あまりスマートな方法ではない、孤独な戦いです。) それから、この拡張機能インストール時に、Chromeのデータの要求がありました。私はエンジニアではありませんから、安全性の確認ができません。オープンソース化されると、私は安心して使えるようになります。 ◇まとめ すばらしい仕事!ありがとう!
- (2019-12-16) The Real Legend: Does as advertised. Digital minimalism is the way.
- (2019-12-03) Juan D. Cisneros: Love it!
- (2019-11-25) Steve Curtis: Maybe we can focus on having conversations now... Love it.
- (2019-11-22) HITESH SAINI: Easy interface. Powerful tool
- (2019-11-22) Sodiq Gbadesere: Finally, a solution to enhance open minded perception in this "LIKE" world we live in. Love it.
- (2019-11-21) Thomas Cahill: Simple, easy, and you won't even notice it slowing improving your outlook of things.
- (2019-11-21) Simon Visser: I can still see the likes. Good idea, though!
4.3958 (48 votes)
Last update / version
2021-11-09 / 1.0.16
Listing languages